Friday 31 August 2012

The safest and most effective diet

1 Do not starve absolute.

Called Eat This disposal is not a story. Anyhow exercise meal calories
Difficult to consume. It is no surprise that reducing diet yen to eat Oh.
Maran will never starve, but keep in mind.
Body of the people. Not to eat before the creature's body automatically genetically programmed is.
Die because not eat. As the drug's addictive, oh, oh, have a biological
Are addicted to food. Mankind has been starved while living most of the time evolution.
So eat three meals a got busted because they ate less days of the last 100 years, so in the meantime
Person's body is not going to eat it, when the case has been made.
Because when food abundance is not even in abundance when the food you eat, the body will be stored as fat.
Starve when you can so that fat consumption while sustaining
The reason for this saying that this mechanism works gumeumyeon because
Normal diet should eat to starve in the body which do this, the following things happen.
First, it reduces muscle. Muscles that consume a lot of energy in order to accumulate energy
Oh, because reducing muscle Second, it increases fat Surprise. For energy accumulation
It is natural that the increase in fat cells. Third, it increases the energy absorption. In fact,
This is the problem. Absorb more energy and eat the same amount of food
Will save. Eat the same amount of food as before in this state, the more fat your body
Accumulation. More body fat is weighed before and changed it worth
Easy sieving saljjigi getting more turned discarded.

2 Have to exercise.

It is natural to lose weight exercise to Today, a large number of people
Exercise for losing weight. Way to workout meal of rice calories
Falls just ought to exercise more than two hours.
But the effects of exercise?
The effect of the exercise is not clear. In a nutshell
More than an hour walking and stretching is a great help, even if the age of ppajineunde
Movement itself as the calories by exercising, even if they are not
Will increase the calories being consumed in the usual
For example, almost does not consume the calories, the muscle movements alone,
Once the muscle is made to release the muscle cells because it requires a lot of energy
Automatically increases the calories. Movement by the body to store rather than
Change to the constitution is to consume.
Any exercise help you lose weight, but the most effective
To introduce excellent exercise is walking and stretching.
Is one of the well-known aerobic exercise walking among people.
Known than any other aerobic exercise to reduce fat cells, a large effect on the
Search to further enhance the effect of the "power walking" Let's
Another effect of a good workout is a stretch.
Stretching relaxes the muscles and straighten them is an exercise to relieve muscle tension.
Stretching is not difficult. Small stretching, stretching and yoga stretching
Some. Loosen tense muscles, improving blood circulation, muscle revitalized find
Is the age of discouraging effect. Will help a lot to relieve stress.

3 Eat well.

You should eat as well as to reduce eating. Eat well, but it eats a lot
Says a balanced and nutritious meal. Today's food (especially fast food) calories
There are a lot of high saljjigi easy food less nutritious. Nutritious, high proteins, such as carbohydrates, fats, calories, but there's a lot to say this except weapons cellulose, such as nutrition or nutrients.
Finally ... Inorganic dyes to reduce the amount of carbohydrate-fat-protein or fiber intake always means Of course, is to eat a lot of vegetables. Especially in the diet, except that the salty and spicy authentic Korean food is really good.
Wonpudeu diet that sometimes, but it's not eating to lose weight.
How food to eat one food to eat this is correct, but the body in the
Phenomenon difficult to be hungry to be recognized in the body, such as ray eaten anything happen discard.
Some stuff when you create a parts parts 10 b 5 c parts when you need one, a Part 100 and b 500 c parts, even if only five parts If that stuff not only five to create a a similar reason.
To worry about one of the most well eat a nutrient, water and calcium.
All know the importance of water. That water is necessary for all metabolic body calcium the bones that make up the material.
But it is not simply that this function only. Water is essential for life, as well as lose weight, even though it is essential. To the breakdown of fat, water would be needed.
Calcium stimulates the metabolism of the body to improve blood circulation and strengthen brain function, stress resistance, rather than simply you only need to configure the bones are essential elements. Increase the absorption of vitamin D and low absorption kyalsyum eat.
Water is fairly important adjustment alone is enough to lose weight.
Should always drink water The important thing is to not drink water during the meal.
Never drinks the water ceremony, 30 minutes after meals 30 to 1 minutes
Other times, always drink water.
Just if you do not like green tea and water to drink fine.
If you do not exercise, eat a snack without water conditioning slowly but
Years old, will fall.
It also helps to eat slowly, keeping chewable.

4 DO you see the balance.

Always a lot of people try diet to control their weight on the scale looks.
I do not mind seeing the weight control.
But the problem is getting fat than I lost weight 0.5kg difference than to water than to eat fattening that there is a problem.
The human body is always changing as a difference of degree 1 ~ 2kg. Food that enters
Energy consumption and the excretion of days because of weight changes.
Severe 10kg side dongpok 5kg is enough change in the width of the big ones.
Would not it beefy, if the fluctuations in the flesh either.
1kg decreased by 1kg lined now beefy flesh missing right now are not.
Look bitter water without having to worry too much about the weight, starve and stress will be well.
Diet should not forget the most important thing. The reason that diet
Skinny to be in order not to lose weight is not because
Speaking people, but we've got slim weight decreases
Could be, but tell me you did not want to give
20% of the Women's 55kg 55kg of 30% of body fat and fat woman look sharp difference.
Like 55kg even 30% body fat woman looks fat compared
20% body fat seems to be just an ordinary girl.
This is because the same volume of muscle is heavier than fat weight.
Even laying into the muscle, reducing body fat, weight
Is that a thinner more resilient body.
Do not care about my weight. Thing to worry about your body.

Thursday 30 August 2012

'Sweets' flesh steamed

'Sweets' flesh steamed

Pot dish that many people typically buy food, sugary foods tend to be the most thought. Chocolate and chew Then, mouth pervading subtle fragrance and sweet taste more savory and salty flavor sweets. Which of the two to buy more food nabe? A lot of people probably think of as the enemy of the diet is chocolate sweets sweet taste is much stronger than the

'Just more food getting fat.' Is a stereotype

Write the phrase 'Guilty Pleasure' also known as the sweetness of food because of these stereotypes. Literally guilty pleasure with meaning. When food intake only enjoyable but the resulting weight gain reflexively evoke guilt remembering right now is because the expression is used.

'Guilty Pleasure' things that comes to mind most of the normal food chocolate cake, chocolate-coated confectionery, donuts, sugar and fat and high-calorie snacks, experiments associated with these stereotypes, but one look at is as follows.

This experiment, the experiment carried out by the food and psychology to study at the University of Pennsylvania psychologist Paul Rosin, Paul Rozin, a food and diet in relation to a lot of interesting experiments, Paul Rosin one representative experiment of using a chocolate cake experiments. Will only give the word 'chocolate cake' cake without direct ingestion to avoid experimenter made about him reminded me of the participants.

Interestingly, the results of this experiment have shown different results, depending on the nationality of the experimenter the blood participated. American participants most evocative words Guilt, guilt. On the other hand, Celebration, celebrating the word to have him in my mind the most French people. Conflicting results, showing an uncanny result shows how large the Americans with sugar, fat guilt.

