Friday 2 November 2012

Growing law

The junk food for a bit.

Junk food most of the essential nutrients, the intake of calories, but the
Has the disadvantage that do not eat foods, especially a lot of junk food
Because it prevents nutrients needed by reducing the food intake itself
May interfere with the growth.
After mealtime when the junk food, how much and when to distribute the
Should be unable to regulate the amount of junk food and do not eat if

. Evenly Eat

Picky eater when their taste buds change with varying side dishes to make good.
The most picky eater meat-oriented, so little by little their favorite vegetables
Should be evenly added to the diet by eating diet change.
Salty or spicy foods, reduce overeating and should not be. Also harm health, as well as excessive dieting affects not good for growth.

Remove fat, protein foods: meat, fish, tofu, beans, and chicken (growth hormones to promote)

Calcium foods: milk, soy milk, cheese, yogurt, anchovy, ethmoid, Seaweed, seaweed (bone formation)

Vitamins vegetables, seaweed, brown seaweed, kelp, mushrooms, seaweed, fruits

Dietary fiber: grains, fruits, seaweeds, vegetables

Food to increase the absorption of calcium: plums food digestion and absorption in the chapter that does not work, improves the absorption of calcium.
(Would be nice if you stretch after.)

Acupressure "growing" bottled by pressing the key

Like specific parts of the body to stimulate the growth of the key principles of acupressure sujichim growing jiapjeom use.
Gives 3 seconds breathe. Effective for repeated 8 times.

① ear to stimulate

Soft bones like the dish at the bottom of the ear canal entrance.
Here Acupressure stimulates the pituitary secretion of growth hormone chokjindoem.

② toes to stimulate

Press sees the thick part of the big toe, bottled Headache, as well as the secretion of growth hormone to help.

③ Astragalus stimulates

Strengthen the kidney, where the depressions between the inside ankle bone and the Achilles tendon that jiapjeom. In Oriental medicine, the kidney has the ability to help the growth.

④ waist to stimulate

Two jiapjeom spine from side to side at the waist 3 ~ 4cm away.
Promotes the secretion of growth hormone, you can see the effect of the fast-growing bones.

3 week's best swimmers find free gymnastics, swimming, jumping rope, volleyball, basketball, tennis, table tennis, badminton, sprinting, horizontal bar and systemic movement: the * key while using the best exercises that can be lightly recommends four times a day for 1 hour to
In addition, most of the exercises that are the key to help through repeated stretching movements that stretch and relax the muscle that stretches to give each joint is recommended. Free gymnastics stretching gymnastics day of weather and after bedtime or twice is recommended. Jumping recommends that pops like 20 times, 200 times a day, 1 to 2 minutes.

Attitude does not give the best growth factors.

2 is not the slightest bit worried about the influence of genetics.

Kidney (key), the ruler of the growth hormone

4 increases the key just to sit up.

5 The occurrence of bone with the bone structure of the bones grow

6 Muscles assist the protection and growth of bones.

Reasonable and raise the key to the scientific method.

Do stretching before bed.
And I wake up in the morning craving for milk stretching as far
Sometimes when you went back outside, Looking up and down the heel gadaga
So make sure're really looking.
So as soon as the effect bosigil baralkkeyo.

Such as meat, beans, anchovies, oxtail soup, oden, cheese, groundsel, spinach, seaweed, milk, ppyeochae eating fish and food as usual, while I think the texture in the relationship between dietary calcium and bone should be managed.
, Honghwaja of Rehmannia glutinosa Achyranthes seokgok, schizandra, Psoraleae, tortoiseshell, haesongja, antler, animal bones, jumping to conclusions, ulmoides dog meat, whereas those etc. .. It is common sense that the stimulus is applied to the bones need to exercise even nutritious meals grows well jyeoseo.

Mineral requirements

Absolute indispensable, but small amounts in our bodies need minerals. Batch to make the human body and many chemical elements of water and organic and inorganic or mineral.
Numerous chemical reactions taking place in the body is maintained by the activities of people. Controlling chemical reactions in the activities of various enzymes and vitamins, various minerals and in need of help. These substances are extremely small amount is required, but if it even metabolism are NOT done correctly.

As well as bones and teeth, and I think the mineral important molecular component is a element to the configuration of the hormone also used. The requirements that are extremely small amounts, such as zinc, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, and nothing is required in units of mg iron as a mineral (inorganic).
Representative of the mineral calcium can be called. 99% in the bones and teeth of calcium in the body which holds approximately 1.2kg exist.

