Wednesday 5 September 2012

Anorexia and bulimia

▶ Anorexia

1 Anorexia is

Anorexia Iran not let gripped too obsessive about diet cause loss of appetite, can not eat, as well as digestive side effects of the diet.

Anorexia persists for a long time can cause low blood pressure, heart attack, and swelling appears malnourished.

2 Symptoms of anorexia

At first, but mere symptoms such as anorexia and vomiting, do not eat digestion. Underweight anorexia nervosa patients, mostly due to extreme dieting, but feel they're fat. And is obsessed with the idea of ​​eating food again put on weight, foods to avoid.

To increase the weight by eating less food and more exercise, they were terrified, and sucks a lot, and in the depression and malnutrition ppajimyeo nerve is very sharp.

As well as to avoid having to meet people and lose confidence.

When you see these symptoms, anorexia is just a physical disease, as well as neurological diseases.

3 The treatment of anorexia

Neurological disorders anorexia because I primarily actively participate in the treatment should be.

To do this, their behavior is unusual, it is important to realize that something is not right. To think negatively, but because it is one of the bottles, however, should be to stabilize the mind and the treatment.

Around, especially for people desperately need the help of family and friends, and colleagues. Other diseases, but to realize how much I love and care about how the same should be

Road again seeking anorexia treatment and health food to eat. Furthermore, depending on the degree of recovery by changing food intake and diet and provide nutrients.

▶ bulimia

1 Bulimia Iran

Appear to those who want a slim figure, bulimia eating disorder symptoms. Appear a lot, especially women are athletes, dancers, models, actors, and to the people who go on a diet.

Says, bulimia, eating more foods that can repress yourself. The more dangerous it is concerned that an increase in body weight by vomiting, use of laxatives, diuretics, or This habitual vomiting persists.

2 Bulimic symptoms of

Mentioned above is done repeatedly, such as binge eating and vomiting.

In any form whatsoever are eaten meals gumeumyeon or limit the supply of nutrients to the body nutrients, fill had accumulated the necessary nutrients, you should crave because

The desired nutrients in the body, fat, carbohydrates, protein diet to refrain because when you start eating a high-calorie, fatty foods are eaten pick. However, because a large amount of food to eat to lose control over the moment you eat very fast.

Increased up suddenly after eating cause abdominal pain, vomiting, due to recall. Eliminate because that somehow eaten due to the sense of humiliation on their own sense of rebuke or vomiting, use of laxatives, diuretics, etc..

Concern vomiting and after eating food habitually repeat the party do not have to be caught in a severe kidney disease, due to the laxative and diuretic.

Inferiority, frustration and body swollen due to edema, feel habitually vicious circle again.

3 Bulimia treatment

Similarly, anorexia treatment and bulimia treatment and his aggressive attitude of the people around you need help.

Treatment of bulimia Wrong good but you can not control their behavior, habituation, because patients usually easier than anorexics.

First uneasy psychological safety and dignity by his precious and self-recovery. Realize what PCA to map properly weight balanced, normal diet received.

Writing a diary, the color of life, without being tied to a weight, if only properly should bear in mind the age of bagasse that.

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