Monday 27 August 2012

The result of wrong diet!

As a side effect of the diet, I frequently encounter patients with broken physiology. Patients only diet food intake while drifting on the market almost a normal meal not rapidly in a short period of time can lose weight was

With weight loss, however, will come, 'uninvited guests' amenorrhea. Can not of course be pregnant even if you lose your periods. Hair again to return to a normal diet, but the weight beefy than the previous state was increasing rapidly, much worse, physiology has also been stopped because she was afraid Acupuncture was found

2 months of treatment at the end of menstruation and restart-no matter what the cost of a wrong diet, but struggled through discarding the body away money was paid Shem.

And denied their natural look like this 'super-slim two attempt to become' excessive dieting and spoil yourself, moaning diet neurosis in diet, mental disorders, such as bulimia or anorexia to fall even if often see. Therefore, with the correct knowledge about diet to diet, do not be tempted to discard body away money that is desperately needed.

Nowadays often see banners written as '1 months along the road, guaranteed "8kg loss. Terms is absurd indeed. 8kg 8kg to 50kg outgoing people to remove the getdaneun 70kg outgoing person, remove the stick you want to ... Miserable and fat because people have no idea, however, the word on the chest and datneunda.

(Dieter) of Dyer from request to rummaging rummaging the internet for diet counseling career is indeed gorgeous. Did (such and such) people do not do this there is no Saddened costs even treat women in the weight-loss war years floundering noramyeon Why do they many years wandering the second from the bottom but does it have to be ...

The first attempt to escape from obesity, they ventured to simple ignorance 'starve'. However, such a simple choice, you did not think that could be the first step in his life unfold in the future to create a 'diet neurosis' in struggle hits.

 'Starve' soon 'breeds' as a result of gluttony.

Weak commitment and hope you want to be slim taut confrontation with each other. 'Starve' and 'gluttony' appears alternately. Muscle getting the meantime, losing fat will increase more and more. Muscle is the main place to use the energy in our body. Muscle decreases, the energy consumption will be reduced. This is in the form of fat, it will be a lot of excess energy to eat the same stockpile. Furthermore, reduced muscle strength deteriorates. Are losing start aching hate activity gradually reduced and the situation will continue to be serious.

Starve when the results in increasingly degraded metabolism. In carrying in the body, organs, tissues, cells formed a savings of reduced energy intake, "We now line's lost income Conserve!" He shouted system. Then like before the resumption of normal energy intake, the excess energy is more bloated the amount of fat reserves that further increases. It is a yo-yo.
 'Beefy constitution made. Than others to eat the same, there are many times in hiding these past years older steam to appeal to those who

Diet foods to eat instead of rice also starve diet is a subtype of the In addition to restricting calorie intake, there is no other means. Value Months of diet is representative of hundreds of thousands discard the money you want.

Diet rice to eat one thing and do not eat that wonpudeu also starve diet of expediency only. Of fruits such as grapes, apples, potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, the wonpudeu diet, diet, meat diet (aka Atkins), noodles, porridge diet, INSTA diet, milk diet, Denmark Diet Well, they only had the normal deviates from reality can be a bizarre diet that law. Briefly shiny effect, but it's not bringing money, soon more than previous years old, hot pot, and, due to the imbalance in nutrient intake is representative of the diet, the body discard.

 Degrading tragedy gateway induction, and gluttony 'starve' the muscles, reduce fat, increase metabolism, let's not forget the fact that

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