Wednesday 31 October 2012

Getting dry and sensitive skin, and why those measures.

Many people are worried about dry skin.
Winter yen more severely felt fine lines, dry skin Genie will grow keen.
Why was healthy and moist skin drier?
Just a dry environment due to severe extent to ten thousand ... Into the beans I want to know what I'd like to find a solution.

Look at what the exact causes for the skin drying out why.
Cosmetic moisturizing dry skin Genie Apply.
Great pity, but because of its eyeshadow and the loss of more moisturizing skin
Dry skin is a vicious cycle that needs a stronger moisturizing cosmetics.
Dryness in the skin badly lagged the use cosmetics you are using now if you would stop
Will be reverting back to a healthy skin, the most sensible way.
Without any measures, however, discontinued cosmetics, must needs be a ~

Moisturizing of the skin is determined by the sweat and sebum that is secreted from the pores of our bodies (hydrolipidic).
Trying cosmetic rather than sweat and sebum secretion doemeuro appropriately be kept moist skin.
All those people who are still alive, but a little difference in the secretion of sweat and sebum excretion.
But why would cause dry skin?
Is given because of a problem in the bowl that holds it sweat and sebum.

Stratum corneum is the bowl that holds the sweat and sebum, located on top of our skin side.
Water must always contain 20 to 25% of the stratum corneum.
When the moisture evaporates, the pores in the secretion is soon filled is itjiyo.
Always maintain a moisture content of 20-25% is the milky skin moist and transparent skin.
The fact that nobody can deny the fact that yirapnida.

Fiji is the moisture in the stratum corneum contained a substance that prevents evaporation.
Fiji a role to prevent the evaporation of water and food for the beneficial bacteria living on our skin.
's A bacteria flora ...
Role to help prevent the invasion of bad bacteria.
Trillions swarm. On the skin ....

Indicates that about sebum secretion from the pores when the near neutral to alkaline.
And oil (oil).
Fecal fatty acids flora of Fiji eat and excrete substances that indeyo
Indicates that the unsaturated fatty acids status is changed to water-soluble weakly acidic substances.
In advertising, healthy skin is slightly acidic, slightly acidic frills
Flora, rather than to create a slightly acidic cosmetics is slightly acidic, which should be by the action.
Keep our skin is slightly acidic by the change of Fiji when
Defense to harmful external environment (such as ultraviolet light, bacteria, heavy metals, pollutants) have doemeuro
Healthy skin (scalp) rapnida.

Skin to be dry and trouble-free ...
1, sweat and sebum in pores normally be secreted.
2, secreted hydrolipidic stratum corneum to must carry.
Flora should be the most active.
These three conditions are necessary.

The skin is dry, you look at those three functions is given because of the problems.
Second three reasons for this most serious problem is the stratum corneum.
Spill forces many women to remove the stratum corneum.
Says healthy skin aging aging keratin keratin not Iran.
Is time to get away is naturally aging keratin.
Broken, but aging keratin keratin.

Breaking stratum corneum to send my sweat and sebum from the pores to hold the bowl because
Dry skin can not only
Stratum corneum in normal flora bacteria contained Fiji will be eaten. But not aneuni keratin garbled Add
Skin is slightly acidic, can change as little hungry and normal flora bacteria stimulate come more sensitive to the things around them freezes.

Cosmetics companies told to exfoliate aging situation yireohal jinde
Numerous flood pilringje my release.
It is very difficult to recover back to normal once broken keratin thing.
"Inciting more sesame think Would tenin Only then have to sell a lot more cosmetic ....

Dry and sensitive skin to be the biggest cause of damage to the stratum corneum is due.
Stratum corneum is damaged from excessive rubbing eyes when we
And be managed by skin care salons or dermatologist peels and peels, Laser Shot,
All in all, will cause damage to the stratum corneum of the skin.
Our skin * damage to the stratum corneum, the biggest cause just cosmetic ...........
Particularly the most serious foam cleansing, shampoo, toothpaste, sanitizers, such as women.

Them in too much of a synthetic surfactant (sodium Lau resseu snowshoe Ed) ... sulfuric acid, nitric acid, monohydrochloride.
Most of the synthetic surfactant cleansing products and shampoos contain surfactants, preservatives, etc.
Hazardous chemicals between 30 and 40% contains
Brr ... Cleanly washed jundaneun put such material.
Products containing these chemicals, if now, Please Avoid the use
Available materials and permission from the government (of course) very harmful synthetic surfactants with
Damaging to our skin (the stratum corneum of the scalp) is the reigning meritorious.

Do not tell you again keratin Breaking a hydrolipidic Add support the skin dry is.
Scalp, dandruff and hair loss, itching, rashes cause.
More oil in cosmetics interfere with the secretion of sweat and sebum block the pores of the entrance skin becomes dry.
Flora of prey disappears slightly acidic, does not come without loss Def sensitive, often getting into trouble.

Broken through the stratum corneum of harmful chemicals penetrate the skin inside the more serious side effects when
(Aging) and kill healthy cells, endocrine until further penetration causes various incurable diseases that.
Newborn health problems, women's uterine disease, breast cancer, and also because the chemicals penetrate the skin from the paper
Is being presented by famous scholars continue.

Does not cause fear to want to raise.
Awareness meant.
Happy life to live healthy skin
First synthetic surfactant that contains the product should stop using.
And the use of cosmetics that contain oil should be avoided.
Of cosmetic oils that are not moisturizing.
Colorful enough oil cosmetics used for an extended period of time, the skin and the moisturizer that you want to own the power degradation is increasingly
Oxidised oil skin Tues lipid peroxidation (毒) turned into tires.

Then what's the solution?
Do not rub when cleansing or shampoo to.
And products using oils or chemicals that do not you.
If you do not use the product, but that kind of thing deodiji although the skin on their own, we will be
The only way to avoid dry and sensitive skin.

Rather than synthetic surfactant and the oil, the skin only bad
Is very bad for the environment.
Do not decompose easily, pollute the rivers and sea creatures die.
Is at least as ocean pollution caused climate.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Can lead to dry skin, aging skin.

Itchy winter skin suddenly For a lot of people. Reason for the dryness.

Bring a debilitating skin surface and the cold air from the outside Yeah, right as they had vaporised moisture because it has the wrong skin itchy cracking of the skin, such as dry skin is dry.

All skin then there's the role of the sebaceous gland sebaceous glands immediately to prevent drying of the skin. Of course, accumulate a lot of waste in the skin is too excessive sebum, oily skin, trouble may occur. Sebaceous glands so important to function correctly will help to perform.

Less than anywhere else, especially the arms and legs, hands and feet, belly, and the sebaceous glands. Areas of the skin that are not exposed to the winter due to dry, indoor environment and indoor and outdoor temperature difference between the moisture content can be easily lost.

Lack of water due to aging is the cause of dry skin. 40-50 cost to move them, dry skin, oily skin, a person who was there, which is due to the hormonal changes. This is because our body itself reduce the moisture in the stratum corneum.

Dries and the skin's sebaceous glands are fewer wrinkles occur easily. Most important anti-aging, skin elasticity, talking loudly. Pollination.

Dry weather will weaken the skin's metabolism. Therefore, to keep moisture in the skin, even more than the usual attention from rehydration should strive for. In particular, be careful when washing and bathing to minimize irritation of the skin, preferably a good many points.

'd Better not shower or sauna in the winter, too often good not good because ttaesugeon severe irritation is not a good idea. Xeroderma really moisturizing body lotion in haejumyeon and can be prevented.

Evaporation of moisture within 3 seconds after cleansing skin lotion to put on it, but the story is less popular in recent years. Actually been proved through the experimental results, a lot of people do these things and that trend. To replenish the water flying in the usual roots and the people carrying the mist on your face, there are many Which are several precautions to prevent dryness.