Causes for this crisis started with a rapidly growing number of obese people Low Fat craze. Low Fat craze brought counterproductive. Increasing instead of reducing fat intake of carbohydrates in the wind but the obese population further increased.

In Korea, Europe, rather than the relatively strong influence of the United States speaking countries similar phenomenon is occurring. Because most of the people away simply for the purpose of dieting only sweet foods tend to be showing. However, it is very dangerous to people who diet can act as a poison.

Actually more flesh steamed 'sweets'

Sweet food that can cause even more chubby. Transition comes the party in the form of carbohydrates in our body, most of it in the form of fructose and glucose, which is composed of glucose, fructose compared to fat absorption in the body better is to buy hot pot.

Glucose despite less sweet than fructose in the body due to the absorption rate will look the same results as above. Chocolate or sugar containing high fructose strong but sweet, but I can not make it glucose of 100% classified or sweets nabe to live in a bigger influence.

In other words, we feel in everyday life 'sweet food = weight gain does not seem to constitute the official.
Even at this moment, diet and women need to Avoid sugary foods simply'll need wisdom, but mainly glucose less food intake.

Short-term diet solution

Answer when asked for the reason nowadays for women to diet to be a few they are healthy, or wanted to say live with confidence. Thus, in recent years than those who blindly on a diet to look pretty for their health, diet to try to enjoy life a little more confidence in them is increasing. Is like diet diet simply weight only way to reduce the balance of the whole body, not many women formed to promote health and

A healthy diet, if what? Exercise and diet would be the first to visualize. Already successful diet to diet and exercise and they have been introduced in various media, because people's head, the yo-yo dieting is not coming through exercise common sense notion that planted.

Can not exercise alone to lose weight

Exercise to ensure a healthy diet for the concept, but by maintaining the strength, stamina, and the concept is required. Often to exercise, health and diet that you can catch two rabbits unconditional After a lot of thought when it would be. However, this error typical diet.

Will cause excessive exercise when our bodies become stronger because the habits you want to absorb enough calories, promotes the appetite, overeating and binge eating, induced by chubby.

Nevertheless, people using diet as a means of exercise, food intake or obesity is simply related activity and that the reason is because they think If so, then stop the exercise if what happens? In order to prevent this, our bodies when exercising enough to prevent the energy consumption because the yo-yo will come, calorie intake must be reduced.

In fact, a 2007 Loyola vs. exercise alone can not lose weight, must be performed along with the diet, you can see that the effect of nutrition party was announced. If so, should I do the proper diet control?

Chicken breast diet (high protein, low-fat, low-carb) is dangerous

Exercise in conjunction with the typical food of course a protein-rich, if you think about it. 'Chicken breast'. Perfect for those who exercise increase the body's metabolic rate and calorie consumption, as a result of increased protein intake to maximize muscle protein and build muscle as a main ingredient in weight loss to be effective, because the diet can be However, we overlooked the fact that the 'chicken breast' in distinctly that contain animal fats. Intake or excessive intake can cause hardening of the arteries, stroke, heart disease, etc., so you must be careful. Concentrated protein only diet intake also cause nutritional imbalance, so even nutrition be based.

Harvard Health, College of Medicine, Dr. Walter Rhett announced that in a way that can maximize the effect of diet nutrition picked

Metabolic degradation, and feel more hunger than usual that more than 8kg of weight loss on low-fat, low-carb expression, unprocessed food intake was divided into one class conducted the study, low-fat group was successful, but the phenomenon appears 10kg of weight loss on low-carb expression group was successful, but the Jersey way to the class the same results, of course, eventually yo-yo weight loss than before 2 ~ 3kg of weight gain rather appear overwhelming.

Slips despite increased food intake and regulate food intake, on the other hand, without intake of nutrients evenly unprocessed food group has been successful in the final loss of 11kg. In addition, rather than the other diet also become active metabolism and appetite control.

In other words, which is a shortcut to keep the nutrients that my body needs to eat foods that are ideal to diet and health.

Diet solution, eating right and living habits

Let me ask you a question. Nonetheless, if diet control and yet? Do you have the courage to live and practice lifelong diet?

Is not the ideal way to diet to reduce food intake, diet limited to Is to first identify the cause of fat and lifestyle habits that can make my body itself to an environment in which energy consumption can be improved by practice.

The best way is to eat three meals packed.

Set or restricted diet for weight loss, and do not forget, more food, metabolism foods that help burn fat rather advise. Reason, the concept of a diet is not simply a problem of weight loss because up to bring your health with thinness. Emissions facilitate the body through three meals, healthy body, and the energy consumption by the metabolism within the body itself is making.

Sleep habits in order to create the environment in which the secretion of a hormone that plays an important role, also stressed the importance of to burn fat. Who knows the curious fact that the most comfortable night's sleep at the time of the day, my body itself and that the energy consumption is unlikely. Our body during sleep, thighs, abdomen, flanks, remove the flesh of the buttocks but play an important role. Also play a role in suppressing appetite because the next day gluttony that can be prevented.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

The secret of skin health

The cold winter, the season changes or seasonal changes, the most vulnerable damage, respiratory system and skin.

In TCM pyeju coat (肺 主 皮毛) called by the skin and the respiratory tract, such as the grid saw. Respiratory bad people have a rough skin. Some scientists some digging only a component of the hair, you should know that the person's health status. In fact, I know people who are sensitive to condition hair at worst a little different. Hair as well as skin in that respect, too. Not have to makeup, skin smooth, shiny, if a healthy person. The skin of the built-in mirror are ridiculous. Often tend to think of skin health to set aside. So hard also rubbing mud on the face are the people who best know simply massage then only Are sensitive skin, depending on the state of the health of the whole body. Conceal makeup, no matter how the outside soon after being sandfish. Appearance, paying attention to the era of La viscosity, especially nowadays, except to get rid of melasma also. I literally stripped hankkeopul Good, but once again wondering.

Body is a mess and the skin peeled off a few geopul would look wonderful. Constitution or a skin condition, the prevention of skin diseases and skin in order to maintain a clean, regardless of the disease is most needed, the whole body is healthy will remember that there is a need.

First of all, how to maintain the health of the body, then it is better on your skin? First of all, a good idea to change the bathing habits. A bath every day, for a long time to dry out the skin makes. Stripped skin a fat membrane that surrounds the outside of the skin, especially when pushing for overly weaken. When pushing the bath has a good amount of light showers, it is recommended that only about once every two weeks.

Second, a balanced nutritional intake of meat and vegetables are important nutritional substances applied to the skin, but also important.

Prone to diet that you can not eat properly in case of skin troubles. Excessive stress be bad for your skin. Can always afford to have enough sleep to take.

Third, dry indoor air, the feel nervous about getting the skin's moisture deprived skin, itching, a lot of feel. Is recommended to prevent drying of the indoor air humidifier or aquarium, plants

Fourth, we should avoid strong sunlight. The skin receives too much ultraviolet light, skin, and easy to lose elasticity and sag. Severe cases, the aging of the skin is coming soon, can cause skin cancer. Especially routinely bask in the amount of several times the amount of ultraviolet reflective snow on the ski slopes or sledding in the winter in Chapter lot. Deda robs skin of moisture by the winds and dry outdoor sunlight with sweat evaporates, the skin drying Genie caution.