Bones of about 200 days is being made to saeppyeo

Here our people, eating habits, chronic calcium deficiency state that is not an exaggeration to Korea soils low calcium content calcium vegetables grown little. Only about 30% of the calcium intake can not actually. Shrimp, fish ppyeoche eating our lunch table, sesame seeds, kelp, spinach, while nokmi, groundsel, milk, cheese
The food intake of a lot of the same content is relatively low.

Calcium in adults is only 70-80% of the RDA. Is good for the bones honghwaja. Favorable digestive enzymes that calcium intake should not it containing a lot of calcium. Car utilized better.
Mume Foods containing large amounts of calcium itself, but increases the absorption of calcium digestion and absorption in the chapter does not go well with plums. Calcium is required, especially growing children or wife is also very good.

Elderly higher calcium intake should be.

Women are lightweight and small physique weight compared to the European or American, as the skeleton of an old man, or cause disease or osteoporosis, such as low back pain, and often, especially in women such symptoms more severe in the past 40 to 50 years old is virtually eliminated after a tooth there were many signs of being bent back.

Bones and teeth, phosphorus and also acts as a reservoir of calcium combined. If you do not have in this case, calcium savings can not be in the body and usually the ratio of calcium and phosphorus one degree. Good to eat the bones to balance calcium intake. Eating bones thicken soup or Darin ppyeochae fish, cheese, milk, oysters, algae, etc. that large doses of calcium, ie, the pathway will be balanced.
Leads to iron deficiency anemia. RBC hemoglobin iron configuration is required. Restorative food soon.

1 Body ups ..

Hand into the bottom of the outer lying comfortably go over your head all over the wearing away the gold. Layin to toe firmly repeated five times.

2 Bed like ...

Lean dragonflies flying in the same position, the strength of the entire body except the arms, legs fell 5 times heard ..

3 Chest-ups ..

Tilt head forward with one leg to stand firmly, pull the arms back while the chest forward and pokes. Right, the left, 10 times.

4 Etc.-ups ..

Justification stand legs arms torso down firmly forward tteurimyeonseo back firmly up Repeated 20 times.

Friction. Legs ..

To lean forward by bending legs neatly and friction ankle thigh with both hands. Repeated five times.

6 Line without skipping ..

Neatly, and then run with the hare and hunt with the mood in place, skipping beats lightly. Forward roll, backward turn, each repeated 30 times.

7 Lifting one leg ..

Lifting and lowering one leg while watching TV deungreu alternately repeated 30 times.

8 Chair gymnastics.

10 minutes to relax and sit in the chair and then study gymnastics. Lean torso, stretching arms to the ankle.

9 Leg ..

To lean forward by bending legs neatly and friction ankle thigh with both hands. Repeated five times.

10 Leg lift ..

Create flexible legs and hip joints exercise. Must be the first time since lifting the legs steadily because they are difficult.

11 Horizontal practice ..

Twister pelvic posture to return to its normal position. Horizontal to lift the hand.

12 Heel lift.

Movement to lift the heel. Books on the floor and I think the heel height lifts. Repeated 10 times.

13 Wall pushing ..

Pelvis and skeleton to create a beautiful movement. Body while jjwakjjwak spread is effective.

14 Meditation ..

To clear your mind, sit back and correct posture to sit for 5 minutes. If you imagine, the larger the key, and it is more effective.

1 Recessive big key? Dominance?

Dominant big key. Tall, tall father of obedience and the obedience of the little mother at a ratio of 3:1 between the child is born.
However, approximately 30% of genetic effects (nutrition 30%), exercise (20%), environment (16%), so the growth key kind of parent your child's key


2 Larger keys big feet?

That's right. Typically foot the balance of growth phase also big keys greater. Although the key, even a small foot greater growth potential. But not necessarily an exception, because it is not 100% reliable not.

3 Eating calcium Is he tall?

About the significant key to growth hormone as well. Medically While it is true that the bone-building calcium, bone and muscle growth in conjunction growing. Of course, If you do not like the usual anchovies, milk foods, such as calcium or calcium in order to thrive, so all the nutrients you need to eat foods
It is helpful to eat.