Should drink a lot of water in order to prevent the evaporation of water in our body that Feel the thirst in the summer, the fact that in the winter moisture is lacking. Therefore, furnishes enough water in our body.

Winter dry skin in the prevention and treatment of dry indoor environment, so please use a humidifier will help. Good idea too tight, preventing the record, do some indoor ventilation dole.

Monday 29 October 2012

Beauty skin during the seven secrets Cleanup

While for the efforts of people nowadays seems to be similar to the plastic craze blew
For cosmetics, skin, skin care, exercise, probably now continue will emerge as a hot I think.
Jeong on the women 's side during the famous, gohyeonjeong Celebrity Skin to follow, but a lot of know-how, depending on the individual well may be true may not be.

Cleansing unincorporated gohyeonjeong jeong on the women 's side during the secret along gohyeonjeong did not jeong on the women' s side skin.

Fluffy seanbeop hard gohyeonjeong Why not? Skin gohyeonjeong If think again about skin care, I'm going to need a cleanup. Our skin do not go according to her, perhaps already in the TV broadcast that steadily shed any light skin care gohyeonjeong the size of the investment on the skin because it differs will

Already sagging skin, wrinkles made simple life managed only it is difficult to solve. Is the same as the stubborn about right that once the wounds of the injured place. Advance by managing Because of the fact that skin to maintain youthful skin, always the best way.

Surgery than writing to the nerves in the skin care herbal 30-40 are showing more interest in forming nowadays. Rarely found to be safe in terms of side effects, benefits, and procedures trail is that it does not.

So, that you can put into practice in their daily lives, while the skin, let's revisit the secret.
Meantime, collecting the various bits of information known as a skin care specialist or the secret of celebrity during the seven secrets could be cleaned up.

(1) but just the food that makes you feel better we stress the skin very unhealthy. Sugar and blood vessels together and, needless to stick to the dermis, the active ingredient in collagen coupled cells become stiff and I have to lose elasticity. Daldalhan eat it too, you want to choose chocolate rather than fruit juice that contains a lot of candy, please.

(2) Nocturnal, who is who you want to be a part of this for a while, you should sleep early. 10:00 robbing a magical time turning our skin. It's exactly a week at 2 o'clock in the morning at 10,010 to sleep! Probably changed the skin after checking every day might enjoy sleep early. Most important for skin regeneration rapnida magic of that time sleeping.

Know will eat enough fruits and vegetables (3), the skin, the better for all. Contains a lot of vitamin A, C, E, I'm good for eating food that contains antioxidant ingredients. Beta-carotene, polyphenols also got good intake of persimmon, pomegranate, tangerine, banana, orange, strawberry, grape, pumpkin, skin beautifying, it's help.

(4) After a day, your makeup, please immediately cleared. Makeup residue to clean the skin trouble occurs, so your double cleansing and leave.

Ultraviolet yirapnida one of the culprits of aging of the skin (5). Lifestyles than what is kept in one field, I'm not sure when you go out, snatching your sunscreen Also while you want to be a part of this.

Would have heard about the Water Management Act (6) 3 seconds. Before reaching a foreign substance on the skin after cleansing, to rub the right foundation cosmetics good will. Doing so much better moisture absorption. Certain Moisture ppaeatgimyeon lose elasticity and the skin will develop wrinkles. Moisture to prevent dry skin, because it is a major cause of skin aging, wrinkles and elasticity always patronize is important to become familiar

(7) alcohol and caffeine, and cigarettes away. The first three common will take away the moisture. Cool down at least five times a day, more than eight glasses of water a day to drink water mist hurt to sprinkle our skin replenish moisture while the skin They're

Sunday 28 October 2012

Atopic skin care

The skin and has the ability to play their own role to protect our body, immunity and absorption, emission, and is configured so that you can work out yourself.
However, all the products that we use on the skin, the skin is added to the chemical composition harm.
Increasingly dry and finishing atopic dermatitis, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, inflammation will spread.
Weaken the chemical composition of the skin, no matter how small amount even create
For example, the difference between the given and chemical fertilizer gave the land to fertilize cultivated land is enormous.
Abundantly cultivated land as fertilizer rich in microorganisms and makes the land fertile, the crops grown there.
Such crops as organic, we will purchase and pay for the expensive place concerning health and because he
The skin itself is a natural breathing, and absorption and emission.
I should come back for a long time, until you realize the truth of this teaching herself to use on the skin, and all products made using only natural ingredients without chemical ingredients cheopga when there were a lot of changes.
Equator, I was accustomed to the chemical composition of the skin with a sudden aversion to the natural ingredients can surprise me sometimes.
Reactions HYUN reaction.
Natural products I listed some representative doubt, I tend to doubt many things We've got to make do.
Well as detergent to water pollution and its toxicity to protect your hands from me, dragging the explosive popularity of dishwashing detergent to remove the greasy kitchen necessities Slips for modern people eat a lot of fatty foods
Rubber gloves are released in accordance kitchen necessities enlightenment.
If you do not wear gloves and take a weak innate skin housewife disservice chronic disease called eczema forth.
Head reeling shampoo is released soaring alopecia patients and the fact that head lice do not become pests when you wash your hair with soap ppalraet the past (salt) and seborrheic scalp patients only hereditary hair loss that are emerging itdapnida.
When there is permanent, dye, gel, etc. to create a variety of products, which is essential chemicals continue to weaken the scalp and the corresponding scalp care products as much as they are being released.
Growing cosmetics then climbing out of toothpaste, dental dermatologist for treatment of atopic inflammation is also increasing.
How well it fits the natural ingredients in our skin will look carefully listening to the ads these days will tell you.
Natural forest or an advertising background and most have been saying in nature, some natural ingredients, natural precious skin pamper, please and so many ads headed nature that you'll notice.
Not interested in how much of the natural ingredients, our skin will want to accept the 100% natural ingredients as
In addition, the environment in which we live, late, and the earth is suffering, too much pollution was wrong, whether protecting nature outside the dimension of each country in which they realize the seriousness about the deterioration of the natural green environment gakkuryeo a great effort.
Our nature that is a small fraction of the more than 30 seconds to live without relying on our natural difficult.
The air we breathe or the water, eating nature that seems to be the only thing.
A top priority in order to save your skin does not act contrary to nature and natural healing nature is destroyed, is the best remedy.

Saturday 27 October 2012

Summer skin care, skin problems and first aid

Balusters summer ohmyeonseo yet Temperatures of the skin temperature rises due to dryness and yubungam not blend Le Fontainebleau who suffer from a lot of detected blood. Susceptible to skin damage due to ultraviolet light Now suddenly gotten tired of spring Asian dust allergens.

Is the weather like right now in June, the most trouble are the reason. Waste their skin is suddenly hotter jyeoseo not resist the heat in the skin ssokssok come up because the skin clean is more important than usual.

Home Care Management Act somewhat appropriate for your skin type, familiar daily walk or a dermatologist If you are struggling with skin problems such as blemishes and rashes, nothing seems to be good.

If you plug in a skin trouble that happened suddenly a typical situation for women, menstruation, before and after the season changes Keratin, pulling bright colored, allergic bomchul blemishes. Is especially true for accelerating skin aging state is already a lot to damage when exposed to ultraviolet light in the hot weather continues.

A case-by-case basis to manage and minimize blemishes.

Many keratin happened suddenly physiology before and blemishes - I would jaw around ohdoltodol journal gathers the day is coming. Around the chin, I often rash and lack of oxygen supply to be physiological sex hormone imbalance occurring in the post-war Not rash me accumulate stress and fatigue and may or makeup residue waste discharged, products used on the skin that do not fit in when I can.

Rash then it tickles or stinging woomyeon trouble placing the parts on the Saturate a cotton pad and not to be distracting and stimulating the skin cold packs or massage will help soothe you. We recommend that you use a moisturizing and soothing the skin.