About skin or skin diseases in the Fifth, a good idea if the nails closely mow. Unknowingly scrape Looking prone to dermatitis or secondary infection. Beautiful radiant skin. Skin like moisture. Not always dry the skin care, regular exercise and generosity gajimyeon haejugo elasticity along with a healthier body and you can have a healthy skin.

Diet for weight loss for the scientific approach

In order to lose weight, the diet is essential.

Both diet and exercise regimen, typically most effective when weight loss is greater. In practice, however, diet alone, exercise therapy alone, if, when, and compared the effect of weight loss after two parallel enforcement, even if the diet alone with a combination of diet and exercise if weight loss much There was a big difference, exercise therapy was the most effective weight loss in the common findings were Therefore, you need to go to a weight loss diet that can be Weight than the exercise therapy only increases the speed at which weight loss diet after only slowly appeared. Loss after continuous diet is a must.

Steady long-term diet is more sustained weight loss effects

600kcal to reduce the degree of the total daily intake of calories from diet and weight when measured 6 months after the initial weight than a person who lost more than 5% from 30 percent of these dietary restrictions two years had maintained 47% of the participants in the first time, has lost more than 5% keep more weight. Therefore, long-term steady diet so if you can have lasting effects.

Principles of effective low-calorie meals

Weight loss diet that can be easily viewed by eating 1200 calories a day, which is a low-calorie diet. Typical diet for diabetic patients 'diet' diet of about 1200 calories recommended by the experts from the Internet site. The basic principle of the usual intake of 1/2 to 2/3 the calories does not have a lot of fresh foods rich in vitamins and minerals must be eaten. .

These low-calorie diet to safe and effective weight control, by using the first basis to contain the proper nutrients to help supplement a balanced diet plan or diet plan, and second, by considering normal life on the food habits and preferences, must Third, in some cases, to a combination of commercial jojesik In this case, each time eating than to be used as a substitute for normal meals tend to overeat manatdeon. 1200-1300 calories, 800 calories, and so much than recommended. 5th, 0.25-0.5kg loss at the speed the weight loss goals, and lasts for more than six months to be able to.

Low-calorie diet, you can maintain an 8% loss of initial body weight after one year.

Temporary weight loss when performed one year, 8% of initial body weight, but to maintain a degree of loss in terms of long-term weight control, but only the effects somewhat of a problem, and see the initial weight loss of speed is relatively slow to the low-calorie diet efforts compared to a surprisingly fun way are more likely to give up midway. 'unremitting effort.

Total calories per day less than 1100 calories if you need to take a multivitamin should

According to experts, if the total calorie intake of 1100 calories a day or less essential to my multivitamin mineral supplement is recommended. Actually planned diet under check his journal of eating too little or eating a diet low calorie diet to less than 1200 calories if Vitamin Mineral taking to.

Diet for comprehensive findings of the research results

First, dietary restriction alone can not be reduced to the desired amount of weight.
Second, the probability is high, the failure to build a high-loss goals.
Third, the long-term steady when appropriate dietary restrictions and the ongoing loss weight can be. Fourth, all important, but diet and exercise regimen weight loss before and after dietary therapy is more important.
Fifth, if a balanced intake of nutrients must be supported by a long-term steady diet.
Is too long-term to improper diet, excessive food intake to the reduction of nutrient imbalance can come and destroyed much of the muscle will mostly come yo-yo. Need proper nutrition and consistent exercise.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

To flesh out hunger.

Most people prefer a hunger-free diet.
Then I will suffer in a lifetime yo-yo diets fail.
Ignoring the immutable principles of calorie is the absolute principle of weight loss
Fall easier to lose weight, because without
Diet foods, such as a temporary expedient to rely on when you return to a normal life soon because is increased again.
What is the immutable principles of the calories?
The same left and went calories calories calories immutable laws like the first law of physics, the laws of the invariant mass and weight will stay.

Entering the weight change = calories - Okanagan calories
1kg is a 7700kcal 250kcal per day if more came
1kg each month nabe.

Now above the fitness schedule when entering calories to feel satisfied.
To dissatisfaction and need to lose weight, the unsatisfactory quality of the representation is hunger.

(Weight loss) of absolute principles

1 Can not get you out of the hungry live without

Feel hunger during weight loss, weight loss is a good partner. I think a lot of people that appear when the weight loss for food cravings, hunger is retarded because the willingness own. But it's just resistance to ask for more to get accustomed to the cerebrum and above the existing amount of calories your body phenomena are. There is any basis associated with the willingness and hunger.
Then treat as signals of a successful weight loss hunger. Trying to lose weight if you have not, of course, does not turn up the degree of hunger. Withdrawal symptoms resulting from a non-smoking process as essential symptoms of hunger signals a successful weight loss.

(Meal hunger, interval training)

1 Eating when hungry place spoon before calling.
2 State should be always hungry before the next meal.
3 From the state, no matter how hungry, even if the meal, eating slowly should be the No. 1 principle spoon should be placed must be doubled to call before.
Slowly eating are two ways to write about. Meals to use chopsticks or his nondominant hand (right-handed if the left hand, right hand, left-handed side) can be performed.
4 For that compliance with the above three principles, if you do not see the above reduced within 1-2 weeks you can feel the
5 Mindset during the meal interval training the meantime, let's dispose of the body, hunger, ate too much, that we love.

2 Mark on the hungry and dizzying lose weight very efficiently.

Point is already two scales of balance when the system is Growing downward.
This point, you could not work or do not force too nervous lever hurriedly filling the stomach with worry.
Tell you something, this process must proceed.
Climb, but this step is accomplished a new era of the weight loss.
Not eating tip over, and I have never seen anyone in trouble
We takes care of the prognosis of the disease when treatment is priceless. Hypertensive patients the blood pressure goes down, rejoice, just as the people who are losing weight, severe hunger prognosis. The fact that there are a lot of people discouraged because the scale does not go down during obesity downsizing needle. Visible effects did not appear impatient obese patients suffer. Coolly tell, there can be no weight like a movie if that Lap Subtracting the accumulated fat tissue a long time, they can not be so simple. Rather want to pay attention to other signs. In indicators and normal obese control hunger and dizziness.
Call delight sky circling hungry during the diet if you can not stand. Part 5 of obesity escape over the ridge now.

3 Itself to maintain the reduced weight of the smaller.

80kg of weight 80kg, 55kg above the 55kg weight will be maintained.
Once you lose weight, then there is no need to worry. Starting Takes care of the body.

4 Switch must think of eating satisfying meals from mouth of satisfying
Lifelong yo-yo can live without.

1) and satisfying meal
Our countrymen national greatness (渭 大, above). Background birth of a great nation, a bad idea .. well eat well and live a eoryeopdeon days the center of philosophy, we should eat rice as a reward after working baphim To share a good thing to eat, drink turn the underlying concept of the distinctive taste of Korean sentiment. Satisfied obsessed and hungry, we have to call on the amount rather than the kinds of satisfaction that being the case, breakfast is the most common ways of eating we Koreans. Excess intake of food transforms into the belly body fat cells, it is natural for the thigh flesh appearing. The core symptoms of this stage is to discard the food on the body.

