Tuesday 2 October 2012

Improve our diet, acne

Seratonin Needs Basic Needs (3) can be applied to inhibit
Good characteristics that have a desire to control.
Serotonin also has a lot of calories, helping digestion characteristics.

★ fats, toxins remain in the blood makes!
  Toxin of the cholesterol of meat is the most common culprit.

★ stomach to break down food tension and abandoned
   Fat it out.

★ stress mechanism
    → desire insufficiency, fatigue, stress survival instinct Press → perceived as a crisis situation
    → hormones that increase fat accumulation () → bottle

★ repetitive diet mechanism
   Diet due to eating habits improve and Exercise → physical fatigue and stress
   → gluttony (due to shame, stress, diet) → restart

To lose weight that psychological stress and toxins from full
Because excessive diet and exercise until the acne worse.

Results of the tension-fat, insomnia, Fiji <>
1 Fat accumulation, and fat accumulation of hormones that emissions bottle of flesh
2 Interfere with a good night's sleep, insomnia circadian rhythm broken → → of physical and mental illness
3 → skin sebum (acne) created the appearance of ugliness
    Fiji evidence that stress on the body. If the pores clogged sebum buildup, the skin can not breathe. Thus acne. Most adult acne occurs due to the stress.

Kind of tension>
1 Spirit, (异常) state of mind more than

2 Physical stress, stress exponent!

⓵ excessive movement, labor
   Weary body fat eating food in the digestive system can not be decomposed to the discard pile.

   At least 3 to 5 times more than the weight from 1Kg Increasing the pressure to increase in the knee joint are weighted. Fat people slim man of moderate exercise to relieve stress, but little exercise, fatigue and stress piled up. Swimming consumes a lot of energy in a short period of time, quite a lot of tired and hungry gopeuda.

→ brain tension / ⓶ loud music lyrics Music → Brain Stimulation

⓷ irritating food, instant food
   Many taste buds when eating salty and spicy rice Gochujang rubbing.
Pungent taste to receive a rise in blood pressure and stress a lot of food to eat.

⓸ circadian rhythm is broken, especially overnight, the weather and bedtime schedule does not

⓹ electronic products using electromagnetic waves to be absorbed into the body when the heat is generated and the body temperature rises.

⓹ bad posture (skeletal)

Cause of tension

1 The non-fulfillment of the three basic needs of human appetite, sumyeonyok (libido)
    It is almost impossible to suppress the three basic needs of human beings.
Greater if you lack any one of the three basic needs of human survival instinct. Emission energy (digested food) without the body is perceived as a crisis situation, in case you do not know the situation an emergency fat continues to be stored on trying to.

    Human basic needs of food, energy and water are associated with survival.

2 Appetite and libido negative notions about → autonomic nervous manggajim → the body and mind of stress
     "Do not Let the peace movement protested!"

3 Pressure: must / should be replaced.
    Example) to change eating habits. Carnivores should not be. Should exercise. A computer is forbidden ...

4 Just drink water when water shortage: complete fasting.

Tension of the solution

1 Mind aspects
⓵ harmony: black-and-white logic, shall be free from perfectionism.
                    Disadvantages and advantages not can not.
                    Front and the back there.
                Wrong was wrong Do not will not,
                Is that it exists and is maintained. This is natural.
                    The problem occurs when the energy to devote to any one thing.
⓶ Too much is as bad as too little (过 犹 不及)
(山 ⓷ mountain ryucheonseok 溜 穿 石): changes in the period of adjustment is required, steady relaxed!
Change is in progress while gradually reduced the number of old habits.