Many people floating makeup court because the keratin happened to sudden temperature difference will Varied, but among them a difference in temperature and indoor dryness, cleansing the residue is most likely reasons behind the sudden severe keratin. Occurred in the chin area of ​​keratin, which was not cleansed, keratin likely to be high. Keratin keratin happen when the ball around and avoid excessive peeling around the mouth and nose, stinging while Wu hydration.

Keratin management, depending on the skin type, different oily skin about 1 to 2 times per week steam towels to open the pores and soften keratin and sebum exfoliant helps. Adequate supply of moisture in the skin after exfoliation by management. A good place to minimize irritation of sensitive and dry skin. Moisture and exfoliation about once or twice a month and rub moisturizing, nourishing cream to.

Pull bright colored face trouble occurs - like these whimsical weather hydrolipidic balance of the skin does not fit well. Skin columns prematurely cause trouble swiunde in the name of humanitarianism, squeeze or touch should be avoided. Than anything rash never squeeze them by hand to avoid. Other foreign substances deposited on the nails I think your face to cling to maintain the cleanliness of the skin, and haejueoya. Should not hurt the skin to create a good skin.

Inflammatory skin becomes red, the number of days since the trouble to use the antibiotic ingredients in cosmetics and inflammation quickly to immerse yourself disinfect areas and will apply antibiotic ointment. In severe cases, sudden trouble too sure please discuss with experts. Rather apply any medication or can be harmful. To avoid as much as possible steroid ointment cosmetics, low irritation and subungam enough to write shows.

Allergens to skin care, to be thorough. Skin irritation due to pollen or yellow sand, the spring is pretty frequent in the summer, ultraviolet light and hearty sebaceous glands of skin problems often come.

Hat or reduce irritating external factors as possible, wipe your hands and face clean, give access to refrain from outdoor outing after the return is a good place to Sunscreen just rubbing every 3-4 hours Reapply please. Dirty substances from sticking to the skin to prevent acne antibiotics, never wring, do order to rubbing sunscreen rash If wearing a hat and go out a good place to

Friday 26 October 2012

My skin type Learn simple

My skin type?
"Why should I dry rash together I am?"
"Why forehead acne bout see the adults?"

Most people in your own skin 'sensitive skin' is, he says.
But, the answer should be that the treatment, whereas 2%.

Thus a lot of people do not know their skin which is
Cream using many oil pimples haphazard tone or
Many people to dry Apply a moisturizing cream only.
Susceptibility to dry skin dry in the sensitivity depending on the state of management and forth to change.

At home through this article and recommended, but for accurate diagnosis in dermatology visiting could match the skin type -
Their skin is prepared for any type of those confused Rishi saw ^ ^

Normal Skin
Skin type skin types during the most ideal and have got enough moisture and sebum.

These people neutral skin!

The surface of the skin smooth and soft.
- Can receive lasting makeup
- After washing your face, pull, or greasy does
Fiji Basin, and water supply functions are properly
Skin more than pigmentation, acne, blemishes, does not occur
Delicate skin texture of the skin pores, fine by sunny
Climate change, according to the seasonal supply of moisture and sebum balance is achieved
Good elasticity, blood ㅜ organization is hard under normal conditions, and does not wrinkle
Of the skin after mid-twenties geonjohwa, begins as soon as the signs of aging compared to other skin types

Mild skin How should you melt?
's Important considering the changing of the seasons, which remains the most ideal current balances of hydrolipidic

Cleansing: gentle lotion to remove waste products
- Deep Cleansing: once per week by the enzyme type management allows
- Skin & lotion (toner) is used for normal skin pH balanced lotion
Pack pack once a week with a moisturizing effect

Dry Skin
Down the skin's moisture content and yubunryang dry skin types feeling the generality of dry skin, the epidermis, dry skin, dehydration, dermis, dry skin, dehydration, divided into

These people dry skin!
Stratum corneum of the skin's moisture and the lack of flexibility is
- Sometimes, itchy skin on the face, ringworm gikgi life easy
Thin skin makeup hilarious capillaries prone to
- Is nothing like putting your face after cleansing, heavily draws
Fragile skin and wrinkles occur, because it is easy aging process is coming soon
The pores, skin texture small and delicate but not shiny is always tension
Fiji Shield is damaged, thinning skin, freckles, melasma pigment deposition can occur

Dry skin, types of skin's needs vary, depending on the type of skin condition, Ginny writes ^ ^

General dry skin
Hydrolipidic content lacks the function of the sebaceous glands and sweat glands (glands), and moisturizing ability due to a lack of
Epidermis dry skin
The impact of the external environment or the use of wrong skin care cosmetics is the main cause of the fine lines prone to
Dermis, dry skin
Dermal damage due to excessive ultraviolet radiation and air pollution due to the diet as nutritional deficiencies caused the skin's own moisture supply is the problem of
Bold wrinkle-prone

^ ^ Dry skin, which they managed to do one melt?
Docile minutes on the surface of the skin, dry skin Those who supply drying focus on that and improve facial wrinkle focus attention ^ ^ I'm

Cleansing: gentle lotion or cream to remove dirt and makeup seotaek
- Once a week deep cleansing enzyme type is used
Lotion (skin toner OR): the alcohol content is low and moisturizing lotion
Pack: 1 to 2 times per week, such as collagen, hyaluronic acid, ceramides, all the ingredients used to paekje

Oily Skin
Trouble occurs in the skin due to excessive sebum secretion, skin, dry skin and oily boring, boring, easy, and divided dapnida

These men oily skin - year olds!
Makeup well received and easily be erased
Fiji Basin, a lot of greasy face
Acne and pimples pores and skin is rough, well saenggimyeo wide
- Due to the oil on the surface of the skin, face easy sticky foreign substance Ask
Red color of the skin capillaries expand, or grayish overall becomes easy

How to manage oily skin should you melt?
Need to regulate sebaceous glands, keep the skin clean and clear. Also need to remove the excessive sebum?

- Cleansing gel, cleansing oil to select
- Deep Cleansing: The enzyme type or once a week to remove old keratin and sebum Gommage type
Lotion (skin toner OR): astringent lotion to select
- Clay Pack pack: 1 to 2 times per week moisturizing and sebum adsorption effects

Combination Skin
Contrary, depending on the parts of the face, or a completely different skin types and environmental factors, skin care habits, hormonal imbalance, such as occurs in coexistence?

These people combination skin!
Cheekbones, pigmentation appear to see the area is often
- The sebaceous glands that are moisture and lack of makeup, I do not
Skin texture skin nor highly praised the organization as a whole is not constant.
-T-zone area produce more sebaceous glands, acne or rash is easy and pores
-T-zone area, except after cleansing, and pull phenomenon prone to fine lines around the eyes

How the complexity of the skin, skin care?
Hydrolipidic balance of focus on the management, depending on the site I need to enforce a discriminatory management

Cleansing: gentle lotion is
Clove - Deep Cleansing: T-zone rodents, John scrub, U-type enzymes are used
Lotion (skin toner OR): astringent moisturizing lotion
- Pack:
Clay Pack T-Zone: Fiji adsorption effects
U-Pack: moisturizing once a week to manage

Sensitive Skin
Compared with normal skin and sensitive to even minor stimuli control function and immune function are degraded

These people send sensitive skin ~!
Skin problems such as acne, rashes, allergic occur easily.
- Skin appears easily pull water shortage phenomenon occurs
- If you use cosmetic change at first, causing sensitive
Area to area, thin skin erythema caused pigmentation occurs
- Heat, cold, sunlight, pollutants, climatic conditions by easily hotter face feels itchy.

