Saturday 10 November 2012

Life therapy to clear the blood -5

Iran? << Eohyeol >>

Borrow the pathological expression by tissue damage and blood circulation disorders look like bruises due to internal bleeding or inflammation of the tissue, transport, erosion, necrosis, hyperplasia, and all of the secondary changes of the pathological changes of the process (1) as a blood circulating properly says that if it does not, such as blood and tissue fluids in the body, causing pathological symptoms kimchi. Overwork or stress is one of the important factor eohyeol causing

Hematologic cleanup during and

1 Reduced deformation capacity in united state or alteration of red blood cells,
2 Excessive platelet function, hyperactivity is occurring anticoagulant
3 Adulteration or a lack of moisture in the plasma viscosity stronger
4 Of lipid peroxide, uric acid, and lipoproteins, such as gas waste in the state during the composition of the plasma
Therefore, blood coagulation and easily sticky and oily and dark red color that can be seen as eohyeol

Puddles of blood eohyeol.
> <Questionnaire moat '(瘀) the Erythrocyte (积 血).' Is defined. Blocking high water 'Just as the status of the blood does not flow is congested. Eohyeol

Deviated from the normal passage of blood blood eohyeol said. Says that the state does not re-absorb bleeding occurred traffic accident injury or bruises that part of the microvascular rupture. Tissue or skin in the flocked. Also occurred within the blood vessels greasy lumps of blood can say eohyeol

In many cases, a blood test for cholesterol or triglycerides in the blood, 'blood is often muddy. Blood is not a good sign, "said the eohyeol if you think in such a state. Also, if you have chronic inflammation or an old disease, a pathological product in the blood, lipid alteration sikineunde Goesan cargo or other various oxidative substances in the blood 'of contaminated blood collectively eohyeol'.
Also formed by hyperemia or congestion, ischemia occurs eohyeol. Nutrition Factors on the circulation of the blood in our bodies during and tries to make
Our body's blood, plasma and red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and is composed of Means that the blood is contaminated, that the appearance or function of the plasma and blood cells degenerate and the sense that you can see.

Neuropathy caused a certain place stay and blood
External damage, menstrual interruption, Hansa ie, the period of cold aura eungche hyeolyeol In other words, due to fatigue waste a lot of mayhem occurs. In short, the capillaries of the circulatory disorders and inflammatory reaction, degeneration, necrosis, atrophy appears in (1)
Especially women, the basic theory of Oriental Medicine eumyangron (阴阳 论) investigated haebomyeon women is seen as negative (阴) belongs to the property associated disease blood (血) most often. That is united coming eohyeol (瘀血) that account for the majority of women the cause of the disease is not without blood, followed by a lack of blood circulation hyeolheo (血虚) and can be

Like a lump and united the menstrual cycle may not terminate or cold (Cold), hands and feet are like ice grows in the uterus eohyeol severe menstrual pains, and emissions and are a major cause of bleeding and ovarian cysts or uterine deep-sea floor fibroids may cause.

Press and fixed differ depending on the area eohyeol two handsome, but a sword to the face if the skin is generally rough and purple jimyeo severe pain hurts. Hyperlipidemia or sometimes purple belly tteuntteun and stool is painful menstruation stops, chest and rump black and dark purple tongue or under the tongue eohyeol spots appear. Surprised and severe forgetfulness and the crazy rampage. (1)
Depending on the area appears when the eohyeol driven into the head, dizziness, headaches, migraines, nausea, congestion in the chest, the chest beating, or shortness of breath, can not sleep, so unhappy, and digestive failure occurs. Not rush with shoulder or back eohyeol shoulder, arm tingling, or while away the series gyeolrigo prayer at the waist, and eohyeol If you have lower back pain and not bangsantong may be the cause of poor circulation. Like a lump and united the menstrual cycle may not terminate or cold (Cold), hands and feet are like ice grows in the uterus eohyeol severe menstrual pains, and emissions and are a major cause of bleeding and ovarian cysts or uterine deep-sea floor fibroids may cause.

