Wednesday 19 September 2012

Weight you're-plateau

"Plateau" (Weight Loss Plateau)
Diet, even when weight loss is not going to happen, the first to doubt that "plateau". Plateau physiological, psychological, and environmental causes, but usually the initial plateau iteulsu moisture fell abruptly as physiological normalization of protein decreases are small, fat and reduced time in earnest.
Weight even if you continue to fall steadily, and you will fall again. Hanna
Come addition to homeostasis (homeostatis) that the body continues to adapt to a new life plateau.
Comes naturally to eat less our body will reduce energy consumption. Therefore, less old enough to eat flesh well not to miss the thing.
Weight loss for one reason or another, usually stepped curve is pictured.
Straight-slide, but fell one week fell, fell ... Long, the two months fell one month fell not ... Are presented in this form.
It is perfectly normal.
Also changed, such as plateau yen exercise method and living environment, meals diet, is a good workaround.
Bunch, reducing the amount of food and increase the amount of exercise, rather than seeing the good that way you only change the effect.

"Weight of equilibrium"
Of body weight, weight loss can be included in the plateau, but no longer "can not expect equilibrium".
Calories defect is caused by a falling weight principle we
Need a weight loss diet, and the difference between eating and writing, to defect. To eat a lot to move the hat to bring fat geotyijyo.
Well, the more diet getting a "defect" - the original weight need to eat the amount of current that the difference between diet while eating less.
A lot of weight, basal metabolic rate when a lot of calories consumed during exercise too high.
Years old, skipping, however, also reduces the basal metabolic rate, usual calorie consumption is reduced.
Chumcha requirements and note the difference between the supply is getting very low speed is reduced accordingly.
Eventually, the amount required by the body is equal supply and loss anymore if I do not happen.

Calorie intake diet requirement> 60 km

Indulge as much difference there .... When 50 kilo calories, they match the requirements and discarded. Laugh.

Requirement = 50 kilometers of diet calories

Is if I'm the plateau rather than an equilibrium state, the loss does not happen anymore.
Usually workout 1-2 hours and eat slightly reduced if the equilibrium state is reached within 2-3 months.
Easy to talk that way, until there is a limit to La can
Theoretically calculate karori more noticeable changes in the fall, but does not happen.
In this case, increase the amount of exercise, or more importantly, will need to reduce your intake.
Subtracting the basal metabolic rate while increasing muscle through exercise, increasing the calorie consumption during exercise can be increased. 5 key, except of course, possible. However, the reduced metabolic rate, muscle mass and reduced more than 10 kilometers, except not elude Only those who know it so ppaebon.

Set Point Theory by
Every man that the doctrine of original weight of decision points. Is to maintain more or less like a machine the initial setpoint If you would like to maintain or continue to try to reinstate the principle that So, the body weight set point is reached, the loss not well that's. However, I do not agree with this theory. May exist, but the body weight set point, very many factors that affect So, I'm setting point. Our social, cultural, economic, personal, thoughts, beliefs, and behavior by changing the set point reset can
Do not think I have three points?

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