How to manage sensitive skin Hae - Yong?
Must maintain and protect the stability to minimize skin irritation and skin really should

- Cleansing: dedicated cleansing low sensitivity of stimulus
- Deep cleansing cream is used once a week on a two-
Lotion (skin toner OR) to select non-alcoholic lotion: soothing and moisturizing effect
Pack: Once a week water supply and soothing pack of excellent ingredients

Acne Skin

Causes of acne
1 Genetic causes of acne, more than 80% can cause genetic
2 Acquired causes: stress, digestive disorders, constipation, lack of sleep, alcohol, hot and humid climate, environmental pollutants and hygiene deficiency, cosmetics or pharmaceuticals improper use of

These people acne skin ten nidang!
- The skin is a little thick and coarse,
Makeup is colorful enough is cleared over time
Fiji Basin, more apt to be messy bundles georimyeo

Form of acne
1 If bullous acne
Follicles within Fiji accumulate on the walls of the dead cells of the stratum corneum together with hair follicles are formed lumps.
(Usually white heads and black heads ^ ^ s)
2 Papular acne
Accumulated sebum within the hair follicles are infected with bacteria, redness and swollen rash.
3 Pustular acne
Formation of pus-red papular acne worse
4 Nodular acne
Papule larger than a solid lump is formed deep skin or protruding above the surface of the skin within the skin, forming a rigid core
5 Cystic acne
Suppuration of the state form of acne the largest and most severe pain was deep
- The destruction of the dermis deep leaves a permanent acne scars

Acne skin how one should manage their applications?
Trouble should decrease and remove sebum and sebum secretion by regulating anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, disinfecting, focused management need to.
Appropriate preventive and steady management of acne symptoms should not worsen scarring and pigment do I need to focus on the management

- It is safe to write a less oily product
Skin disinfection capabilities, products containing alcohol should
Containing ingredients such as salicylic acid, Vitamin A, AHA uses makeup pueul
- Fiji and improve skin condition seborrheic reduction is to use professional cleaners
- The use of the alkali plain soap can worsen acne causes acne bacteria to breed

Aging skin
Acquired by poor blood circulation, lack of subcutaneous fat, the skin of excessive sun exposure, emotional stress, and if it occurs early in the aging process of the skin ipnidang

These people aging skin!
- After washing your face, pull phenomenon is faster
- The skin occurs as fine lines geonjohwa
- Nutrition and reduces the sebaceous glands
Elasticity decreases the pores wider
Waste accumulation thickens the epidermis
Dry skin and see neuleojinda
UV defenses reduced pigmentation occurs
To change the structure of the epidermis and dermis, the skin becomes thinner

Aging of the skin, how to manage?
Cosmetics contain enough hydrolipidic
Cope with the aging of the skin, such as ultraviolet light, dry, cold wind stimulation of the skin should be protected
Use makeup cosmetics to prevent ultraviolet sunscreen, sunblock, sun lotion, etc. and

Telangiectatic skin
In the epidermis near the capillaries are weakened or spicy food intake, due to ultraviolet light and visible red capillaries rupture, or extended skin temperature changes in the weather, such as cold, heat, wind, and alcohol or Say -

These people telangiectatic skin!
In the area to see the amount of red capillaries on the surface of the skin, the skin is expanded
Genetically weak blood vessels
- People with disabilities thyroid gland or hormone
-Menopausal women or gastrointestinal disorders, people with chronic toilet
- Coffee, alcohol, tobacco, and people love God b
Suffering from stress and tension massage that stimulates and strong peeling recipient

Telangiectatic skin melt managed to do one?
- Non-alcoholic product does not irritate
- Preferably without peeling massage reduces irritation by gently performed
Avoid soft cream tawip paekje - Peel-off type paekneun
- Use the products for the skin to soothe and strengthen routine julren, witch hazel, aloe ingredients
To prevent intake of vitamin P, vitamin C, vitamin B, and the vessel wall weakening and prevent bleeding
Telangiectatic skin using cosmetics and skin makeup when you go out to protect

Thursday 25 October 2012

Skin clears way

1 Drink more than eight glasses of water a day habit, the habit of drinking eight glasses of water a day in order to maintain the ideal moisture content of jilcheung (1520) to let That filter out impurities in the body of water in the body, as well as rehydration.
2 The metabolism of cells becomes high enough sleep to tonight at 10, the skin between the saebyeok 4 is lower than the approximately 10-fold more active. Release melatonin, a natural toxin inhibitor keratinized cells from the skin to fall away more quickly, and moved to the surface of the skin cells, accelerate regeneration and DNA recovery process sikimyeo light during the night because the night because your skin is the optimal conditions for . So, get enough sleep, sleep, the next morning, bright and transparent skin of the protagonist can be
3 Breath of fresh air to the fresh air. Abdominal breathing can be recommended. Action to accelerate the metabolism to help the living, breathing skin cells in the skin of oxygen.
4 Regular deep cleansing, exfoliation helps. Deep cleansing is a way to cleanly remove aging horniness of the depths of the pores. Aging exfoliating If you do not clog skin pores and deep cleansing pores, acne, rashes easily handsome widening, such as skin color is colorful enough.
5 Soon furrowed expression management is the management of eyes If you have a bad habit of biting the lower lip draw a frown on the forehead and fine lines on the forehead and eyes Ghana creates wrinkles around the mouth. Let us create the wrinkles do not need to manage mild expression
6 Frequent sauna sauna taker often deprived of water in the body, the skin becomes dry and destroy the natural boseupmak lose elasticity. Make a habit to frequent sauna shower after abstaining wet dry rub body lotion before.
7 Become tissue rather than puff or swab. Formation of wrinkles by stimulating skin may be less irritating to the skin tissue using a puff or swab Let
8 Create a beautiful neckline, rather than too high pillow. Neckline and straight neck, shoulder, spine straightened posture to take. Skincare emulsion or around the neck, even nourishing cream blemish.
9 UV rays cause of aging is the main cause of aging, liver spots, freckles, blemishes, so use sunscreen., 365 days a year UV protection is essential. Foundation makeup in the last step, you must.
10 365 days a year when you get up out of bed, stretching helps. Ultraviolet rays cause of aging is the main cause of aging, liver spots, freckles, blemishes, so UV protection is essential. Foundation makeup in the last step, you must.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Skin. Funny stories and features

Essential life-sustaining functions required for the metabolism of institutions that cover the surface of the skin of the body and protects the body from external agencies. Approximately 70% moisture, the skin thickness about 2mm, width 1.6 ~ 2.0 ㎡, 16% of the body weight, the active ingredient protein 27%, fat 2%, minerals 0.5%. And weakly acidic PH 4.5 ~ 6.5 factor. (So cleansing with soap and alkaline recently noticeable than it would be better to slightly acidic to form clan cleansing is.)

The skin has several functions. Thermoregulatory action to adjust the PH to give a shiny protective action to protect the skin and sebum secretion and the secretory effect of physical, chemical, bacteria or debris, and ultraviolet light from the sweat. And the perception that the sense of touch, ongak, pain, hangak, apgak. Only the last breath of 1-2% which is responsible for respiration and at the same time in the body can synthesize vitamin D synthesis. (Past miners vitamin D deficiency because of a bone weakening (PVL) or rickets. highly susceptible).

Final differentiated cells as we know that when the (dirt) plays an important role. When forming the stratum corneum (horny layer) of the skin stratum corneum pushed first, the basal layer of the epidermis -> u geukcheung - granulosa -> to turn over a series of courses and refurbished. Yet as dead cells lose the nucleus of cells arriving in the stratum corneum, and the suppleness of the skin, moisturizing and protecting. Because of direct damage of the stratum corneum of various skin troubles can be a factor.

Scrub off the dead skin specialist during the 30 years that. As I have said earlier, in the stratum corneum skin naturally when the time is right to break apart because of a problem at all does not claim. A natural turn over process has been accompanied by the stratum corneum does not go away easily, but if the disease can cause. Typical examples of psoriasis (psoriasis). Not lose the stratum corneum over time depending on the binding affinity, is a disease of skin tear-out put together.