2) the mouth, satisfying meals
Meals The first phase of the training is the process of transforming into a satisfying meal from the mouth of satisfying meals. Mouth, satisfying meal is a taste Let And above my head so that the spoon before the ship calling impenetrabIe training. Birth meal in order to achieve this, training is training bansik. Calorie is not a problem in our eating habits. Do not limit the kind of basically the Korean healthy food in a balanced diet because you can reduce the amount by half. Meantime, unaware feeling hungry and always hungry, empty feeling that the people in this process will experience the taste of food.

3) Eye satisfying meal
Mouth, satisfying meals training progressed well, people will be enjoying a meal in earnest. That is the process, feel pleasure through the motions of eating alone will experience the ship called even. In fact know about the importance and value of the food did not experience at all of satisfying meals. Rather key point of this step is that you do not skip meals.

5 Stress more than to try to solve the food absolutely can not get you out of the flesh.

When stressed, our body is the secretion of the stress hormone cortisol Iran. Is to raise the pulse and respiration, by awakening the spirit to confront stress hormone cortisol. If the condition persists, higher plasma concentrations of cortisol, a constant stress, appetite, increasing fat accumulation becomes smooth.
Stress is unpleasant stimuli. Our brain when you are stressed, you want to erase the discomfort brought about by stress, other pleasures. And compensate the reward circuitry that operates automatically according to the regular circuit, is formed. The brain's reward circuitry, dopamine or endorphins, enkephalin and neuropeptides and hormone action. This neurohormone secretion is pleasure stimulation to replace the offensive comes and makes us feel like
The compensation circuit, a lot of people to external stimuli such as alcohol and cigarettes and drugs easily meet trying. Compensation through the material leads to addiction to the substance, and imprinted by the substance in the brain, and a pleasure to connect. Addiction.
Addictive substances such as alcohol and cigarettes, rather than being addicted to modern people are addicted to food. Food is too easy, because the pleasure.
6 Fattening three Koreans Abandon the wrong idea

It takes all kinds of bottles, eat well, eat well and live ->
Presence should be good men -> Mien are overweight permitting
Foods are guilty if I put it in the body so takes a big bottle.

Obesity escape tips

● ● Change your eating meeting
We forget that. Is eating Kim gathered to gather to eat, is the fact that Let into someone from eating the heart of the meeting. You eat drink, friends do not. Can eat lunch together, go hiking, try the exercise with the middle acquainted.
Alone eating endure personal views change by changing the environment itself, rather than trying to persuade people around it is more effective.
Mine reform program in the early to attend a meeting of eating food that goes. Hope to reduce the number of necessary meetings to lunch time or day time.
Another important principle is eating out in just bansik practice. Good that you do not meet people if you can not convince you of these changes and my body reform program focused during The fact that the person who is calling my body management ttanji wish you might as well be better to forego the meeting.

● ● holidays, do not only home
Holiday TV all day lying or something to eat, the sender is not small. TV and eating when combined create a strong pleasure to provide some sort of addiction is a tough habit to hang up because
'Lying-eating-TV - Eat' chain of Awake. Moving the body to get out the best way to spend a day off. As you know, the body is a bit high, even though it valuable to spend a day only.

● ● travel changes Shoot
Koreans' travel eating is a journey. Tasteless, brought her to a restaurant guide, or complain to people asking What am stretching where your next meal than sacrifice, and to promote themselves more interested in appearance. Trip is a new experience for me to grow as an opportunity. Look back to the purpose of the trip, eating whenever you need to look himself falling in gluttony. When traveling, refrain from alcohol, and meals that can be better ending soon. And look around. Korean familiar meals or, if possible, instead of the current challenges in the knowledge to see. Engrave looking the meaning of travel and enjoy new food is less likely to binge eating. The most important principle, travel should be kept in bansik

Frogs to hibernate in winter, ● ● not
Winter comes, we fall to hibernate. Winter sports I have noticed in various media, TV and the risk ot torch. Having awareness about the risk factors to occur, especially in the winter, but it would be wrong to stop the movement itself. 3 ~ 4kg, the balance of the body, a lot of people this winter after losing much weight. Neulgon Snowsuit wearing boldly exercise 나서라 I launch it look so cold, so it is not dangerous. As the spring and autumn, even in winter, move getdaneun active thinking is required.

Help ● ● holidays and festive lyrics La
Often, holidays like Thanksgiving setting or the eating culture and relationship-oriented culture of restraint lost cause synergistic effects be eating carnival. Commonplace, 3 ~ 4kg about gaining weight during the holidays, especially men. Often was out in a drinking and laziness lifestyle rarely improve after this weekend my body does not break the balance.
Is not the first, only men play the feast of the holiday. Help with the housework. Women experience stress during the holidays Think Is necessary for the physical and mental health of the family and the fellowship of each other.
Family, relatives and met a long time suggested hageondae Try writing the body. Football beats any badminton Imagine Together face looking out to the outdoor conversations, Is the best way to promote a sense of family. And it would be nice to stroll around looking a long time, locate the rear of home with their children. Twenty thousand and one emotions Education.

Love when dieting easier

Love Can diet help?

Love Can diet help? Always in our lives without having to leave the two important issues of the relationship suddenly becomes curious.
To him today and the second date.
What to wear to go? '
Wear clothes in front of the mirror in the closet, paired up straight and aligned gamyeo start one hour after the first.
My reflection in the mirror, look young guys do not mind. I want to look good for him to ...

  People fall in love, cause desire to become the most important person in the world to the other party. Carrie Mr. Vic's always wanted to check and say, "if I give you the most important in this world, only one man?" People in order to cultivate and develop himself to be a person of his or her precious than ever before, more and more effort to start. In particular, the growing interest for both men and women for their looks, are relative to desire to look beautiful, if you start a diet. Weary from the fight, so that constantly diet and a fierce self-empowering greedy to want to look good for him, love of power.

  Another strength of love, fall in love, actually changes in hormone secretion will happen. Step attraction of love, which is the first step in a good mood when under the influence of hormones, such as adrenaline, dopamine, serotonin and lover hanging heart palpitations, blushing which suspense infused. The second stage, even if you go on the last step, I miss you 'step by the action of the hormone pro-phenyl amine the longing to feel the passion, longing, heart explode like attachment step in the secretion of oxytocin, endorphins stable settlement is love, he said. Amplifies the positive energy that feel like fun to give vitality to life a variety of hormones, they have different features, but if you have a good amount of common.

A hormone that is secreted when at this point love is in the diet will help. In other words, if the diet can be ingested with food than the energy consumed through activities that increase the energy process. In order to do so, always moving aggressively energetic life should be. Of tension in the body when the above hormone while vigorously with joy in your daily life so you can live that.

