Monday 5 November 2012

Characteristics of each finger

1 Thumb
The thumb symbolizes the chief Move the first class and I have the highest confidence that 'consciousness' Make a thumb. It is a symbol of generosity, prosperity, free, comfort thumb. Of thumb, a well-developed energy who is always confident and heartwarming. Wrong with this confidence, behavior as opposed to the thumb falls down kill the signal to the people of the Roman emperor wrote The other people have sometimes unconsciously thumb in fist grip hiding this nature may be, if you do not have confidence that everything behind TOSS high
Thumb Menopause related lung (肺) and lunar (手 太阴 肺 经) flows. Lung (肺) look at the letters in the meat (肉) turns six markets (市) self, which in fact is associated with wealth.
The market is a place to buy and sell stuff. And profit from it, leaving the principal merchants. Coincidentally it menopause acupoints name of the departure end of the thumb lock statuette (少 商) small commercial means. The lunar menopause faster rotation of riches for commercial brain development.
Example, from flowing into the lunar thumb menopause and the development of the the thick thumb on the lower part of the property Blessed adult. However, one way hanuihakjeok see larger thumbs skinny people appropriately should be careful too large thumbs fat people. The reason fat people skinny guy is usually the amount of energy the development of many of menopause Lunar negative yin and yang harmony will bring good luck yiruni there is usually a lot of negative energy becomes more negative in the Lunar menopause sound and This is because To sound greedy excesses imposed boundary 'greed angry calls to say that is so widely talked about, so for this reason, always keep in mind to be careful.
Look at the different related meridians characteristics of cancer each carrying discriminatory cause, depending on the area of ​​the occurrence of cancer can be found. Obese people took lung cancer, tobacco can cause. Perspective that the drug can be rather dry and acrid smoke is an Oriental medicine perspective. So, lung cancer, does that affect the heart of the twelve meridians affecting twelve kinds of mind united?
Look at the statistics the onset of lung cancer, the fifty a lot of wealthy urbanites. And newspaper articles, lung cancer is a series of chaebol as evidenced by wealthy do not know the lack of mind, due to the excessive wealth flexible bustling heart can cause mental Wealth loss and the betrayal of a spouse, as well as being fired from a job is a disease of the mind, fullness, affection, confidence, overshooting. Satiety by do not know heogijim always sick.
Carrying the lungs by breathing. Intake (吸) of arc (呼) is called when you breathe in breathe when they thought breathlessly trading riches travel in mind when the wind happens. Here, and dizziness may occur sometimes paralyzed. Satirical writing fits of wind and wind celebrates paralyzed Iran (中风) mean, which means the wind, the wind of the mind.
The wind is a fast movement of the air than a small fan to move when you move a large debt as larger wind up paralyzed many obese humans. Therefore, development of lung meridian of thumb, the constitution while Salicornia riches transactions and frequent people put your mind breaks are needed.

 Conversely, unusually weak thumb, people need a restoration of pride and verve. From the inner diameter of the Emperor closing one hundred (肺脏 魄), the lung meridian keep the verve that. Verve of leisurely distribution with positive people should cultivate self-confidence.

2 Detection

Direction or point blame pole to try to try to point out others' mistakes, or writes mainly the second finger. Thumb 'me-oriented' positive detection, if the energy is expressed mainly 'driven' negative thoughts. Receive the index finger pointing at the feast of the most unpleasant feeling, it is because the flow of energy to live or offensive contempt implicit in the detection.
Wed Yangming Tripitaka (手 阳明 大肠 经) flow index finger. I think you should know that old saying with envy sick to work when you feel such a sense of relative poverty that his relatively poor cousin in front of the rich right Yangming meridians is the Tripitaka. Doubled if the sick are most hungry because the law is sick, this Yangming aura garage dry autumn aura. Others jealous when you like to be alright is wrong, the captain coldly cools. So, for example, from the second finger longer be poor phase.
In contrast, the second finger of energy is weak, however, disease can cause illness in the body, leading obesity and paralyzed. There are a lot of fat people, generally a harbinger of the coming paralytic symptoms during the second finger tingling, numbness inside. People think that only or mainly mentally and physically, I am gaining weight may fall into boredom. The second finger of body fat and living a boring person. Sharp Yangming aura about.
"Yangming" seems to be the end of the example from stout wise seems to mean that has been used. If the first finger of the 'Lunar' this 'live (肉)' corresponds to the second finger of the Yangming '' 'bones (骨)'. Corresponds to the fundamental yangmyeonggyeong. Skeleton is hard, even by those who developed the index finger compared to the other fingers.
Yangming is the right spirit, regular (正气). Action as far as car brakes, restraint. Thus, a clear, hard, and theft, and do not be greedy overflowing fountain in doing so, did not forget his duties gyehoekseong. Go beyond body and never want to do the wrong thing, and know how to sharpen priceless.
Does? 'Too shaken on the circumstances surrounding' the degree of undeserved oblivion and their detection is relatively poor, indolent life, to live the life does that? 'Suspicion and careful and always reflect the position of looking would be nice.