Asked to block UV rays to the skin care experts. Disease and aging of the skin in the ultraviolet, some experts say that is the worst claimed. Ultraviolet light activates melanin, the melanocytes of the skin a little (melanosome) to make black skin, as well as to transform the interior of the cell gene. Genetic modification of DNA bases T and T to stick together, especially a dimer (dimer) as causes. Vary from direct exposure to sunlight is deadly to the skin.

The product as a result of the scarred skin have? Yes, you can. Happens because different cell division rate of the parts I wound scars in the treatment of skin wounds. The deeper part of the Pine division rate is relatively slow. Because of the products listed on the market how to use all parts of the cell division rate of the cells I wound significantly lower. In other words, we use the method to treat the scars so that very slow at the same rate as cell division arose. Written bosimyeon As you know, the cure rate is extremely slow.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Enemies of the skin' accelerated aging of sugar

Chocolate and ice cream, candy, and other sweets. To buy only food, hot pot, with plenty of sugar that is familiar.

There are a lot of people but the fact you do not know until the food that we grow old more quickly Makes

British dermatologist Frederic Brandt absolute guidelines to maintain a beautiful and healthy youth through 10 years: recently published '10 minutes, based on their own experiences, why 'Public Enemy' sugar 1 detail are described.

Brandt Dr. "Sugar promote the degradation of collagen and elastin, the major protein of the skin tissue," he explained, "In other words, the sugar you very aggressively grow old" make

He claimed simply by reducing sugar intake, age 10 years ago turned into a skin that

He recalled from childhood, his father, who runs the candy store to buy orange juice and ice cream every day filled with additives like sugar sweet in the mouth, my greatest joy was

Only enjoyed the food with Brandt Dr. diabetes and renal failure (肾 不全) as a 47-year-old father died of his life has changed.

"Then I realize that my body to take care of themselves as adults dwaetgo healthy eating habits have decided," said Brandt Dr. "So I began to stop your sugar intake, the fact that at first myself so remarkable change iteurirago totally unexpected has he said.

On the tenth skin texture, hue and multicolored, resilient, I broke the sugar and 20 pounds (approximately 9.1 kg) reduced noticeably improved. Just a year after I could feel that the state of the whole body is completely changed.

40s diagnosed age 10 as of his own body.

Brandt Dr. yoga and cellulite without one solid body with sugar-free therapy I maintain that "If anybody does not believe it is real does not eat sugar. Effect lasts much cheaper than cosmetic surgery," he said.

According to his explanation, writing applications that skin sugar effects induced cell destruction. "Looks skin collagen plate rings and elastin, it closed in brighter, the sugar molecules momentum by attacking this organization dropped destroy." For the first time it will not be easy to remove all sugar from food. "Some patients 'age ate too much now, how much more better right? Lifestyle change too, I'm old' again, this excuse can not be tolerated," said Brandt Dr. past 10 days "Although it is difficult to be started. change themselves can be felt, "he asserted.

▲ first 30 days will not eat all the sugar, maple syrup, fructose, artificial sweeteners, such as breaks. Honey, too.

Thereafter, some sugar in the digestive process that produces wheat, dairy products, fruit, gluten-containing grains, East should stop eating. Kind of like hiding in the fructose drink soda and all food should keep away from.

Low glucose content such as brown rice and rice milk, blueberries, green apple is fine.

Basically sugar, as well as eat foods that 'way' is also a problem. Never baked or chicken grilled or tonggamja, like a steak on the griddle-fired (直 火) ninety-two way the food is cooked at high temperatures should be avoided.

Brandt Dr. longer cooking at higher temperatures, the collagen and elastin tissue degeneration AGE (Advanced Glycated Endproduct) materials to produce more, "he explained.

AGE in the metabolic process to say the year combined with proteins or lipids, gene supranuclear generated AGEs activated to destroy malignant tissues around the substance.

Botox treatments on a regular basis to celebrities such as singer Madonna and Cher, the actress Ellen Barkin and Rupert Everett to the doctor that the fact that Dr. Brandt is famous. Actively to inform how you can revert to the skin so naturally age that he spearheaded a indeed surprising. His appeal, so it is more convincing.

Monday 22 October 2012

Deal with trouble skin hives

Itching, hives or eczema-like rash with these blemishes are caused by the stress on internal factors, such as skin or inside the body's immunity decreases the expression.
Steroid, is itching to relieve symptoms is not the purpose of healing, because if you stop the itching and relatively more severe symptoms of the rebound phenomenon will occur.
Usually causes most of the skin disorders (urticaria, purpura, seborrheic dermatitis, Take one bag of gin, etc.) are similar.
Family history of hereditary factors, excessive stress, and different emotional changes, trauma, infection, or psychological factors can act as a common, weakened immunity, even if these skin troubles
Will occur.
Sharply widening body of toxins is expressed as immunity within the body fragile, vulnerable, fragile part of the arm or leg in trouble.
Usually develops like hives or blisters and also achieve an inflammatory disease because the immune response by itself within the red happening with itching.
Ointment (steroid, ointment), which is intended for these skin disorders., But that actually treat the source, such as itching temporarily relieves the symptoms.
In addition, if long-term use may be exposed to a lot of side effects, so be careful.
After these skin problems occurs when the immune system is our body, or you can view.
Worsening and improvement for the case of recurrent disease because when the symptoms are severe, seek treatment from a specialist hospital.
For the treatment of these skin problems, the most important thing right symptoms, skin trouble enough to cause a variety of symptoms that occur vary, accurate and fully like to know the causes and symptoms treatment can be treated.
Skin disorders, the treatment of the patient's individual constitution and with the immune system strengthening for prescription itching areas such as symptoms of pain and the cosmetic parts need to be treated.
Seemingly already behind because it did not successfully remove the antigen of immune function skin irritation symptoms were eased, although recurrence may be effective in the treatment of skin problems, utilizing the features of the circulation in the body and carrying the immunity should normalize as can
To summarize these need to be treated inside the skin treatment rather than the treatment of skin troubles such symptoms will not occur anymore.
Food good for skin problems *
Seaweed / kelp / plenty of fluids / Kim / seafood / tomato / spinach / garlic / fruits / beans / tofu / milk / egg yolk
Bad skin problems * food
Greasy food / instant food / spicy and irritating foods / hamburger / noodle / pizza / cola / ice cream, etc.
The most important thing, no matter how itchy and even if hand Never Land, drinking my body without causing symptoms such symptom relief haejusimyeon management very helpful I'm standing.

Sunday 21 October 2012

Two minerals that help your diet

Two minerals that help your diet

 Psychologically frustrating and easy to go on a diet
Prone skin, menstrual troubles such as
For a healthy diet, be noted that the three kinds of minerals that are recognized.

<< Calcium >>
If you lack anxiousness, anxiety, poor concentration, hair loss, skin roughness symptoms,
Causes of osteoporosis.
Calcium-rich foods such as milk, cheese,
Dairy Calcium absorption (good food), anchovy, dried shrimp.
Gakuen acid containing plums, lemons, etc. can increase the absorption of the body when ingested together.

<< Magnesium >>
Involved in carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism in the vitamin B group and
Magnesium to the bone, brain, nerves, muscles, helping
Important minerals also help to relieve stress.
Often milled grains that are not, such as brown rice and mac Amiga.
Of seafood, such as clams, clams, kelp, and sesame seeds,
Is rich in soybeans, almonds, dried squid,

<< Iron >>
Increases the oxygen supply to the brain and body functions of the entire body.
Complexion in the face, it is also important to maintain healthy hair, nails.
Lack of women-specific diseases, such as anemia, poor circulation, less energy getting worse.
Rich in red meat, liver, clams, spinach, seaweed, etc..
Vegetable than of animal food intake that is effective.
When ingested with food.