① fingernails and release when you release the red light to come back slower.
② Shortness of breath chest beating.
Here ③ There are a great number of units in there.
④ times when pressed sick a lot.
⑤ pimple or boil like flies.
⑥ constipation frequently.
⑦ insomnia or sleep, dream a lot. Jadeorado
⑧ is always a wet body seemed heavy and tired.
⑨ painful area to move here and there.
⑩ injured enemy when reason without bruising cuts well.
⑪ menstrual united coming out, suffering from menstrual pains (female).
⑫ complexion, black, blue and skin is tough.
⑬ lips are black and blue light.
Color of the tongue ⑭ geombulda.
⑮ mouth is dry even though the water does not want to eat.

Becoming sticky and clear, do not generally avoid the fence (痰), and may cause may cause palsy, tumors, or hyperlipidemia, and geriatric.

Angelica gigas fisheries hwalhyeol hwaeo therapy as treatment (1)
Clearing the blood while releasing eohyeol In TCM, to help the circulation of Qi (气血) haejugo metabolism of topical and systemic drugs and Herbal Acupuncture, acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, physical therapy, chiropractor, as a way of actively Makes by treatment.

* Bath Therapy
Blood circulation to bedtime every evening which is about 40 ℃ for 20 minutes in a warm water body soak.

* Diet
- Intake is clear that blood algae such as seaweed, Undaria pinnatifida, green laver, kelp, fresh vegetables and as much as possible.

Friday 9 November 2012

Life therapy to clear the blood -4

Tak became clear the blood! More clear!

Muddy blood, if even for a day as soon as cleared the blood be created. Food and pore therapy helps to clear the muddy blood. Find out about food and Qigong therapy to clear the muddy blood.

>> << To purify the blood of healthy foods

Food, but creating a muddy blood used to purify the blood. Sovereign Reduce bad cholesterol and fat that is congestion in the blood vessels, the food there is not to clear the blood to prevent blood clots from forming. Find out about foods that purify the blood.

1 Liver:
Of iron contains between nutrients important vitamin B2. Effects of lipid peroxide to decompose to facilitate the hardening of the arteries, which cause lipid peroxidation as vitamin B2.
As a result of hardening of the arteries or cells will be suppressed in the aging. Moreover, promoting lipid metabolism, diet, and lowering of blood cholesterol will help. Also unnecessary in the blood glucose lowering blood glucose levels by regulating the action. Beef cutlets or pork liver if only 3-4 is sufficient. At least 2-4 times a month to eat good.

2 Of citrus, such as lemon • • Tangerine Orange
Such as vitamin C, inositol, citrus fruits such as lemon, tangerine, orange, grapefruit, fruit-rich healthy foods. Vitamin C is effective to prevent the oxidation of reactive oxygen species. Inositol helps in preventing hardening of the arteries and promote the metabolism of fat or cholesterol, and at the same time to prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver.
One cup of juice per day are suitable. Grape fruit half orange one degree or flesh eating is suitable

3 • peanuts • almond walnut nuts:
Sulfated vitamins, vitamin E and β-carotene such as almonds, walnuts, peanuts or nuts, cholesterol oxidation by reactive oxygen species in cells or blood vessels Chill helps prevent Gives effective in preventing hardening of the arteries and reduces bad cholesterol, clean the blood and the blood vessels healthy and elastic to create a big help.
Just is not a good thing at a time, eating lots of fat content, because these foods. About 20-30 almonds 5-8 If the case of peanuts are suitable.

4 Broken:
Strong sulfuric acid hydration by Sesame knols and sesamin in sesame contained in antioxidants help to maintain healthy blood vessels clean blood or. Sovereign to make the blood vessel walls thicken causing substance to reduce bad cholesterol. Do intake because high calories. 1 tablespoon degree day, the amount would be appropriate.

5 Green Tea:
To the effect that green tea contains catechins, a kind of antioxidant, which lowers bad cholesterol and prevent blood clots. Also the caffeine in green tea is by burning fat, diet help. Order 10 cups of green tea a day and drinking are advised to expect the effects of catechins.
The Bold drinking Do not If you eat a lot of green tea that contains tannin, there is the risk of constipation.

6 Carrots • Tomatoes • greenish yellow vegetables, such as pumpkin:
Carrots • Tomatoes • yellowish-green vegetables such as bell peppers • spinach • Pumpkin is rich in vitamins. Representative nutrients vitamin C, β-carotene, and vitamin E. These ingredients help to maintain a clean blood vessels, resilient and vibrant outstanding antioxidant. Bell peppers, tomatoes, etc. that contain pyrazine ingredient that inhibits blood clotting. Effective in the prevention of blood clots caused by cerebral infarction or myocardial infarction, because is a good day to clean the blood is about 300g greenish yellow vegetable intake.
The yellowish-green vegetables, rather than one of the only vegetables picky eater to eat foods is more effective.