3 Pause
The third finger intellect rhythm of gwoleum Symposium (手 厥 阴 心包) meridian flows. Acupoint Bo '' mind, 'bitter' simppo the nonsense which corresponds to the storehouse of knowledge. Acupoint well-developed a wealth of knowledge and good memory.
Unusually long middle finger is generally developed intellect rhythm academic aptitude is polydisperse. In addition, clear blue veins on the inside of the middle finger and the palm of your hand until the blue Acupoint very largely developed. Turquoise gwoleum (厥 阴) and the color of the wind and the color is a symbol of spring.
Fame garnered anyone studying well also want to hold the power. Roll the hair towards his own evil desire, he fills the M being wrong, however, hear the word nolbu simppo
Current social phenomenon of the pursuit of knowledge because eventually recognize that those who led the elite of society, intelligence developed rhythm. Intellect rhythm Developmental What do you do? Own well-being if they utilize the Symposium is being called nolbu simppo pointing Province unhappy even create your own misery makes Meridian Acupoint may be always do not forget to maintain harmony mind.
Of the third fingertip hyperemia nail Press Candidates with less motivated to study if there is a significant effect in enhancing memory. Want to study and when pressed to remember the hate heart to this section coming in brains ssokssok handsome. Light forgetfulness, as well as Alzheimer's dementia in the oft-meridian application.
Briquette gas poisoning, loss of consciousness, conscious people to revitalize the third fingertip blood feeding and sour soup with the same radish water kimchi procedure. Fondle Look collect the middle finger I think you should know that when you do not remember me, second, third, and fourth finger grab gather the third finger strength will be. Seen that in this example, you can guess that the intelligence on the third finger to the rhythm flows in the old days was widespread in the private
Fingers of the right brain and the left side concede it more specifically left-brain and right fingers can associate. Images, intuition, and yeonsangryeok, creativity, the ability to override the right brain left brain functions are concentrated, such as math, language, logic, organizing is concentrated. So scholars says the digital brain, left brain, right brain is referred to as analog brain. View of the left hand gwoleum After further development the meridians, If the right hand is more developed left brain right brain development had seen could compare both hands. But remember that the amount of information to the right hemisphere of the analog image is better than many remember that the left hemisphere of the brain, analytical digital If you do not come up right brain in charge of the field of the image or the right to stop, literature, anyway, if you do not remember the field of mathematical knowledge in the left hemisphere that is responsible pressing the left to stop the effects can be seen.