4 Time the key to grow apart?

Grow when the key is fixed. Usually 3-4 years after puberty have been growing rapidly since the age of 20, 3 ~ 6cm is to grow.
The growth plate in the 25-year-old women of 20 grown by about 1cm per year if all closed at the same time as the growth stops.

5 Reduced how to get old really tall?

For reduced lumbar bone up to the age as the key becomes smaller. Old grandmother looks smaller just bent was
Not only because of Shem. Not shorten the arm or leg bones, not puffy reduced.

6 Grow by tapping the keys do?

The orthodoxy of key keunda knocked back or soles of the feet to stimulate bone is wrong. Conversely, severe knock to the bone, or a bunch
Cause epiphysis can interfere with normal growth.

7 Eat a lot of milk Is he tall?

Milk calcium or other nutrients evenly tall, which will help the food. The milk itself but the tonic key grow
Good to eat steadily growing at People who do not eat milk warmer Let's eat. Surprisingly okay.

8 Eat bean sprouts Is he tall?

Say does not make sense scientifically. But people eat a variety of foods, nutrients evenly intake should be eating sprouts.
Indirectly to the growth that will see it.

Key growth step aside.

Right step in Iran, 1 minute 120 beams per second, at about the speed of his stride as long as the width of the shoulder, says Ship firmly chest pyeodoe
Stickin'his Do stalked walk Stroll mood, posture correction and to stimulate the growth effect can be seen.

Protein: beans, tofu, soy milk, chicken, fish, etc. ... ) Stimulates the secretion of growth hormone (

Calcium: milk, soy milk, anchovies, Seaweed, seaweed, ethmoid. (Regulate body functions .. bone formation)

Vitamins vegetables, seaweed, brown seaweed, kelp, mushrooms, persimmon, fruits, etc. .. (I do not eat the bones) gets opened.

Dietary fiber: grains, seaweed, fruits, vegetables, etc.

* Carnivores only eat too much is not a good

* Should reduce the intake of junk food, carbonated beverages or

* Salty or spicy food should be reduced

* Do not overeat

* Fried foods Reduce ... In this case, is the case of the fat man ..

Tall need to moderate exercise -

If you can stretch to.
Skipping the morning Night of 200 obese people, in this case once good.

* Key to help the movement?

Free gymnastics, swimming, jumping rope, volleyball, basketball, tennis, badminton, sprinting, horizontal bar, etc. ..

* Key to lifting exercise?

Gymnastics, Marathon, judo, wrestling, weightlifting, etc. ... Heavy or long run is not good

* Exercise regularly to better

To tall .. 10:00 to 2:00 in the deep-sleep-at-night a good idea .. So that the growth is due to the release of a hormone. Good posture should be a chair or a computer.

How to write 2 ~ 3cm grows quickly enough.
Most people usually have not incorrect spine is curved.
From childhood posture when you sit down If you do not straighten later it did not fix it with.
Disconcerting is the key to the growth of the curved standing spinal posture Spill key to the season when they grow up.
UD Been So when you sit down posture, as well as the waist while moving and breathing as much as straight. One is already a way for people bent spine.

Chiropractic treatments have
Go big hospital is gonna be.
Treatment. Certain receives only about a month.
Popped itguyo pain treatment at the moment.
I will properly fit in her joints by moving natural pain.
Whole body systemic correction.
That said you 300,000 won
That's the key grows about 2 ~ 3cm.

Key size living therapy

1 Zaza a deep sleep.

To grow our key growth hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, while we sleep, because I'm most. But not any time to own if you're snapped one night at 10 pm, if you can be before waking up early in the secretion of growth hormone will help .. So, does not sleep during the day, sleeping at night, watch TV until late, remember that the key to the game growing up that would interfere with that!

A good night's sleep the law to relieve stress through

Law ① Take a deep breath: sit or lie in a comfortable position as possible. Lnterlace both hands and put it on the boat. Slowly INHALE pokes possible times. 5-6 seconds stops breathing. Breathed slowly as the boat pulls. Concentrated 20-30 times. Sanity to breathe!

② muscle relaxation: sit or lie in a comfortable position as possible. Gives the maximum force was released to the feet, calves, thighs, belly as hard as you can to loosen gave fists, arms, shoulders, nape of the order. Whole nape of the neck, including the face, gave strength to the whole body, relieving.

