Tuesday 7 August 2012

Weight in the five color effects Foods

01 Green Tea (Fat's nemesis).

# Description
The inhibitory effect of green tea a lot of obesity is known.
One of the biggest factors contributing to the catechins in green tea that contains the first place.
Catechin in the body to use fat for energy efficient is to help.

# Test
Kao Corporation of Japan Chemical Company murase colleagues divided into two groups of mice
In a group of high-fat food., And another group fed a high fat ingredients together and fed green tea catechins.

# Results

After 11 months

Weight in rats fed with catechin Measured result only rats fed high-fat fed mice weighed less went out.

In addition, analysis of mice liver in rats fed with catechin I checked the amount of fat more was low, an enzyme involved in fat metabolism gene expression was increased.
Actively using fat as an energy source eventually accumulate in the body would have to avoid.

The researchers

"If you drink green tea and food due to long-term obesity eokjedwae reduce your risk of heart disease or diabetes," he explained.

# Similar Case

March 2005 "International Journal of Obesity 'also published similar findings.
German Institute of Human Nutrition Energy Metabolism Klaus and his colleagues in the group fed with high fat-fed mice with catechin stimulates fat metabolism that were observed at the

02. Beans (diet jeoinsyulrin leader)

# Description

Protein, carbohydrate, fat calories per 1g each 4kcal, 4kcal, 9kcal all. But the case of proteins, more than 10 percent of calories used in the digestion process. The digestion of carbohydrates, calories, spend less than 5%. Deda its high fat calories used when digested calories is only 1-2%.

When proteins are digested eventually wrote a lot of energy to increase the body's basal metabolic rate, so even eating the same amount of calories that are absorbed into the physical body is the lowest.

Just a typical high-protein foods are beans, tofu, miso, fermented soy foods such as represent the same effect.

Kun, Pusan ​​National University, Professor of Food Science and Nutrition, "a typical soy foods with low glycemic index" and "lecithin, especially in fermented ingredient that protects against the effects are constipation," he explains.

# Jeoinsyulrin diet

When ingested, such as glycolipids suran sugar concentration in the blood indicates the degree of increase.
That is a high glycemic index, blood sugar increases, insulin, a hormone that stores body fat better come a lot.
Thus, intake of foods with low glycemic index weight loss is beneficial to you. That 'jeoinsyulrin diet' everything.

Especially the black sesame soy beans, black rice, along with recent "Black Food 3 Musketeers referred to as
As a typical diet foods are becoming jeoinsyulrin.
White rice, white flour such as bread made with white rice boiling with cereal than food, such as rye bread with the same amount of black food, even eating less fat accumulates.

03 Peppers (hot jibangah Taste)

# Description

In Japan, an unusual sight these days you could see sometimes. Contained in a small container of Korean red pepper diet food sold in stores like that.

Capsaicin is the pungent ingredient in chili flavored metabolic been actively improving the energy consumption, heat burn fat that helps the body mechanism. When you eat spicy foods because of fever That's why.
Professor of Food Science and Nutrition, Kunsan National Red - Ginseng and other experts are not so significant, however capsaicin to be effective in controlling weight, are reported.

# Test

Peulrantenga maseuteurihiteudae human biology and the Netherlands, 20 women's team 30 minutes before meals to target anything that does not contain capsaicin, insert juice and juice drink, then hunger and satiety after eating the same diet were investigated to feel .

# Results

As a result, the group who drank the juice loaded with capsaicin in a short period of time increases satiety and reduces the amount of fat intake had confirmed the fact.
Professor of Food Science and Nutrition, Catholic University sonsukmi but the "spicy foods to stimulate the appetite to eat a lot of effect it may be even more," he advises.
Rub your appetite If you eat rice with red pepper that you know it 'a lot' Did not eat.

04. Onions (I ate a little bit seem to eat).

# Description

National Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Rural Development last March functional team, a kind of onion flavonoids, plant compounds that contain the body and lowers cholesterol levels in obesity, today announced that inhibit.

But so far, including onions, vegetables for weight control that can help lower the calories in fiber because of the view that there are many.
In general, high-fiber foods are effective weight control is well known.

# Survey

H. United States Department of Preventive Medicine Northwestern University women's team nearly 74,000 healthy eating pattern and weight change for 12 years surveyed in December 2004 the "International Journal of Obesity 'has announced.
According to the more obese women who ate lots of vegetables, which was 24 percent ratio.

# Effect

The food you eat high-fiber foods to be absorbed quickly because it prevented the feeling of fullness is not to overeat.
To patients in multiple obesity clinic diet cabbage, celery, onion, vegetables, high fiber intake to the recommended also because of this very soft vegetables such as zucchini or carrot fiber is relatively small.
Fiber helps the bowel movement to prevent constipation, which serves to interfere with cholesterol absorption.
The fifteenth day of climbing on the table a lot of bracken, chwinamul, siraegi a little rough, etc. are rich in fiber like vegetables.

05. Algae and fungi (calorie goyoungyang)

# Test

Division of Food Science and Biotechnology, Pukyong seaweed or kelp in Rats.'s Team from the same algae that Polyguluronate components separated.
The researchers divided the mice into two groups: one group only food that contains cholesterol, a group of cholesterol and other Polyguluronate added together gave four weeks of food.
And a protein produced by fat cells in the blood of rats 'leptin' was a measure of the amount of.

Cholesterol fed rats food. Polyguluronate rats fed with the leptin levels were approximately two times higher.

# Description
Seaweed is rich in mineral nutrients. Of them to be involved in iodine metabolism in vivo has been reported.
However, experts in the seaweed or kelp diet, the effects of certain ingredients that can help raneunde do not all agree.
Body Management Center, Seoul Paik Hospital, obesity, Professor gangjaeheon "Seaweed and kelp are very low in calories because fiber satiety when eaten, give greater effect to prevent overeating," he says.
Do not even land in the sea a lot of calories low nutrient foods are perfect for weight control.
Mushroom that is the hero. Fiber texture similar to meat, mushrooms and is said there are many easy satiety.

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