2 Physical aspects
3 ⓵ human basic needs met: a good night's sleep, feeling of fullness, clamoring
⓶ a good amount of water and drink. Or drink a lot.
Loud music and lyrics in music ⓶ limited
Electronic products ⓶ limited
Food, instant Avoid ⓹ irritating.
Biorhythms maintain ⓺: remain constant (at bedtime meal schedule when you have time, good weather)
⓻ moderate exercise (for straight skeleton)

※ auxiliary means
① healthy satiety foods: beans, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, grapes, etc. ...
② good music (nature sounds)
③ white noise: the brain to relax when you can not sleep because of the microscopic noise. In this case,
                   Is white noise. Principle to prevent noise and noise is a white noise.
④ aroma (lavender)

Decrypt the four "elements"


1 Quantities of food intake and inversely proportional!
   Water is very closely related to food intake and basically Drink a lot of water, you eat less. Why this phenomenon appear? If there is not enough water in the human body, recognized as a crisis situation, because if urgent as the body through food, even water to replenish.

2 Antipyretic
   Body temperature rise when every 10% increase in sebum secretion. Water you drink, the lower the temperature of the skin of the lower This can of course prevent acne by reducing sebum secretion. And wrinkle when the skin becomes dry, it makes a lot of water to get rid of wrinkles, is also important. Juneunde

3 To help soften the stool.
   Stools hard and constipated grows less dietary fiber or water.

Drinking well water ☆
The most important expressions before and after time ⓵ drinking water is 2 hours. Better in three hours.
A very good habit of drinking water as soon as you wake up in the morning ⓶.
   Help supplement made water shortage during sleep and waste emissions.

   In the morning, the accumulation of subcutaneous fat in the evening, to dissolve subcutaneous fat hormone hormones that are secreted. Deeper, especially at night, the secretion of the hormone to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat is a lot. So having flesh eating dinner at night goes.

1 Circadian rhythm, sleep rhythms
    Circadian rhythm, sleep rhythm, the most significantly affected are happening at the time. Sleep rhythm occurs later broken. Breaking a sleep rhythm, you can not fall asleep deeply to sleep before midnight. Much less cell regeneration. Were sleeping late can take place at a given time. Tired right now, but be broken sleep rhythm.

2 Breakfast
    Moves most active between 6:00 to 8:00 in the stomach.

Satiety compared to ⓵ lunch and dinner goes high and long!
   It is the morning of the day, the most well-digested. The absorption of fat and protein in the morning, well, you can keep you feel full for a long time, increasing the glucose concentration in the blood. 've Had their fill, you can reduce the food intake of the lunch and dinner.

Toxin emission is most easily compared to ⓶ lunch and dinner.
   Stomach is moving briskly in the morning, eat black beans toxin emissions is much easier.

3 Play (to relieve fatigue) cells
   Most cells of the body to sleep before midnight is playing. Means that the cells that play a word recovers tired body abused busy all day. If the body does not recover the body of fatigue will accumulate until the next day. Secrete more hormones that fatigue is the accumulation of subcutaneous fat accumulation.

@ For fast self-Tip
⓵ spread a blanket is placed.
⓶ at night and wash in the morning, simply wash properly.
Pajamas ⓷ place packed.

3 Represent the generation of
   The stool does not make enough, because many are caused by constipation. The stool is made from a relaxed state usually sleep is time. Wait constipation, sleep properly, the problem is solved.


   Consume more energy, feel a sense of crisis, the body tries to accumulate energy. In this process, the body sends signals of hunger.

   , Does not feel hungry and I think the body. Is what happens in the brain because Brain sugar is supplied only when hungry. Burkina think If you do not supply the sugar, the brain signals the hungry.

   Vegetables, hydrocarbons, proteins, fats, very little to eat, no matter how hungry call the signal properly sent do Satisfied to eat carbohydrates is only 3 hours after I'm hungry. Quickly emptying the stomach is digested quickly because So much to eat, binge eating or late night. Basically carbohydrates, glucose levels are high. Story of the end of the body's blood sugar level quickly up the sugars the body needs to be supplied in an instant that high glucose. Sugar, protein and fat 5-6 hours of steady deliver. This is why it reducing carbohydrates, proteins and fats to eat.

   Digested slowly and digestion is not anything different. Compared to white rice stall a long time to stay in the stomach. Little slowly digested carbohydrate content is only stall that felt good digestion.