4 Ring
Flowing meridians fourth finger, the third finger of the knowledge stored meridian involved and knowledge with opposite excreted into oblivion. This literacy samchogyeong (手 少阳 三焦 经). Acupoint stop to absorb the knowledge of camouflage called ring of three seconds (三焦) Meridian colonic excretion of knowledge 'can be called if
Because tobacco is bad for the body, even though you know the reason why you can not hang addictive cigarettes, but also the mental yuan is Action such as tobacco or drugs have this property oblivion. Complex ideas and issues completely unknown head for emptying the moment, forget the ecstasy rushing. Euphoria, but emptying his mind, coming to rely Comfort tentative after that moment, however, the greater emptiness can be positioned outside do not.
People who are engaged in creative activities, rather than roll the head in front of the desk have much time to come up with brilliant ideas, in the bathroom. Toilet to excrete. Who ate too much you need to re-excreted as appetite Animation head also put a lot of information to some extent, the excretion oblivion.
Liberated from the bad memories of the past, people did not generally people depend on tobacco, drugs, sleeping pills, or dizzy dream of oblivion the three seconds meridian passage weak man. Fourth finger, so people who suffer from insomnia, etc. by stimulating effect also.
Young people who live in the memories of the past, the body, even if the mind is the old man. Do not look at the world right now a vibrant reality been entered memories and prejudices childlike, innocent eyes face if anxious not to suffer nightmares.
However, when three seconds of energy excessively and may well forget forgetfulness, anger, pride inferiority complex due to the injury caused may accumulate. Put your ring finger on the ring is usually Then sand off judeut oil fire, the ring of metallic gold (金) Giga suppressed to some extent because the fourth finger of anger (火) groups, especially development of the literacy Meridian Star and a hothead, someone better.
Generally compliant and technicalities, and to disobey the trouble if the bill is not well studied and recognized students at school and at home. Aura of self-esteem, it is studying and receiving compliments gwol ups and gigs satisfied because Inferiority in students pride being hurt, rebellious aura of literacy being easy to play.
Ring development generally thought that maybe someone may fall into a sense of inferiority, which should realize himself has a very precious personality that well developed. Contains a revolutionary spirit, sparkling ideas and creativity samchogyeong because This developmental literacy samchogyeong who is pure. Speak sharp satire, self-deprecating sense of humor that has been developed. And more importantly, is that his revolution or revolutionary passion.

5 Pinkie ('moderate')
Often spread you see the little finger means lover usually leads to What is the reason. Meridians flowing inside the pinkie is the noise flowing from the heart meridian. Heart palpitations in the Western world after a heart-shaped heart pattern down as a symbol of love, When you love someone, and coming distance physiological phenomenon as evidenced by pinkie flowing noise of heart (手 少阴 心 经) of love and art sensibility is the rhythm . So, the little finger is unusually long, graceful artistic temperament of the people, if it is likely the development.
Wed noise aesthetics and narcissism, artistic talent and cheerful aura nerve.
Palpitations the heart of the beautiful and neat and when you see a fascinating reason, the liveliness of adolescent girls that aesthetic sense, moderately cool buril know how to be just right noises nerve energy is heightened. Playful and youthful age, worries and concerns, these look lie the cheerfulness be lost heavily, but the youth of beauty has the power to create the ambient atmosphere of Deuteronomy reminds
Tickle was a lot of other children overdo it as some sort of noise caused by heat phenomenon, of course, is not good. Example, a wobbly ride a lot of tickling from the man that was. Session complete (喜气 缓), ie the group should be increased pleasure and joy that the heart is weak, short-lived overshooting.
Excessive noise neural development, the decision is frivolous to do quickly and easily hot. Snob, a narcissistic, self-absorbed prince bottle out is easy to forget the sense of reality. Also tend to indulge in pleasures plenty, lose health, the last years of his life being unhappy is easy.
First (lung) and second finger (large intestine) is the primary body rhythms, and the third (Symphony) and fourth fingers (three seconds) 3rd intellect had rhythm flowing rhythm of the fifth finger secondary emotion inside and two stem flows outward. Inside the heart meridian, small intestine meridian outward flows. Lung and colon, Symposium, and three seconds, shims, and small intestine so each couple (夫妇) ledger (脏腑).
Pinkie noise of heart (手 少阴 心 经) and solar intestine 10000000000000000 (手 太阳 小肠 经) flows. Wed noise deep in the armpit be reaching the end of the little finger inside the sun intestine Sir nails starting at the outer end goes into the body. Organized blood, Sioux sun intestine Sir. Warm the heart meridian is an image, whereas small intestine meridian is an eerie image. Image of love and Sim meridian, small intestine meridian, the image of death.
Sioux sun intestine Sir hesitant feeling reminiscent of shedding blood meridian, but to see a significant effect on the symptoms associated with blood meridian. Outer pinkie related symptoms such as excessive bleeding, bleeding, anemia, blood and if you push effect.

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