Now, once again, let me ask you. Would love to diet can be helpful? The answer is 'yes'. Myself to the man I fell in love with, I strive to be becoming more beautiful and precious people want.
Love when a hormone that is secreted under the influence of another, entertain, and actively salahgage The process of loving someone else to love myself, I look back and cherish is All of this will help a lot to love my body and make healthy diet changes.

You, you love someone right now? Then, the love of excitement will make it play a key role in a successful diet. For anyone who has not met the love to love to meet him someday, and ready to work hard from now on let's Someone to prepare to become someone who you love from myself, let!

Monday 27 August 2012

The result of wrong diet!

As a side effect of the diet, I frequently encounter patients with broken physiology. Patients only diet food intake while drifting on the market almost a normal meal not rapidly in a short period of time can lose weight was

With weight loss, however, will come, 'uninvited guests' amenorrhea. Can not of course be pregnant even if you lose your periods. Hair again to return to a normal diet, but the weight beefy than the previous state was increasing rapidly, much worse, physiology has also been stopped because she was afraid Acupuncture was found

2 months of treatment at the end of menstruation and restart-no matter what the cost of a wrong diet, but struggled through discarding the body away money was paid Shem.

And denied their natural look like this 'super-slim two attempt to become' excessive dieting and spoil yourself, moaning diet neurosis in diet, mental disorders, such as bulimia or anorexia to fall even if often see. Therefore, with the correct knowledge about diet to diet, do not be tempted to discard body away money that is desperately needed.

Nowadays often see banners written as '1 months along the road, guaranteed "8kg loss. Terms is absurd indeed. 8kg 8kg to 50kg outgoing people to remove the getdaneun 70kg outgoing person, remove the stick you want to ... Miserable and fat because people have no idea, however, the word on the chest and datneunda.

(Dieter) of Dyer from request to rummaging rummaging the internet for diet counseling career is indeed gorgeous. Did (such and such) people do not do this there is no Saddened costs even treat women in the weight-loss war years floundering noramyeon Why do they many years wandering the second from the bottom but does it have to be ...

The first attempt to escape from obesity, they ventured to simple ignorance 'starve'. However, such a simple choice, you did not think that could be the first step in his life unfold in the future to create a 'diet neurosis' in struggle hits.

 'Starve' soon 'breeds' as a result of gluttony.

Weak commitment and hope you want to be slim taut confrontation with each other. 'Starve' and 'gluttony' appears alternately. Muscle getting the meantime, losing fat will increase more and more. Muscle is the main place to use the energy in our body. Muscle decreases, the energy consumption will be reduced. This is in the form of fat, it will be a lot of excess energy to eat the same stockpile. Furthermore, reduced muscle strength deteriorates. Are losing start aching hate activity gradually reduced and the situation will continue to be serious.

Starve when the results in increasingly degraded metabolism. In carrying in the body, organs, tissues, cells formed a savings of reduced energy intake, "We now line's lost income Conserve!" He shouted system. Then like before the resumption of normal energy intake, the excess energy is more bloated the amount of fat reserves that further increases. It is a yo-yo.
 'Beefy constitution made. Than others to eat the same, there are many times in hiding these past years older steam to appeal to those who

Diet foods to eat instead of rice also starve diet is a subtype of the In addition to restricting calorie intake, there is no other means. Value Months of diet is representative of hundreds of thousands discard the money you want.

Diet rice to eat one thing and do not eat that wonpudeu also starve diet of expediency only. Of fruits such as grapes, apples, potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, the wonpudeu diet, diet, meat diet (aka Atkins), noodles, porridge diet, INSTA diet, milk diet, Denmark Diet Well, they only had the normal deviates from reality can be a bizarre diet that law. Briefly shiny effect, but it's not bringing money, soon more than previous years old, hot pot, and, due to the imbalance in nutrient intake is representative of the diet, the body discard.

 Degrading tragedy gateway induction, and gluttony 'starve' the muscles, reduce fat, increase metabolism, let's not forget the fact that

Legs lose weight the Ten Commandments

1 make the legs higher than the heart when you sleep!
- Easily absorbed by the heart, depending on the gravity of fluids makes legs look thinner.
Bathe in this position when the leg massage effect.

2 Make a handstand!
- Once a day, 2 to 3 minutes handstands.
Blood flows toward the heart, circulation had no standing to enter the blood circulation.

3 Put on Diet stockings!
- Specially designed stockings will help.
Naturally given up the pressure at the bottom of the venous blood to the heart, so that she can go is induced.

4 Move a moment for a long time when you're sitting!
- To promote the circulating fluids of the leg muscles to the heart.

5 Stand and stretch before you go to sleep!
- Lower Body Stretching given lipolytic piled up on the bridge all day to get rid of the fatigue.

6 Knock and legs after time!
Rub - often knocked give you is a big help to relieve the swelling.

7 Relax for a moment during repetitive behavior!
Repetitive behavior, such as typing, causing swelling.
So that the length of the brief pause in the middle of the job.

8 Do not sit cross-legged!
- I sit cross-legged can come off the circulation of the thigh, calf swelling, and should be avoided.
Attach to the waist to the chair back, chest spread, neatly collected knees posture reduces fatigue.

9 Do not be tight-fitting clothes or jewelry!
Hinder the circulation may worsen edema.
To dress in a well-ventilated.

10 Do not eat salty!
Salty eating habits fat legs to create a shortcut.
Salinity swelling worsens. Polite to eat daily life.

Sunday 26 August 2012

Diet is not difficult.

Diet is not hard.
Innate skinny, her secret weapon

Clothing carefully, eating well look more attractive results came According to the survey, 20 men, rather than a blind date fucking prudish. Much to eat, that is easily bagasse years old, slim women should be.

If so, does a large amount of food to eat flesh bagasse innate How skinny are created?
Lifelong obesity obese women to live as the Body? According to the results of a study published recently chubby women easily could make any innate skinny.

Skinny women, a lack of oxygen '

University School of Medicine, California, USA, in the constitution for dry sieving and obesity obese people than skinny people asparagine hydroxylase (FIH) has many research results showed that This enzyme is mainly active in the oxygen-deficient environment evenly in the body to supply more oxygen, which plays a role.

However, the state in order to maintain a skinny asparagine hydroxylase (FIH) is less of a low-oxygen state should be harder to breathe when the low-oxygen state, our bodies blood cells as the body moves more energy because you can see the effect of increasing the efficiency.

Thus, even high-fat food intake equally skinny people to maintain a low oxygen state bagasse flesh easily, whereas high metabolism, obesity, low energy efficiency, people LDL cholesterol levels rise, the risk of diabetes, liver easily be exposed outside the is not.

How to create a 'state' oxygen-deficient body

Not born into asparagine hydroxylase (FIH) Having just Obese maintain.
It just to practice a healthy lifestyle you can replace it with a skinny

The most basic way is to eat three meals a certain amount of Unnecessary increase in the oxygen gache overeating because high oxygen state. Therefore, to maintain that role when eating low oxygen conditions such as vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, selenium intake is recommended.