Saturday 20 October 2012

Trans fat diet and the enemy of growth.

■ trans fats cause growth disorders
Obesity and arteriosclerosis, stroke, heart disease, prostate cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, ovarian cancer, and can come eat a lot of fatty foods like hamburgers made with meat or jajangmyeon Instant foods and fast foods that contain a lot of trans fats and fat content of 40% to reach high enough foresight, addictive even. Hydrogen through the process in order to keep food for a long time, a trans-fat, instant, fast food is often transformed into fat. Excessive fat intake, improves cholesterol levels, obesity, as well as geriatric calls. While fattening season kids to grow up, the key size must actively interfere. Also becomes difficult to regulate appetite hormone caused more than Fat intake addictive depression, frustration, and if you do not have OCD may appear. May be adversely affects the growth of brain cells, as well as the cause of atopic dermatitis and other chronic skin diseases.
Qualitative want to concentrate on the key size, instant or fast food should not eat. Raw milk, like milk, strawberry milk chocolate does not help. Enjoy eating vegetables and miso traditional diet is much better growth. 'll Have to limit fat intake, eat less the instant and fast food eating habits, reducing meat intake is good.
In addition to trans-fat diet to those who abstain from food. Often people start a diet to reduce the intake of fat very hard. But fat is fat is not the same. Does the unnecessary fat, like trans fats are essential fats in our body. A good idea to eat foods such as vegetables, fruits, pizza, donuts, cookies, etc. - a lot of trans fats or reducing food intake if the diet.

■ jajangmyeon healthy instead of 'black food' intake.
Instead jajangmyeon containing trans fats, the good 'black food' intake in our body, why not?
That governs the body's source of energy, and strengthen the kidney function in herbal infirmity that black foods. Black food kidney function, a desire to rekindle the function of the reproductive system.

- Anticancer, Anti-aging substances rich 'black beans'
Donguibogam According to the 'bean type and properties venom is not. Beam to the five viscera and the Middle Focus and 12 meridians agecy and nicely warm. 'Emerges. Black beans, kidney detoxification, soothing nerves and governs blood circulation actively to medicine or food is no different than a cable.

- Hair loss can be good for your health, skin, black sesame '
Donguibogam Qufu 'In the first of several grain sesame deal. Black sesame caught 'geoseung named to be the best among the eight kinds of grain. Black breaking energy to help fatten, brains and bone marrow, and faithfully and tendons and bones strong and the five viscera and allows to enrich.

Effective in constipation and obesity, 'kelp'
Shall be deemed to herbal kelp to replenish the blood and regulate thyroid function and disease over the pharmacological effects such as constipation, edema or swell. Stomach by eating a spoonful a day kelp powder (10g) to adjust the exercise is effective in constipation and obesity.

- A good anti-aging mushroom
Nutritional benefits of vegetables and meat, rich in minerals and proteins like meat properly for equally equipped. In addition, low-calorie, high vitamin health food, such as hypertension, atherosclerosis prevention.

Friday 19 October 2012

Snack calories diet during snack to eat when you want, Learn!

Any snacks during the diet can not eat tricky business?
Of course, ensure that you do not eat, but it is due to stress, you can have an adverse effect rather guess.
Wang's something to eat, you will need to select a diet to help more snacks.
So today, if you select some snacks during the diet joteulji Let's see ~!

1 Popcorn 1 bag (456kcal)> inflated bag (50kcal)
Popcorn loaded with butter, because inflated compared to the calories significantly better.

2 Cream cake, 1 piece (300kcal)> rye bread (265kcal)
Than to use high-calorie ingredients, such as sugar, flour, butter and cream cake
Using grain rye bread is relatively low in calories.

3 Potato Chips 30g (150kcal)> boiled potatoes 1/2 (50kcal)
50kcal so casually served boiled potatoes potato chips, whereas
Thinly sliced ​​potatoes frying because the oil reaches the cross-section increases are high in calories.

4 Veggie sandwich hamburger 1 (260kcal)> 1 (176kcal)
The same kind of snacks, sandwiches than hamburgers with meat, even if the calories are more likely to
In sandwiches, depending on what neotneunya calories different than meat tuna or Vegetable sip is better.

5 Fried Chicken 45g (250kcal))> boiled chicken 45g (128kcal)
Boiled chicken calories than fried chicken, the oil does not splatter on the far is low.
On the other hand, calories are more likely to spice spiced chicken fried fried chicken on top again buried.

6 A bucket of vanilla ice cream, a cup of low-fat yogurt (235kcal)> (45kcal)
Rich in butterfat ice cream is fairly high in calories.
On the other hand, have fewer calories low-fat yogurt with a bucket enough for you to snack is recommended.

7 Low-fat milk 1 pack chocolate milk 1 book (190kcal)> (120kcal)
Compared to low-fat milk containing milk chocolate powder calories.

Thursday 18 October 2012

How to swim, diet, exercise for weight loss?

Exercise swimming flesh falling?

Let's look at a few of the benefits of exercise by swimming with.
1 Aerobic exercise is the top of the aerobic exercise that requires endurance.
2 A lot of a lot of momentum because of the water resistant momentum.
3 Osmotic pressure to get into the water still in the water, even if the calories consumed simply by, you will use a lot of calories in order to regulate body temperature.
4 Seamless movement in the joints, leaving a lot of weight, gravity intact joint is weak or that the movement runs up to him several times if you exercise, the hip or knee, hip crowd going is the fact. Swimming're going to have a bunch of these less exercise.

As you'll see above, swimming is a good exercise for sure!

Such as swimming above in order to have some effect on weight loss in excess of the proper weight, but in all cases, will carry a good effect. Is not recommended for those less weight than the proper weight to aim for. Nowadays, in the case of a problem because if you are lower than the proper weight, you have a really high obesity, weight loss, rather than for beauty weight loss.

Because, one immediately above situation due to the problems that hinder weight loss.
Easily hungry, because it requires a lot of energy swimming is
Momentum, a lot of missteps regulate appetite and difficult to be traced. So much rather be eaten, weight control is more difficult.
Increasing subcutaneous fat in my body adapt to the frequent swimming pool water, the body temperature is lower than opposed to lose weight will go. If you continue to swim actually become slightly Ample To the role of the adiabatic energy stockpile, as well as the role of subcutaneous fat this is.
Another factor is the silhouette of a hammer coming down from the neck to the waist, women's shoulder has been expanded.

Fit swimming is a fun and informative exercise. A lot of fun to swim 1 hour and once the water enters.
Even if you should adjust their food to swim when you saw one refrain. Those you first start your diet if you are swimming hasyeoyo refrain.
If you just swim in the diet, obesity is too high, even daily walking can be applied only for the purpose of protecting the crowd for those going to the knee joint.

Those that I just think would be the light sauna after swimming through sweating please take So, improves blood circulation and warms the body overcomes some of the disadvantages of swimming is because

Wednesday 17 October 2012

High-carbohydrate diet to a good meal?


According to the not-for-profit research institute in the United States, Med Star Research Institute euyi Barbara Dr. Howard women 50 to 70 years old, 48,000 people for seven years and six months tracking survey, "women over 50 years of age to reduce fat intake, fruit and whole grainAfter a lot of weight loss, such as high-fiber, high-carbohydrate meal: "The report was derived.

 According to the report, the women who participated in the experiment, compared with the usual 30% of energy from fat absorption but after that absorb 30% of calories from fat, 44-53% raise, the proportion of carbohydrate intake rate. Carbohydrates increase the absorption of fat were found to be relatively low.

 Carbohydrates are nutrients that supply energy needed for physical activity, blood glucose, glucose and stored muscle and liver glycogen.

