Tuesday 18 September 2012

Edema and the relationship between obesity

1 Edema and the relationship between obesity
Edema is telling the state in which the body swelling, edema caused obesity and increased body fat and fat rather than to the swollen state is different.
Edema, the increased amount of water in the blood vessels of moisture exit out of the blood vessels, the amount of moisture is increased by edema.

Edema when often it is easy to think that the kidneys are not good.
Oriental Medicine, however, causes swelling of the kidney, there can be a number of factors in addition to the three organs of the kidneys, lungs, spleen, mainly edema involved explain that.

Edema and obesity biggest difference between the degradation of the basal metabolic rate and body fat increases as obesity occurred, on the other hand, transient edema is a normal basal metabolic rate has only increased moisture that

Swelling happen in a short period of less than three months when the change does not cause an increase in body fat and the metabolic rate of the body's
However, the long-lasting edema would occur, and the impact on the metabolic functions of the built-in carrying metabolic functions decrease the abnormal accumulation of fat waste of

Obese patients actually look appeals to a lot of swelling. Pour eat little, stress is often borne pouring

Edema occurred due to any cause at any time once the swelling saenggige moisture in the body, increasing the body temperature drops the excretory function of the kidneys is debilitated.
Weakens body temperature falls, excretory functions, of course, leads to the degradation of the basal metabolic rate is the cause of obesity, and the constitution itself will be obese chejilhwa

2 Cause edema
Hanuihakjeok spleen, lung, kidney involvement have been described that the cause of the edema.

1) edema and disagreeable
To come swelling weakens the stomach's digestive function.
Abnormal wastes (湿 痰) seupdam the food you eat is not properly excrete digested it does not raises.
If you remain hungry seupdam of the stomach and does not turn off, bloated symptoms are fatigue, heavy limbs.
When this occurs, the water in the blood, it also affects metabolism edematous, herbal unlicensed inability divisor (脾虚 不 能 制 水).

Cars and jinpicha adlay used in everyday life due to these causes swelling of herb Atractylodes macrocephala, uiyiin often drink will help.

2) the lungs, bronchi and edema
Part can not come due to the lungs, bronchial edema typically hard to understand.
Edema of the lungs, due to the weakness of the bronchial tubes are not the direct cause of edema, pulmonary edema occurs secondary to group by controlling breathing and skin of our body.

Lungs (肺 主 气) pyetong assistant (肺 通 调水 道) explained that this herbal omijacha Phonemes tea, and this will help.

3) Height and edema
Internal organs that are directly related to our body's metabolism by controlling moisture and swelling of the kidney.
Because of edema of any cause, whatever the long-term metabolic rate goes diminishing kidney function is degraded.
Weakens the energy of the kidneys in the urine control if the man's getting harder and harder, energetic, growing adolescents may also be affected.

These causes swelling of the bearded corn, red bean, green tea, tea drink will help.

As mentioned above, weakness, swelling of the internal organs of our body functions and is closely related to the more than
Edema, the short-term, fine, but when long-term swelling persists, diminishing the body's metabolic rate will cause obesity.

Obesity than general obesity constitution body itself has the potential to change due to degrade because the basal metabolic rate of the body itself, the edema caused by obesity will need to be more careful.

With one or more of the internal organs is because unlike regular obesity edema mast high because more than likely to result in health after doctor cometh not on a diet.

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