Monday 13 August 2012

Many foods diet food copper?

"I can not stand violence, has chosen to commit suicide."
According to recent news that, despite a young age youth violence, adding friends, avoid extreme choices that the student has committed suicide are often the content.

Experts at the age of the young people get violent incorrectly tells the reasons for eating. Korea Institute for Youth Juvenile and his colleagues are protected from the Metropolitan Youth High School Students in Seoul 104 people, 104 names and an interview survey results compared to the delinquency of minors, adolescents are more than twice the average intake of junk food are the result suggests.

Changing nature of the components of food 'Copper'

Juvenile delinquents enjoy and fast food, soft drinks, sweets, chocolates and so forth, compared to other foods that contain a lot of copper nutrition. Of copper minerals in the body that exists is one involved in the production of red blood cells is potent because it is essential to our bodies.

However, if ingested over copper requires drastic changes mentally, emotional, violent personality, depression, schizophrenia can come and apparently healthy, anemia, nephritis, liver cirrhosis, osteoporosis, rising cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, blood vessel rupture, immune deficiency, hypothyroidism, etc. can cause various diseases.

Production in 2004 was actually "Super Size Me," a documentary film, I paeseuteupudeuman himself to eat three meals a day as collateral to the experiment. As a result, only a week after a 5kg weight is increasing and simultaneously experiencing depression. Not enough nutrients to the diet affects the psychological element is given.

In other words, these days, which is recognized as social problems of children caused by violent resistance that food falling into the views of experts semyida.

'Copper' diet make it difficult for many food

Copper is essential for our bodies need mugijilin zinc deficiency lowered the levels of the state makes. The role of zinc improves the immune system, improve liver function, insulin production, activation of muscle cells, and essential in the diet plays a role in controlling appetite.

But all the features of zinc deficiency weakens the body adversely affects their health. Weaken the body's metabolic functions even if a diet is not easy to lose your body weight will be made.

Healthy body and mind to the left or right food to eat in the usual

Since 1983, more than 20 years of youth violence about food and criminal psychology professor at the University of California study, Dr. Schindler to the delinquency of minors, a focus on natural, rather than an instant to a slow food diet change and saw the number of 11 131 cases of violence that had cases has decreased, children's learning abilities, the results were also rising.

Food is one that could change the nature of children is a crucial factor to improve eating habits through That's because low blood sugar stabilization. A lot of sugar such as fast food and processed food intake, with low blood sugar that affects the emotional ups and downs, excessive secretion of adrenaline and violent resistance is strengthened.

On the other hand, if the slow food ingested to inhibit the absorption of fat and fiber levels of bad cholesterol and lowers LDL cholesterol, keep blood sugar levels regularly given the children's personality and emotions are stable. Slow Food is the most common food eaten in our stock is hansik.

Thus a healthy body and mind are not looking at it from a distance. Usual food intake and lifestyle check what it is, actively to improve the areas for improvement is most important.

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