 Sturdy adults, the amount of glycogen, which is stored between 100 ~ 150g, 200 ~ 250g amount of glycogen is stored in muscle as glycogen body, a total of 350 ~ 400g are stored, and about 15g of glucose in the blood is present .

 Asian rice stocks for the low-carb diet that may not have much effect, experts say. Burden of high-carbohydrate white rice instead of white flour instead of whole wheat, brown rice, eating sweets instead of bread or rice is a much more effective, and right for you to eat if it is recommended.

High-carbohydrate foods
Flour, rice, glutinous rice, noodles, rice cakes, gum, honey, candy, fuck, youngyanggaeng, jelly, dried jujube, apple or apricot jam, Kim, raisins, kelp, ginseng tea, chicory, tea, ginseng tea
, And so on.

High-carbohydrate foods and foods that should be avoided
Bread (and butter), butter, chocolate, meat, etc..


Tuesday 16 October 2012

Metabolism, increase fat burning diet easy way to

Sports players look solid muscle goop called the body that are hard to find. Intake even if you eat 5000kcal a easy why does gaining weight because of a high metabolic function.

What is metabolism?
Simply put, the body is burning calories is the speed. Stretched hard diet to reduce food intake and momentum but little weight easily without detracting eat flesh easily steam can easily burn off the calories, because this metabolic function.

Two kinds of significantly affecting the metabolism

1 Lifecycle

Wake up late at night, sleeping late in the morning, even a day or two kkiman meals rather one of the reasons for gaining weight metabolic functions fall comes. Another reason can be explained here for those working the night shift increases the suddenly gaining weight.
Focused life cycle and metabolic cycle if diet had a 75% success can be seen.

Time you wake up, our body's metabolism is lowest on the verge gradually increased over time during the day, after dinner, and reaches its apogee. And reduced again in the morning pre-flop weather leads

Then as soon as I wake up in the morning, what would happen if you exercise?
If you wake up in the morning and exercise metabolic function of being able to rapidly raise the breakfast here on a regular basis, if the metabolic functions will be increasingly conducted actively.

2 Muscle

Gaining weight easily, do not eat over 5000kcal per day the amount of body builders. Secret that athletes and is solid muscle.
The muscle helps to burn fat. Mitochondria in muscle cells because it increases fat burning efficiency have to do with diet, aerobic exercise and strength training with the ability to increase lipolysis. Drag and muscle fat burning role. Muscle below and underweight may be a problem, even if it's increase in muscle movement.

Eventually you can not raise your metabolism to diet to reduce food intake and ten thousand. Catches the worm early bird and wake up early fat! Increase of metabolic reigning meritorious morning workout and breakfast let it!

Monday 15 October 2012

A good diet, obesity, herbal medicine tea,

1 Polygonatum (okjuk)

Face or signs of systemic symptoms, easily hungry, low-grade fever, fatigue and thirst eliminate moisture generated by state or better.

Polygonatum crusted and eliminate the word finely chopped and dried in the shade after washing.

Polygonatum 20g 300cc Pour the water simmer. If a fire starts boiling very

Weakly reducing the amount of water is reduced to half, remove debris and drink.

Sure the evening after fasting eating pine nuts, put 10 eggs and taking the better.

2 Rhubarb, licorice tea

Good if you always stark variation in habitual constipation. Eohyeol drive is also good for my menstrual cramps.

Application to the good people of constipation stamina is good for pregnant women who used carefully.

Thoroughly dried rhubarb trimmed. Boil after you put the rhubarb and licorice 1g 5g water containers 500cc.

Starts boiling after 10 minutes, divided three times a day to remove debris and drink.

3 Uxmal Italians Tea

Communicate seamlessly enrich the colon and small intestine, and the strong constipation, and to relieve the body of excess moisture backlog is good medicine.

Write good old constipation and urine does not seem to be swelling. To avoid pregnant women and infirmity.

Good amount of ground in the shade after thoroughly polished, well-washed dried after use.

4 ~ 8g Wook Italians degree Pour boiling water 500cc when you start 5 minutes after residue

Divided on an empty stomach, and drink to get rid of three times per day. Degrees 4g, passersby 4g, when baekjain 4g better.

4 Wild apple (hawthorn)

The spleen and stomach to help stimulate digestion. Is excellent, especially in the digestion of fatty food or meat-eating.

United eohyeol get into the blood suppress pain unfolds.

Good for roasting write diarrhea. Blood pressure down is good for patients with hypertension.

In addition, the implant due to digestive disorders inhibit Shigella diarrhea, belching, due to

Effective for low back pain. Efficacy is also clear that removing blood cholesterol and blood lipids.

Divided cleanly eliminating refined seed hawthorn 8 ~ 12g and put boiling water 500cc halved to three times per day if drink. , Pep, if not


5 (Uiyiin adlay)

Mainly several functions, including calorie, low diuretic effects help people with diabetes as a favorite diet food.

1.5kg uiyiin cleanse dried powder made from lightly roasted, about 45g each car burnt in hot water and drink. One month every meal before taking

Pete appetite is greatly reduced blood clear reduction in weight of around 1kg effect can be seen.

6 Like a car

Each uiyiin 10g, Pueraria Bangui, astragalus, licorice 5g increments summed put water in 800 ml boiled after 40 minutes, divided into three doses.

Digestion, as well as improving the cheat is getting hotter every 1 hour 3 times a day after meals when taking constipation symptoms also disappear. Appetite, you can see the effect of the reduction in weight of about 2kg the month off.

Sunday 14 October 2012

40 kinds of diet common sense

Diet when you need to be aware of common sense, 40

1 Listen to slow music at mealtimes. Fast music, even faster speed of eating.

2 Diet during the meal does not attend the meeting. 6-7 people eating together, the studies reported food intake than the usual 76% increase.

3 Do not chew gum. Gum is because they cause the urge to promote salivation, like something I would have to eat a

4 Reducing of number of food.

5 The breakfast. Breakfast is 5 ~ 6% voracious metabolism.

6 Smell the odor from food before eating As you eat the food before eating, you can fool the brain.

7 Drink ice water that voracious metabolism.

8 Appetite reduce calorie consumption which helps chilli spicy.

9 Blackjack about eight glasses of water daily to drink.

10 A cup of water to drink before the meal.

11 Reduce salt intake.

12 It is better to eat three meals predation than six times a small amount of

13 Ow if I eat the pie shell leaving cept eat.

14 When you eat Chinese food, so little stewed meat dishes than meat flavoring dishes with order.

15 Of letting you get completely chewed food in the food chopsticks.

16 Write and put it in a spray bottle, you can reduce the amount of salad dressing.

17 Celery to chew when bored. Ate that for the digestion of calories are consumed.

18 Eat soup. Gives the appetite.

19 Rather than dinner, eat breakfast deundeunhage.

20 If you eat cereal for breakfast, even more fiber.

21 Knowing the amount of calories or fat by reading the stuck on food nutrition charts.

22 Chicken, cook and eat at home. Because selling products a lot of fat cooked shells intact.

23 A half times to eat high-calorie food in the restaurant fills in the rest of the house, come and eat.

24 Metallurgy Metallurgy not eat the leftovers, put in the freezer to prevent

25 Take sweets or candy at home, school or work, do not leave

26 Stand to make or receive phone Per 1 minute calorie consumption.

27 Helps boost metabolism, burning food meal 1 hour ago gymnastics.

28 Come and go without. People who do not consume more calories than hundreds of people constantly moving.

29 A lot of laughs. Laugh when calories consumed can not be ignored.

30 Tableware for small change.

31 If possible, refrain Elevators.

32 Necessarily tolerable distance walks.

33 Parking far away, a step even more walks.

34 Does not interfere, while working within the scope of movement.

35 Develop the habit of walking fast.

36 Good posture when reading, watching TV, and sits down. Consume 10% more energy than lying because

37 Wipe it immediately after a meal. Not annoyingly, even snacks.

38 Watch your favorite TV program every night for 30 minutes. At this time, the right time to exercise.

39. Schmooze on the phone when exercising with dumbbells. Subcutaneous fat are burned faster.

40 Walking on high heels. Then more consumption of calories faster.

Saturday 13 October 2012

Endless fight yourself and diet success story

1 Think rectify the wrong.

As an increasing number of fast food, public transportation eased increasing gradually the age of steamed goes.
Midnight snack after hard work I can not shake the temptation is absolute.
Instinct I understood food intake? Instinct than reason, much ganghanja hard to find.
Put to death before the finish, as the growing desire to live,
Increases the desire to eat the food when hungry '.