Germ of cereals, whole, foods rich in vitamin E, and vitamin C rich foods such as green tea leaf, green peppers, kale, jujube, green peppers, spinach, mugwort, radish, groundsel, asparagus, pumpkin seeds, oatmeal, liver, greenish yellow vegetables is rich.

If a lot of stress, excessive oxygen supply is determined by the supply of oxygen., Whereas in our daily stressful if you receive less able to maintain a low oxygen state.

Diet is not difficult. Life with just a small change in the effect can be seen.

Reason for the diet of three-shift workers is difficult

Reason for the diet of three-shift workers is difficult

Own diet and about the right way is a question or advice, especially as long as the recent increase in interest on the diet of women, and is also active in the online community. Bulletin enabled most are, but I always answer blanks There are questions that remain. asked how should the diet is a chubby three-shift workers due to irregular lifestyle.
Steaming cause lifestyle business nature of flesh difficult to change on a regular basis, because there are situations where no one easy answer to give because. Then a lifetime of three-shift workers can not diet?

Three-shift workers chubby 'kidney function decline

Aka 'owl' otherwise known as people who changed the rhythm of life, an imbalance in the secretion of hormones and appetite control does not work, irregular eating habits a lot of diseases of the digestive system are often overweight, overweight, or ultra-high
Here should be noted that the newly role in the kidney that regulates the circadian rhythm of these cases is the fact that low.

Apprentices of Nursing and conducting research at the University of the domestic students to practice in a week compared to students to practice at night, weak kidney function, and thereby loss of energy production, immune function, weakness, loss of electrolyte balance phenomenon was due to edema. kidney and adrenal gland is located close to the structure of the human body to the phenomenon of irritating foods, such as binge eating, depression, chronic fatigue, given the impact complain.

These results have shown why a metabolic imbalance due to sleeping habits, promote the skin's moisture in the production of neurotransmitters, maintain, and expand the blood vessels and blood cholesterol levels, maintain kidney function and strengthening our body that plays an important role in the 'niacin ( because niacin) 'were scarce.

Law to improve kidney function, customized life pattern '

Difficulties due to a shift in the diet complain, but someone who has a pattern of life changed in the day and night it improves the kidney function, the body can create healthy and diet are also available.

First, Let's regular working hours to suit lifestyle patterns
Practice you might be able to improve the function of the long-term as well as the regular lifestyle habits that can increase the body temperature constant reorganizing and meal times and sleep times, according to the working hours and you can see that the effect of weight loss. In fact, more than 95% of customers of the services of the profession, such as nurses, television writer, with Newbridge customized life pattern through diet success.

Second, let's intake of foods rich in niacin (niacin)
'Niacin' As I mentioned earlier, to people who are working the night shift, three shifts, necessary nutrients. Meat (because it contains a lot of meat), fish, whole grains, legumes, nuts, etc. should be eating regular meals based on an evenly packed .

Third, pirohoe Do not abuse the cloning
Corticosteroids can be depleted easily in irregular sleep habits, chronic fatigue, and excessive intake pirohoe replication is often, however, the function of the adrenal gland will artificially increase the risk.

World that is not Owl SIRS. Diet Do not give up easily. You also have the right to be skinny.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Diet Herbal main ingredient Ephedra sinica '

Diet Herbal main ingredient Ephedra sinica '

Herbs mining village in which the elderly, stems and roots of this herb usage varies warned, be careful when you use the herbs to the disciples gave, you gave us if used improperly, can make people die. Avoid mistakes disciple 'mabeon seconds (麻烦 草)' named in herbs, the meaning is 'noisy' Misuse cumbersome and not eotneunde contains Yellow followed by posterity, this herb is said to 'sing' fix Ephedra sinica.

Old story from an unknown source, but actually Ephedra sinica enough to fill separate legal way to donguibogam attention are highlighted. Became known, however, that the efficacy in the diet, the most commonly prescribed being made.

 The meaning of the name 'Ephedra sinica' like 'death' which bears herbs

According to recently published research book Food and Drug Administration, the result of 15 days mice 10 mice died of toxicity if administered to a lot of medicinal herbs Ephedra sinica was 0.13 weeks Ephedra sinica times a day to the target dose decrease since the weight loss started, reproductive disorders, activity, behavioral sensitivity degradation, pigmentation around the mouth and showed 10, 13 weeks after the five have died. Also appeared to be missing is the director of the decomposition results dissected the mice died.

Unfortunately, women do not know the beauty in life and diet as collateral for

  91.7% of consumers 'dangers of Ephedra sinica' may

Ephedra sinica used in the diet, because the reason for the reduced function of the stomach to suppress appetite strongly. Ephedra sinica's main ingredient 'ephedra' the impact of abuse when chest beating or shaking hands, does not sleep well, and symptoms occur, causing cardiovascular problems, cardiac dysfunction, hair loss, lethargy etc. causing side effects.

Impatient because the constitution is weak, and should not be prescribed for people with insomnia drugs. Nevertheless, weight control consumers 'General Knowledge' awareness survey data from the Food and Drug Administration announced that 91.7% of consumers are unaware of these facts.

Really ignorant consumers? Ephedra sinica, a fundamental problem with some acupuncturist does not provide the right information to the consumer, that is prescribed.

  Indiscriminate prescribing problems, but also to women's awareness issues

Anyone for an easy diet to reduce food intake, and beat yourself up about eating weight loss is, of course, if This fundamental solution can not be, without taking into account the health and diet for weight loss is not recommended.

The start of the diet is not simply lowering the scale of the grid. First identify the cause of fat and bad eating habits and lifestyles accordingly, the improvement must start with the disheveled body's ability to revert to normal. Without this process the most popular way to see the effects of short-term diet yo-yo as a result provokes unhealthy diet is just.

Must also own constitution and shape to fit through the diet to create a healthy emphasis on being pretty resilient body than the unconditional skinny. Only then you can have a natural beauty that is

For milk dairy diet (bias)

For milk dairy diet (bias)
Awake from the illusion of dairy products for health,

When we did believe in the power of milk (dairy products)?

In Europe before the 20th century, did he use when making butter or cheese or milk as it did not drink. Lunch program school milk companies and dairies dairy companies in the 20th century, with the advent lobbied the government widened the milk market by introducing people to great drink milk to supplement the nutritional status of the conviction that to instill scientific medical community sponsored. The calcium was the best weapon to support the superiority of milk to dairies.

Milk is the only nutrient of calcium? Escaped from prejudice for milk.

1 Key keunda eat milk.
All the fat in the milk (neutral fat and saturated fat) and growth hormone (rBGH), a child as soon as Wu fatten greatly. Rather be greater in the future, which may not be greater. Followed by excessive intake of milk fat is a lot of supply to the childhood obesity childhood precocious appears. Elementary school grades 1-2, menstruation and breasts coming is happening. In this case, the concavity will start as soon as later, when menopause will come early. Will experience difficulties in weight loss because of the fragile hormone balance. Hormone involved in uterine cancer, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer risk also increases.

2 Milk makes eating healthy.
Milk allergy (atopy), ear infections, asthma, juvenile diabetes, as well causing immunity rather dropped draw. And milk because there were so many elements that interfere with the absorption of iron and anemia-induced causes.