   GI blood glucose level rises after eating glue Semin index (Glycemic Index) foods) insulin secretion rate (by a numerical value representing the food. GI index lower blood glucose levels rise because it is difficult to fewer insulin secretion. Insulin in fat cells per piled flesh stew. So buy foods that are low GI index fell. GI figures can rest assured that is less than or equal to 60.

1 Toxins of materials
   Trouble, etc that the mutation does not exhaust the remaining chapter in the long putrefaction gases and harmful substances, toxins must be removed.

2 The importance of mutation
   Many people attend or kicked out of time to go to the bathroom and miss the rush hour. Not discharge the stool, and put only keep building. PM be the thing in the toilet, the stool does not come out. This process is repeated, the constipation is worse. Accumulation of mutations in the chapter is the corruption starts, the gas occurs. , And the resulting gas into the blood soaks Gas enters into the blood, the body will feel fatigue

"A good way of life,"

Good habits>

1 Develop the habit body moves in life
   Sitting for long periods of time, of course, the basal metabolic rate is not digested well falling. The circulation of the body (blood circulation) does not work. Small to eat the food in the stomach to digest and it does not burden the tension go.

Good idea got off the bus, subway one or two stops before going to walk home.
Dating a walk instead of riding the elevator, the low-rise good idea.
That does body work, at home, moving way.

2 Eat food slowly. Comfortable and pleasant to eat.
Seein ⓵ saliva of the above activities becomes active.
⓶ feel satiated central stimulation accept eating a lot of easy to digest chewing reduces the amount
Eat comfort food ⓷ serotonin secretion is plenty.
   Eat the same food and the same amount of calories, depending on the difference between the meal time there was a difference.
    646 calories, a group of nine minutes of a meal, a group 29 minutes to eat 579 calories.
   Between the two groups about 70 calories difference. Section corresponding times in 88 calories, 70 calories.

3 Eat raw fruits and vegetables can be. : Dolsotbap, dressing, juice, etc. ... Caution
    Faster eating raw vegetables can remove toxins.
① For the juice, sugar, spices, and various chemical additives in the functional beverage.
② salad dressing or sauce (seasoning) should insert
    Low GI index, even though it is difficult to contain a lot of oil or seasoning.
③ Dolsot because of heat will destroy the composition of vegetables.

The bread calorie low GI figures 87 that broke right away.

※ sprouts a lot of digestive enzymes. Used to digest the other food is not well digested is very effective.
   Sprouts in the head with oxygen supply haejumyeonseo actively soothing ingredients abound. Sleepiness disappeared There is a lot of people eating sprouts.

Common sense diet>

Adaptation period to the diet, improve our mandatory!
  Changing eating habits hard body, which plagued the secretion of stress hormones. Costs deliberately dieting, the body tries to maintain homeostasis, binge eating to replenish the food originally eaten. Diet control (calorie intake) when there are individual differences, but usually after a couple of weeks and will gradually adapt.

"Now I'm cooking for myself," think to yourself the stress and burden. Rather strained burden gajimyeon you may not see the effects begin feel. Than this can be made to enjoy their lifestyle, looking back on their life habits fundamentally fix saeroeun.

· Body to buy more than the pain as the toxins are being
  Toxins after you exit and then the flesh falling ingredients are absorbed.
   From the time that fat decomposition in earnest.

, Flesh falling sequence and order fat is opposite.
  Order in the face, belly, thigh, calf, and thigh flesh falling falls into the net.
  Hormone that breaks down fat in the upper body, including the face, mainly because there is
  The age of the lower body than a lot of hormones that suppress lipolysis does not fall.

Years old ppajimyeonseo This live was shrouded in the appearance of fine lines proved to have a diet and wrinkles, increased because Can rest assured that if you are certain no more than flesh falling body. The body is equipped with a system to maintain proper weight and looks basically. Again after some time, the face animation looks. Long look month.

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