I also was a student a very big appetite because
Round trip 2-3 times a day in the canteen and to hear the end of partial eclipse point needs something to eat.
Within a second toilet in the beer belly popped me I had when I was a kid my body has chosen a horse thighs stuck together within a second mirror I never be topped by a pair of jeans was
Clear ssayijeu there .......... not wear too add aesthetic.
Probably see a lot of people like me would.
Because the world more than a just a lot of 'obesity', 'morbid obesity', 'obesity', 'overweight' more than a lot.
I overweight and obesity, and that was between
Other dry (I leave first revealed to the convenience 162cm 64KG. Rainy season that plump lady from those eligible
Other, better words, really chubby-_-weight. )

A big mistake, the majority of people want a diet
"My body a month by investing hard gakkuja" idle thought. Is a dangerous idea.

'm Sick of the diet.
No end in sight, as a high school student studying SAT and despair seureopgikkaji.
Still own your friends at the next-fucked hard getting a lump itjani instinct does not still.
So in a month, I 8KG loss!! ' Will spend the money in Genoa reported that Internet advertising and other advertising.
Like my body changed in over a month, reversing understood literally life Be kidding me ugly friends to pride and

Think again.
Handle hundreds of pounds, if not a few hundred million figure, shoots in about one month, I was able to change this world, obesity 70% of the population
Not obese.
Why obesity overweight inundated by flood did?
Say these should not fall prey to the temptation hard to invest the money and then yo-yo to come will fall to a more serious condition.
Out two months .......... this temptation, I work hard and 6KG ppaenjeok. Exercise two hours a day until I got a guy ...
And after one month ............ Exactly steamed again. ^ ^

The reason is because the body is rapidly eating habits, and other lifestyle habits have changed, but as it was.
(My choice of diet food product is referred to as the leader of a diet based, so I am not a victim of fraud, to let you know that.)

Diet you can see, in fact, not the sprinters.'ll
Visible from the beginning towards the finish line, infinite heartache came galloping after it is not absolute, but after plenty of rest.

Marathon is really a diet. I'm sick enough to indescribable. Been through this before, the only people I know.
No end in sight and painful at first. Seems, however, continue to look at the finish line a second jump.
Then the joy of Iran!
Only successful people in the diet.

2 So what?

There are two ways to diet success.

1) liposuction and exercise, diet

Liposuction to get rid of our body fat in a short period of time effectively, I think there's more out there.
However, the fat and start again the next 6 months after liposuction, even when side effects to let you know at the time of surgery, the skin becomes very presentable and postoperative pain have to put up with that.

Was maintained after 6 months?
It liposuction after hard exercise lasting effects of liposuction because it is not.
3-4KG weight fluctuations are actually frequently the actual weight being no figure, but yeppeojinda Beauty joong transformation of the sufferer to harsh training, only Miserable Folks should eat.
Do not imagine any, to watch a movie, liposuction and the infants could be Mr.
Actually weighed in the over 100kg 50KG liposuction to even increase the number of turns.

Be able to tolerate the pain, etc., money flooded in and people rushed to the plastic surgeon now, let's get counseling.
However, after the work shall not be held responsible.

2) exercise + diet

Everyone understood the case, but you know that everyone fails
But the case is the case that those who are involved in the diet and all the Diet Dr., doctor, etc. Other recommended.

Exercise and diet is adjusted to a 3:07 ratio.
Diet is much more important than exercising in a word, at the bottom of the sound.

For a good example of this (my actual example; trust may be ^ ^;)

Shed sweat hard ppeolppeol 1 hour on the treadmill, No playing about 300Kcal much is consumed.
Joy and pleasure because of sweat, about 100 times sit-ups and stretching haejusigo ~
Bodymaster (is silent on top of the footrest to buy their vibratory machine. Professing taching fat burner Randa) Once we
400Kcal testis consumption is about 2 hours.

That thirsty too hard?
Then a drink. 70Kal gardenia.
A friend from the other side eating sweets. Picked up several beefy know a little bit but what the hell wished to eat.
About 100Kcal will eat again.

Go eat rice at home.
Rice to eat salad, bread, eat bread or just a "feel gwichaneunde
Times not occupy, but diets do ......... growling bear gamyeo salad, bread one morning through college.
And hard ... that you start the day with the faith today.

Salad, bread? 350Kcal.

350 + 100 = 450

That movement is the reason why you're not being even.
If you ignore this diet,
Like me, be careful diet diet unlikely to please-_-;

Diet of food to eat.

1 Breakfast like a queen! Picked up Eat a healthy side dish of bottled Press Bob hangonggi gives Wellness the better.
    Lunch like a commoner! Friends eat, eat, eat a little less than.
    Dinner like a beggar! Only half of the rice bowl to eat, eat less rice, as well as side dishes! Driven to the only side dishes, vegetables
                               Avoid all meat, spicy, sweet, non-woven, etc.!

    And, most importantly water. Water Deviate ignored I like the saiga and pitched note.
    Water and vegetables constipation constipation killing off in the bathroom for 30 minutes to consume seeds Come on, come on Listen to put a glass of water

    Water meal 1 hour after a meal 1 hour ago, two runners drink cup. The effect of suppressing appetite / digestion help get
   Fat burning is necessary so you want to succeed on a diet of water, water unconditional eat

2 Do not eat snacks (ice cream / sweets / bread / snack foods) unconditionally. Information if you're hungry, eat the fruit, such as tomatoes. Eat anything beenapplied Kim ... If you want to eat enough to die. This is how I've overcome.
Secret charm of the delicious Kim will fall in love with. = _ = ..... But not the end of the hunger-filled logos.
Satisfy the mouth, but ....

This exercise.

Needless money on a health club ... do not. Is a waste of money.
Really live, except if you want rush outside just skipping and necklace mp3 (Optional) holding out!!
Jumping by thousands of times in a day.
Let's just divide. And a fairly large impact on the knee joints and sludge, such as road asphalt, cement above mean Obama is not it hard to let go up the dirt.

And power walking (or fast walking) is the best live ppajineunde. Runners walk at least 40 minutes.
Runners walked up a sweat to flow like rain. 40 minutes after burning fat because Do not ever give up.
Oh, and ... Do not give up on that it tickles. Not at least in the health .. ^ ^; live salppael friction as they prepare to
That tingly. Is a good sign, who accepts good.
Puppy walking as if nothing good.
Puppies kkeokjeongyi poor my house ... Owner gladly stroll along, then you know, were * Tough .. ㅜ. ㅜ

And ........ tolerable walking around the party.
This is not a big effect, but when viewed in the long term (1-2 years) pretty body formation is very helpful.


1 Never Do not lie down after the rice eaten. Habit was was going to buy my very favorite was boiling I share'm

2 Lying down watching TV, watching TV Do not eat anything. Very naturally be eaten slowly, because knowledge is the live steaming.

3 -_-Do not eat ramen in front of a computer. Wreck life like I will help fatten the positive quotient.

4 Partial eclipse point / pubs etc. is not allowed. Do not see signage. Please show your commitment!

5 Walk fast busy when walking or break encounters. Your health is better.