Saturday 15 September 2012

Diet and instant foods

If you enjoy instant food or fast food diet determination despite not willing to lose weight and can not see outside. 'll Eat a little ... 'hamburger half and only eat more than the recommended amount of fat intake a day. It's better to postpone or abandon the war of flesh and rather than to binge eating under stress.

According to anthropologist known fact, but through many mediums, vegetarian animals closer to humans. Canine carnivores eat meat are developed. Secretion and a strong stomach acids to digest meat. Wastes excreted quickly so you can do is just Chapter 1 ~ 2m length. Development and herbivores, whereas the pool of molars to chew over 10m length Chapter
But what about human Canine rather than human molars development of gastric acid secretion and the predator does not. Chapter length is about 6m or so. So carnivores and vegetarians middle of the animal; someone that do not know what to eat without covering But when a meat-based diet deficient in fiber and intestinal excretion of waste products will not be able to unnatural.

Instant foods, trans fat, heavy metals, etc. exposed
Eat a lot of fatty foods like hamburgers made with meat, such as obesity and arteriosclerosis, stroke, heart disease, prostate cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, ovarian cancer can come Is addictive, even fast food and instant food, a fat content of 40% to reach high enough foresight. Also contains plenty of instant foods, trans fat. Instant transformed into fat, trans fat food for a long time in order to keep Iran hydrogen through the process on Fast Food contains a lot. Excessive fat intake, improves cholesterol levels, obesity, as well as geriatric calls.
Hormones that regulate appetite and eat a lot of fat or cause can be harder to control your appetite. Fat intake addictive depression, frustration, etc. If you do not appear.

On your body, of course, is a good fat, Mediterranean people enjoy eating olive oil is known to be a significant fat intake even though the rate for heart disease than people in other regions, half the lower level. Unsaturated fatty acids, olive oil to clean and durable, making the blood vessels. Because
Instant foods and fast foods are exposed to heavy metals. Health threat that heavy metals such as mercury, lead, aluminum. Heavy metals in the human body affects how scary can look at the case of mercury poisoning occurred in Minamata City, Japan in 1932. Residents ate mercury-contaminated sea creatures hanging mercury poisoning than 2,000 patients in more than 900 died. Another baby born stone remains of mercury poisoning before death reaches 60. Heavy metals accumulate in the body to adversely affect the growth of brain cells and interfere with a key size of growing children. The cause of atopic dermatitis and other chronic skin diseases.

Our ancestors have cereals and vegetarian meals. Diet for gun need to go back to the traditional Korean diet for good health. Effort is required to tame the taste of vitamin seasonal herbs. In addition, to prevent the accumulation of heavy metals, you must eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, high-fiber foods such as brown rice, barley, and containing a lot of vitamins, such as carrots and spinach. Of Ganoderma lucidum safflower Mugwort Angelica gigas Nakai chicory, another major ingredient of Chinese medicine herbs have been reported to heavy metal mitigation materials. These herbs plays a role in the adsorption of heavy metals from the body, and removed from the body.

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