3 Eat milk bones become strong.
Children typically bones to be stronger, the elderly, milk intake for the prevention of osteoporosis. Milk contains a lot of calcium, but the problem is that a lot of calcium absorbed into the body is not.
Says Dr. Frank five ski three reasons.

First, the moment of high temperature sterilization to sterilize the bacteria contained in the milk processing to change the composition of calcium, because no matter how much I drink milk, calcium is that it does not absorb well.

Second, in order to absorb the calcium in milk that contains lactose digestive enzyme called lactase to digest the sugar. However, most of the Asians, blacks and some whites between the ages of 1-3 in the secretion of lactase in the body begins to decrease by five three yen almost disappears. Not be able to absorb the calcium in milk, as well as people who do not have the lactase drink milk undigested lactose germs that inhabit the large intestine of nutrients, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and causes.

Third, milk and other high-protein food, acidic foods because it continues to eat when the person's body gradually acidified chugs along. However, because the human body is slightly alkaline state to keep the calcium stored in the bones will supply them with blood. Exit these interactions is excessive calcium from my bones, and eventually will cause osteoporosis.

Milk to prevent osteoporosis is still low chaenggyeodeu?

Country up to the United States, most countries with high milk consumption osteoporosis. The other hand, patients with osteoporosis, intake of milk or dairy products are relatively rare in Asia and Africa may be difficult to see.

Case Studies

This research study at Harvard University, do not drink less than a cup of almost divided into two groups: the group you drink more than two glasses of milk a day, a week with a whopping 70,007 thousand patients was conducted. But after 12 years, appeared to be rather higher fracture rate in the group who drank a lot of milk, will casually.

Drink milk acidification of the body, for that reason, scholars cite. The blood of our bodies are designed always to maintain a constant ratio of acid and alkaline. But animal protein causes acidification of the blood in the body, because of the acid. Therefore, the alkaline minerals needed for the body to neutralize the blood. At this time, being the most easily mobilized bone calcium. So a lot of milk and animal protein intake, the more that will cause the results to promote a Osteoporosis.
Have children who do not eat milk and many countries around the world take a look at it much more durable than children eat milk bones. Eat milk bones, discard the prejudices, or health becomes stronger.
Because the calcium content of dairy products such as milk, eat?

The milk is not the only nutrient that has calcium. A lot of food to replace the milk.

But that calcium intake should not be. You must think about the balance of calcium and magnesium. Proper ratio of calcium and magnesium is 2: 1. Muscle contraction, calcium, magnesium is a nutrient that helps the muscles to relax. Happened calcium intake by muscle contraction, muscle cramps if problems are occurring off the energy consumption reduction in basal metabolic rate, Metabolism and may result in Weight loss rate will be reduced accordingly. Magnesium yellowish-green beans, brown rice, vegetables, fruit (apple, pear, persimmon) contains.

Dairy products for health, but taste because you want to eat, when you eat the right amount of amounts of animal protein for the balance of calcium and magnesium intake that interfere with the absorption of calcium and yellowish-green vegetables, legumes, seaweed, fresh fruit, cereals, excessive to reduce your intake.

Friday 24 August 2012

Morbid obesity diet and survival exercise

Morbid obesity diet and survival exercise
TV Survival movement in more ultra-high Obese makes

Exercise time and intensity according to Yong obese people appetite for comparative analysis to Loyola University Loyola University Professor Richard Cooper of the team for the two experiments.

Physical activity were compared in the A group and the mean body weight of group B consists Yong obese, Yong obese group of physical activity would be less expected, unlike the first experiment physical activity calories consumed, there was no significant difference . The second experiment, one group, Yong obese people again divided into two groups and strenuous exercise for more than 1 hour and the rest of the group exercise did not. Loss weight rapidly after being reinstated exacerbate those groups who exercise tend to binge eating appeared, and that there was an average weight person and ultra-high, but the difference in the activity of obese people, exercise appetite increased much more diet rather would interfere. Why these symptoms appear?

Cause of strenuous exercise bulimic

Current daily life, making it impossible even ultra-high in obese population reaches 50,000 people. In fact, the difficulties of the house and disconnected from society as a loner, staying obese people is not one or two. As well as problems such as apnea, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and fatty liver due to obesity, healthy and even mundane daily bus rides, walking the streets, social life, employment, interpersonal relationships, and the common people enjoy is impossible.

These ultra-high obesity looming social topic to a recent TV program, each story in Yong obese 'Survival' exercise progress. On diet success dokhage hariraneun desperate mind watching on TV than live in pain, but also unconditionally according to the movement of the Survival way, these important facts that you need to know before.

Proper exercise with muscle strength and increases the basal metabolic rate. Promotes the appetite, but simply because you want to absorb as much as for the purpose of weight loss, excessive exercise programs like the TV in the Survival calories our bodies stronger habit fat caused by overeating and binge eating, is the cause. Excessive exercise diet for themselves rather not be able to escape from the confines of the ultra-high obesity will create a shortcut for.

Than exercise, dietary habits, lifestyle habits, the importance of

'Petite eating food from different people.', According to data released recently the average weight of 85.9kg obese women who diet a lot of 40 to 45 percent fat-containing food processing-intensive, but the average weight 53.7kg slender women of low intake of fat, while centering on the natural food fiber, good carbohydrate content was the result suggests.

Years old, because that inhibits the formation of fat, and the role that party by delaying the absorption characteristics of these foods are rich in dietary fiber, bagasse, the exhaust helps. Ultra-high for obese people also difficult to suppress your appetite, because the full ideal diet.

Correct eating habits and lifestyle to determine the cause and improve chubby than effective diet in order to reduce food intake and excessive exercise unconditional basic movement should be extended for the purpose of dieting on the body that do not fit good to radical movements, rather than for the purpose to protect the health, the body's circulation and strengthening exercises for the body to prevent injuries 30 minutes to an hour to lighten.

Bread diet success way

Bread diet success way

Bread for the majority of people are very generous.
Bread, too, because I think food is made from rice and rice is not different from that, there are people that eating a diet meal as a substitute for bread. But is rather a habit to replace a meal with the bread cause fat.

Bread chubby materials such as food, do any cooking method, depending on the food we eat is because fat can vary. Therefore, to determine whether the bagasse or fattening food, it depends on levels of food per Of blood per suchieul food is rapidly raise more and more fat cells in our body will produce.

Is the same or rice or bread made from rice; ahnilkka?

Bread, rice than a lot of food to raise blood glucose levels when compared to rice and bread, bread chubby is because So, by any principle of bread, sugar levels, which does go up?

First of all, before you make rice flour bread making process in the glucose level goes up.
Nutrients, such as fats, carbohydrates, proteins, natural, unprocessed brown rice milled to a more than 95% of rice bran and rice germ of concentrated. Brown rice compared to white rice at all of these nutrients are destroyed in the process of being refined, nutrient remain 5 percent do not. When the rice flour milled rice than brown rice because white rice have higher glucose levels, because absorption is to increase glucose levels more quickly as the food is changed.

