Sunday 26 August 2012

Diet is not difficult.

Diet is not hard.
Innate skinny, her secret weapon

Clothing carefully, eating well look more attractive results came According to the survey, 20 men, rather than a blind date fucking prudish. Much to eat, that is easily bagasse years old, slim women should be.

If so, does a large amount of food to eat flesh bagasse innate How skinny are created?
Lifelong obesity obese women to live as the Body? According to the results of a study published recently chubby women easily could make any innate skinny.

Skinny women, a lack of oxygen '

University School of Medicine, California, USA, in the constitution for dry sieving and obesity obese people than skinny people asparagine hydroxylase (FIH) has many research results showed that This enzyme is mainly active in the oxygen-deficient environment evenly in the body to supply more oxygen, which plays a role.

However, the state in order to maintain a skinny asparagine hydroxylase (FIH) is less of a low-oxygen state should be harder to breathe when the low-oxygen state, our bodies blood cells as the body moves more energy because you can see the effect of increasing the efficiency.

Thus, even high-fat food intake equally skinny people to maintain a low oxygen state bagasse flesh easily, whereas high metabolism, obesity, low energy efficiency, people LDL cholesterol levels rise, the risk of diabetes, liver easily be exposed outside the is not.

How to create a 'state' oxygen-deficient body

Not born into asparagine hydroxylase (FIH) Having just Obese maintain.
It just to practice a healthy lifestyle you can replace it with a skinny

The most basic way is to eat three meals a certain amount of Unnecessary increase in the oxygen gache overeating because high oxygen state. Therefore, to maintain that role when eating low oxygen conditions such as vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, selenium intake is recommended.

Germ of cereals, whole, foods rich in vitamin E, and vitamin C rich foods such as green tea leaf, green peppers, kale, jujube, green peppers, spinach, mugwort, radish, groundsel, asparagus, pumpkin seeds, oatmeal, liver, greenish yellow vegetables is rich.

If a lot of stress, excessive oxygen supply is determined by the supply of oxygen., Whereas in our daily stressful if you receive less able to maintain a low oxygen state.

Diet is not difficult. Life with just a small change in the effect can be seen.

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