Wednesday 22 August 2012

Experts say exercise for 12 ways to lose weight

If you are planning to exercise, diet, exercise specialist in the United States says Greg landry, please remember that, under the principles.

Do not follow fad diets.
The banana diet, green tea diet, and so most of the fad diets do not have much effect. Of course, your decision might be a slight change in body weight do not know. However, our bodies, "homeostasis" to safeguard the natural law that will increase again because the shrunk body weight may increase rather than before. Moreover, fad diets are essential for the body to consume muscle metabolism tends to destabilize the state and creates helpless.

Avoid trendy exercise and exercise equipment.
Given that exercise, buy exercise equipment where you attend sports center that it is possible there are people who think. But look around us, without such a thing There are many ways to exercise. To lose weight, just remember the principle that move. In addition, the best exercise is still steadfast walking, jogging, hiking, biking, weight training, etc., please remember that.

Get an early dinner.
In one study simply to eat hearty breakfast, lunch and light evening meal to control the way that eating alone is said to reduce weight. Eat dinner as early as possible is recommended. I like her a good idea to at least four hours before.

5km, 10km walk or run the degree we recommend that you create a situation that can.
For example, during rush hour, or, if the way to school is also available. Or hiking clubs, inline skating clubs, participate in the marathon group are *. More than five times a week, especially during peak travel essential is what happens, this time walking, playing time, if utilized, the effect of regular exercise appears naturally. In fact, using this method, look for stories of people who are said to lose weight easily. Remember! Do not you think you can not do. You can do it.

You can enjoy motion search.
Many people enjoy walking in the beautiful outdoors. If you do not have much beautiful views, listening to music, walking, walking walking with friends and enjoy themselves. This way, besides a variety of different ways you can think of will.

Aerobic exercise. (Walking, jogging, swimming, stationary cycling, aerobic dance, etc.) in the morning and get 30 to 60 minutes every day.
Aerobic exercise to burn your body fat will be a lot of hormone secretion. In addition, stored fat to make hormones, reducing the basal metabolic rate to burn calories, improve, so very good. The human body is designed to move every day. If you do not move nearly all day, your body has accumulated a lot of fat I want my free will. Conversely, if you exercise your body will try to get rid of fat. First, make time to exercise every day by going to Start!

Three times a week, your weight training.
Basal metabolic rate increase muscle, should be able to burn more calories. Basal metabolic rate increases, you burn more calories even while sleeping can be Taengtaenghan body and youthful appearance of the people, gives vitality to life.
Please refrain from drinking.
Basal metabolic rate dropping alcohol, increases the appetite. And, above all, are high in calories.

1.8L per day drink as much water.
To maintain our body functions will require large amounts of water. Especially the water to feel fuller and help you lose weight because if you want to carry around a water bottle to drink frequently throughout the day and save

Do not weigh every day to lose weight!
There is a change in body weight during the day. However, the real fat loss and weight change does not reflect the increase. Ash weight, about once a week is recommended.

Possible in the morning to exercise.
Continue to exercise 90% of people who are exercising in the morning. If you exercise in the morning, that day will feel cheerful. In addition, many people in the morning to exercise may contribute in developing an appetite for a day to speak.

In the evening of 15 to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise is a good degree.
Dinner before or after the aerobic exercise is more effective. Kind of exercise a fun and safe, and that you have selected and tired in the morning, walking in the evening, like a bike and get a different kind of movement.
The intensity and duration of exercise that is always in the need to change gradually. If you're beginning to exercise your strength to the weak from the beginning rather than to be greedy and get a slow start.
From the pump.

  Do not be greedy from the beginning Start slowly with weak intensity.

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