Saturday 25 August 2012

For milk dairy diet (bias)

For milk dairy diet (bias)
Awake from the illusion of dairy products for health,

When we did believe in the power of milk (dairy products)?

In Europe before the 20th century, did he use when making butter or cheese or milk as it did not drink. Lunch program school milk companies and dairies dairy companies in the 20th century, with the advent lobbied the government widened the milk market by introducing people to great drink milk to supplement the nutritional status of the conviction that to instill scientific medical community sponsored. The calcium was the best weapon to support the superiority of milk to dairies.

Milk is the only nutrient of calcium? Escaped from prejudice for milk.

1 Key keunda eat milk.
All the fat in the milk (neutral fat and saturated fat) and growth hormone (rBGH), a child as soon as Wu fatten greatly. Rather be greater in the future, which may not be greater. Followed by excessive intake of milk fat is a lot of supply to the childhood obesity childhood precocious appears. Elementary school grades 1-2, menstruation and breasts coming is happening. In this case, the concavity will start as soon as later, when menopause will come early. Will experience difficulties in weight loss because of the fragile hormone balance. Hormone involved in uterine cancer, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer risk also increases.

2 Milk makes eating healthy.
Milk allergy (atopy), ear infections, asthma, juvenile diabetes, as well causing immunity rather dropped draw. And milk because there were so many elements that interfere with the absorption of iron and anemia-induced causes.

3 Eat milk bones become strong.
Children typically bones to be stronger, the elderly, milk intake for the prevention of osteoporosis. Milk contains a lot of calcium, but the problem is that a lot of calcium absorbed into the body is not.
Says Dr. Frank five ski three reasons.

First, the moment of high temperature sterilization to sterilize the bacteria contained in the milk processing to change the composition of calcium, because no matter how much I drink milk, calcium is that it does not absorb well.

Second, in order to absorb the calcium in milk that contains lactose digestive enzyme called lactase to digest the sugar. However, most of the Asians, blacks and some whites between the ages of 1-3 in the secretion of lactase in the body begins to decrease by five three yen almost disappears. Not be able to absorb the calcium in milk, as well as people who do not have the lactase drink milk undigested lactose germs that inhabit the large intestine of nutrients, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and causes.

Third, milk and other high-protein food, acidic foods because it continues to eat when the person's body gradually acidified chugs along. However, because the human body is slightly alkaline state to keep the calcium stored in the bones will supply them with blood. Exit these interactions is excessive calcium from my bones, and eventually will cause osteoporosis.

Milk to prevent osteoporosis is still low chaenggyeodeu?

Country up to the United States, most countries with high milk consumption osteoporosis. The other hand, patients with osteoporosis, intake of milk or dairy products are relatively rare in Asia and Africa may be difficult to see.

Case Studies

This research study at Harvard University, do not drink less than a cup of almost divided into two groups: the group you drink more than two glasses of milk a day, a week with a whopping 70,007 thousand patients was conducted. But after 12 years, appeared to be rather higher fracture rate in the group who drank a lot of milk, will casually.

Drink milk acidification of the body, for that reason, scholars cite. The blood of our bodies are designed always to maintain a constant ratio of acid and alkaline. But animal protein causes acidification of the blood in the body, because of the acid. Therefore, the alkaline minerals needed for the body to neutralize the blood. At this time, being the most easily mobilized bone calcium. So a lot of milk and animal protein intake, the more that will cause the results to promote a Osteoporosis.
Have children who do not eat milk and many countries around the world take a look at it much more durable than children eat milk bones. Eat milk bones, discard the prejudices, or health becomes stronger.
Because the calcium content of dairy products such as milk, eat?

The milk is not the only nutrient that has calcium. A lot of food to replace the milk.

But that calcium intake should not be. You must think about the balance of calcium and magnesium. Proper ratio of calcium and magnesium is 2: 1. Muscle contraction, calcium, magnesium is a nutrient that helps the muscles to relax. Happened calcium intake by muscle contraction, muscle cramps if problems are occurring off the energy consumption reduction in basal metabolic rate, Metabolism and may result in Weight loss rate will be reduced accordingly. Magnesium yellowish-green beans, brown rice, vegetables, fruit (apple, pear, persimmon) contains.

Dairy products for health, but taste because you want to eat, when you eat the right amount of amounts of animal protein for the balance of calcium and magnesium intake that interfere with the absorption of calcium and yellowish-green vegetables, legumes, seaweed, fresh fruit, cereals, excessive to reduce your intake.

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