Friday 17 August 2012

Holiday season, "Do rests a healthy diet How are you?"

After the rainy season ends and summer vacation is put in soon. Ready for the sea and mountains, but the people who want to relax at home, endless people is substantial. Yeah, especially the holiday season there are many people who want to start a diet. Were younger age, for continued health care to prevent the rapid skin aging, and the resulting costs can be reduced in terms of health jaetekeu the best time to summer vacation can be said.
Of course, a steady diet, exercise and diet and health management through the body must abide by. Holding a plan with a busy work life if I did not practice, triggered by the holiday season why not try the diet, absorbed in?

■ hot drinks and ice cream should never drink!
You should never want to lose weight is a snack. In the summer it is most difficult to control the temptation of drinking water! Sh moment while eating hot drinks and ice cream ice cream and other pitfalls to watch out for most of the diet is Carbonated beverages such as colas and cider-based thermal mass of the princess who resembles Bob.
Some bottled water and natural diet would be best to drink. Hold on bottled water at all times it is helpful to eat. Natural drinks and snacks with fresh fruit is also good. Fruit drink made by grinding the frozen watermelon eating it like ice cream eating throw thirst diet is effective in eliminating.

■ Do not forget to stretch!
If you are interested in diet, the importance of stretching will know learn. Ppeolppeol shed sweat all over the place, but came together to break down muscle means free, and get rid of cellulite is because bodirain hold. Mommaneuro stretch because it can not require any special tools are suitable for home alone. Stretching is important, especially before sleep. So my spare time I need to stretch a good idea to manage fatigue and body.

■ Herbal detox diets are not a bunch!
If you want to wager on a diet while on vacation and you can lose weight healthy diet herbal detoxification is recommended. If detoxification diet, chronic constipation, digestive dysfunction, metabolic disorders, such as gihyeolsunhwan more healthy diet, physical imbalances can be straightened out.
Herbal detox diets toxins accumulated in the body, the body dispose hazardous waste groups to help lose weight just by cleaning up "liver detoxification" and "colon cleansing" is.
"Liver detoxification" stacked stones in the liver and eliminate waste is to remove the body of toxins. If you need a liver detoxification, including obesity, various diseases can be prevented.
"Chapter three" chapter features remove the trouble, etc by restoring to facilitate the overall metabolism and circulation.
If you remove the body of the doksoman obesity, as well as improve the ability of our body as a whole better. Therefore, detoxification in the treatment of obesity is an essential process that should precede you.
The natural constitution and according to the viscera of the fiction and the treatment of obesity should be the default. Excessive dietary restrictions, and starved, excessive exercise, but regular meals, and personalized exercise and behavior modification therapy can lead to a diet if you entertain. This approach improves the fundamental constitution prevents so happen to yo-yo phenomenon.

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