Second, the glucose level goes up in the course of steamed rice flour bread.
When heated, the more heat the food very spicy, but just eat onions, it's the heat, taste takes 2 daldalhan glycemic index will go up a lot. Steamed rice flour for bread making process to make rice more time As long heating while increasing glycemic index.

Third, adding seasonings such as salt, sugar, honey and sugar levels will rise.
Food spice to be added when more naturally while increasing glucose levels. Glucose levels went up, but the taste of homemade bread but dont added to regulate the amount of outside selling bread conform to the symbol of a lot of people put a lot of salt and sugar for creating fat.

These, such as rice, raw, but the bread, the leader of the value is much higher than Bob. It eats a lot of food rather than fat, even if you eat food deundeunhage glucose levels in order to increase the food they learn is very important to prevent age of bagasse.

Recommends that, rather than the health and age of bagasse diet again eating the bread into two pieces in order to replace the nutrients contained in brown rice hangonggi deundeunhage eating.

Thursday 23 August 2012








精製された炭水化物である小麦粉、白米などは渋皮とシヌンを切り取り、ひたすら白い中中身だけを使用することが問題です。渋皮とシヌンが占める体積が大きいことが、ビタミンB群、ビタミンE群、亜鉛、葉酸、ナイアシン、鉄、マグネシウム、マンガンなどのミネラルが90%が含まれています。そのために栄養素が欠乏した白米、小麦粉、白砂糖のような洗練された食品は、一般的にjunk foodまたはempty calorieとしています。








Diet how to grow young

Getting any younger aging diet method - called Food Diet

As a result, if the original meal diet food within a short period of time to see the effect, but not come out yo-yo.

An adequate supply of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins, etc. Our bodies haejueoya. Nutrients, nutrients that the body needs, without unduly if ingested, the nutrients, diet, however, for the purpose to save energy without frequent urine or feces is discharged. In this process, the body of water being discharged with severe dehydration may occur.

Nutritional imbalances caused by aging, such as loss of elasticity of the skin, lose their health, appears, alopecia, anemia may cause. Menstrual irregularity appears immune system degradation, and secretion of hormones underrepresented smoothly, and even infertility until it can

Anti-Aging Diet How

'Anti-aging diet method is surprisingly simple. Secreted smoothly picked the nutrition, such as vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and quality of high-quality protein, fat, carbohydrates, and rejuvenate the body that make the hormone Korean food, so that will need to be created.

Is generally effective in the role that burn fat hormone called DHEA to youthful being, by keeping the immune system and makes the body healthy, increase muscle mass, given at the same time making elastic body, diet, hormones. Women involved in hormone secretion because will help to create a balanced line.

But this story, most of the people difficult to think of related to diet food. How to remember and take care of them the reason many nutrients we eat.

However, brown rice diet, such as rice, roasted seaweed, mushrooms, stir-fry, oyster roast beef, cold dish, soup, and kimchi can be eaten as a meal, we often jipbap the previously mentioned nutrients are all contained. In other words, is that you can catch two rabbits health and diet by eating three meals regularly and eat! Korean

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Elderly Exercise Caution

A. Notices of pre-exercise

① physical condition of the day

Fever, cold symptoms, diarrhea, fatigue, hangovers, autonomous new economy, taking the case of joint injuries, and refrain from exercise to exercise, even light ceases.

② when it was cold.

Warm up longer than usual, and elderly people with high blood pressure, and then the temperature rise is to exercise. 10 to 14 o'clock on a cold day the temperature dee good time to exercise, before exercise or personal sinchesangtaena temperature depends on the internal environment. When you go to where the cold wearing workout clothes and several layers by the body temperature rises by one to take off so good.

③ when hot

Very intense exercise in hot should be avoided. During exercise because the body produces more heat when it reaches the limits of thermoregulation causing heat stroke, especially when high humidity and temperature with the most likely. Therefore, before 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. in the time since a good idea to exercise.

④ the elapsed time after a meal

After a meal digestion, absorption, because the vigorous blood flow is increased. Therefore, the oxygen demand of muscle activity during exercise with less blood flow and reciprocal action of body rhythms, so the confusion is coming to. Thus, one hour after meals, in the case of a strong movement for more than two hours after the meal is good to start exercising.

⑤ Dress

Absorb moisture, and light clothing airy recommended, chemical fiber, cotton, rather than the product is good. The length of the sleeves and pants during exercise to severe heat and cold do not feel good, good to shoe is lightweight and low heels. In particular, when sunlight is strong does not expose the skin to dress like a lot.

⑥ warming (warming up)

Strong motion from standstill rush starts with rapid changes in all organs of the body as the cause of the accident bunched disruptive because it will be warm enough to make the state better adapted to the movement.

Warm up and warm-up required is generally divided into general, special warm-up warm-up exercise in which the major joints of the body as the temple of the common, and respiratory, circulatory functions of the body to elevate the purpose of raising and trying to conduct a special warm-up exercise will be necessary to relieve muscles and joints.

Two. Notices of motion

① pain when it comes to exercise early

Who did not exercise daily life within 5 minutes when you start this exercise painful exercise if you can not continue to happen sometimes. This phenomenon of body functions due to the sudden movement does not accept all of these symptoms occur, so a campaign stop and take a break and then lighter than a good idea to start exercising.

② chest pain

Pain during exercise that stimulates the bronchial airway changonggiga pass through cardiac angina caused by lack of oxygen there. Little concern in the case of airway through a mask and do not like to exercise. In the case of angina through inspections conducted in accordance with the procedures prescribed by a physician and exercise.

③ abdominal pain

That the incidence of abdominal pain when running, stop and change naturally as walking can start getting better again, never interfere with movement.

④ muscle

Hastily in a long time to exercise, or exercise change suddenly when the next phenomenon, the light we recommend that Celebrex, the pain continued to stop along the campaign to reduce any momentum.

⑤ joint

Movement joints occur slowly after 1-2 weeks of the excessive load on bones and joints, so exercise is repeated for several days to stop it happening very helpful. Good to gently exercise. People who do not relapse light load on the joints of the cycle and it is desirable to swim. During exercise, not accidental movement of the pain to stop and take it easy and good to receive medical attention.

Three. Precautions after exercise

① Clean Exercise

Phenomenon that occurs after strenuous exercise, dizziness, fatigue and symptoms are the same. This phenomenon to a drastic reduction in the blood, muscle and blood pressure because of the decline coming. At this time of the exercise and 1-2 minutes light jogging or gymnastics, massage can be prevented through a variety of anomalies.

② shower or bath

Shower after exercise and the feeling of fatigue, to promote a refreshing bath to clean the skin and vigorous blood circulation and promotes the excretion of body wastes. Immediately after exercise in hot and cold bath of obtaining a rapid change in body temperature, heart rate at rest to return to the state to wait a little lukewarm water when bathing is recommended.

③ meals after exercise

If exercise and diet in the stomach because the burden is different depending on the intensity of exercise, but at least 10 to 20 minutes, then better not to lapse.

④ sleep

Sleepiness, fatigue, lack of sleep, when most good fatigue slows the body's recovery may be difficult to adjust to exercise, so take plenty of sleep a day is recommended