2 Let evenly balanced meals.

Keys evenly in order that we eat is tall but the size of the required nutrients to the body must be supplied. Among other things, contains a lot of protein and calcium, such as milk and meat in the five nutrients needed in our body, such as protein, calcium, vitamins and minerals, sugar, and fat and eat more handapnida So as favorite eat, OK? Do not be such a picky eater!

3 Eat a lot of sugar and fat, a little food and instant food.

Fruit juices, carbonated beverages that contain a lot of sugar, candy, snacks, and prevents the bones of our body grow. Also eat a lot of fatty foods than necessary, the excess fat will remain flesh nabe in subcutaneous fat in our body. So if there are a lot of subcutaneous fat, is the case of female puberty interfere with the secretion of growth hormone in our body stops growing quickly, that key is then used to decompose the fat becomes.

We like hamburgers, pizza, ramen, instant food, etc. In addition, the nutrients needed for our body, no little key is to grow high because only the calories flesh nabe does not help.

4 Let's regular exercise every day.

Growth hormone secretion in 20 minutes of moderate exercise a day, help was given tall, it will help a lot. Movement, especially jump rope, basketball, lightly running, gymnastics, tennis, badminton, etc. Exercise helps to grow the key bones grow by stimulating the bone joints of the growth lines.
Bedtime, skipping lightly every day if you can grow longer arms and legs a little time to help. Key size than anything to have to do it on a regular basis every day, that would have the effect remember!

5 Who refrain from excessive dieting.

Beefy would impede tall that unconditional starve, or continue to eat only one food, such as excessive diet will prevent the key to grow more than chubby. Crash diets will interfere with the nourishment of our bodies and bones grow unevenly. And fat even if you eat foods nutrition health, while slightly reducing the overall amount of exercise, lose weight gradually by increasing the metabolism of our body grow without a key in a bunch can help. Parents or professionals and discuss it with diet.

6 Stress Begone

Large stress, even in this case, reduce the secretion of growth hormone, the key not grow well. Worried or distressed when it is advisable to ask for help to help parents or teachers, or around someone. Always pleasant and bright living Do not forget it's also important!

7 Party having the correct posture.

Wrong posture when you sit down in a chair, sit or bend at the waist, always to one side when standing crooked in dageona hinder the spine to sustain our bodies grow normally. Growth these key growing inside the body and interfere in the internal organs, causing more than the curvature of the spine, to interfere with the Do not forget a good posture at all times!

8 Treatment of chronic diseases quickly let.

Asthma, atopic dermatitis, digestive disorders, and interfere with nutrient absorption in our body that interfere with a good night's sleep and growth inhibition. On a sore spot for a long time consuming and too often a cold that will not heal well, or even if the parents and Get a doctor's help.

9 Long, frequently lift heavy objects does

Often carrying a heavy bag from an early age, students nowadays. Youth from carrying heavy bags interfere with a given key to a strain on the spine to grow. Usually the case of elementary school students about 3 ~ 4kg, 5kg, middle school students for high school students and a reasonable degree of 6kg, the balance of a lump when I was carrying the bag on one side only, but both sides alternately yoke is recommended.

Be careful of these.

Illnesses in the growing period, it will be very adverse.
If you suffer from chronic diarrhea high fever with tonsillitis, infected by fever and a cold, hard, and well, if a very large obstacle, but the growth of the disease in the body when the treatment of any disease sick for a long time or repeatedly fails to stopped sees

Indigestion due to eating less food, a balanced diet, and skipping meals and losing balance nutrients, growth is slowing down the body's status quo becomes even harder. Hearty meals and nutrition is needed.
Food soon. Good food on bone health in the constitution must fit the intake.

Bones, the bones grow weak or congenital kidney is weak, can not grow mureok mureok constitution. Physis at the time to create the bones grow stronger too thick eumyeonseo If illness or nutritional intake because of a problem with the large did not.
Growing season is filled with the bone mineral density, and bone of the growth plate to grow the medicine to improve the physical constitution.
Food and medicine for the beefy, help the blood obtained from the Food and Drug bohyeolje features, such as bones, teeth and maintain strong growth in the role, including the necessary nutrition the body's peripheral to a lifetime living.

* Key to help the movement?

Free gymnastics, swimming, jumping rope, volleyball, basketball, tennis, badminton, sprinting, horizontal bar, etc. ..

* Key to lifting exercise?

Marathon, judo, wrestling, weightlifting, etc. ... Heavy or long run is a bad idea

* Exercise regularly to better

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