7 Soybeans:
Containing ingredients such as soy lecithin, saponins, isoflavones help to purify the blood. • lecithin, saponin, etc. prevents the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the blood vessels. Action to prevent the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, saponins. Isoflavones similar actions by the female hormones estrogen and prevents unneeded triglycerides in the blood is deposited in the blood vessels. Containing miso, tofu, soy milk, soy flour, soy more than once a day to eat good food. Miso or tofu as a side dish, and often, to drink about a cup of soy milk a day.

8 Deungpureun fish:
Contains EPA and deungpureun fish DHA, n-3 fatty acids bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reducing Another good cholesterol improves, it may also act to dissolve blood clots. These effects will help to cleanse the blood and prevent hardening of the arteries 1 ~ 2g EPA or DHA is sufficient enough. Need to intake at once, so feel free to only three or four times a week to eat.

9 Berries:
Of berries, such as Rosebery, Pigments and Vitamin C Antioxidants act as strawberries, blueberries, and clarify the blood. Blueberry and black berries, especially in the blood of a good thing I rented. These contain large amounts of polyphenols, a kind of into cyanide help prevent hardening of the arteries and prevent oxidation of the active oxygen effectively.
Causes increased triglycerides, so the fruit into sugar intake should be careful. The case of strawberries per day 5-6.

10 Garlic:
Acting on the blood platelets together the origin of the smell of garlic allicin prevent blood clots which. Squall with ingredients expands the blood vessels and improves blood circulation. Purify the blood effect in reducing bad cholesterol addition. Suddenly, a lot of garlic, and the risk of diarrhea when eaten. No, because from the beginning a bunch too. Instead of 1-2 pages a day, even to eat for a long time.

11 Fiber foods such as dried persimmons • Janmikong • Jute:
Bad cholesterol excretion fiber helps prevent fat from being absorbed into the body and purify the blood. • Jute • Janmikong • Burdock • oatmeal • Dried apricots • high-fiber foods containing rye flour • dried persimmons sesame • Radish (Raphanus sativus) are a case in point. Day, the recommended daily intake of fiber is 20 ~ 25g. Divided into three meals a day to eat it.

12 Onions:
Vegetables, onions, muddy and damaged blood vessels or blood to restore effective. Sulfated action to prevent hardening of the arteries, is efficacious ingredients of onion quercetin. Pungency that ingredient emulsified profile facilitates the metabolism of glucose in the blood, lowers blood glucose levels. In order to purify the blood of about 50g per day should eat onions. This is equivalent to a medium size onion 1/4 degree. Destroyed so raw that when heating the emulsified Profile ingredients to consume.

13 Shellfish:
Taurine ingredient in seafood, such as squid, octopus, crab, oysters, clams, tuna, helps lower bad cholesterol and blood sugar levels and blood health. Act to regulate the myocardial activity, especially effective in the prevention and improvement, such as arrhythmia or congestive heart failure. Worried because people have to avoid the intake of cholesterol, taurine, so you do not need to worry about that. 1 ~ 2 weeks to a side dish at least once a hammock.

14 Olive oil:
Unsaturated fatty acids of olive oil lowers bad cholesterol levels. Effect is not unlike other unsaturated fatty acids, good for lowering cholesterol. Vitamin E, Foley antioxidant activity of phenolic compounds from the damage of active oxygen blood and blood vessels healthy watch gives. Oil, the oil is good for the body not to eat too much undesirable is. It suffices to replace cooking oil with olive oil.

15 Ginkgo biloba extract:
Ginkgo flavonoids and antioxidant activity Ginkgo Ride ingredients. Unique to Ginkgo biloba Ginkgo Ride ingredients are known to be effective in the prevention of dementia. Should act to expand the blood vessels outside the Te ponin ingredients. Good day to consume about 120 ㎖ also inhibits the clotting of platelets, blood clots should not happen. Also show the effect of the at least three months should eat.

16 Cheonggukjang:
NATO kinase Cheonggukjang of ingredients works to dissolve blood clots. Cause blood clots the unnecessary cholesterol or sugar in the blood to increase. NATO kinase ischemic stroke or myocardial infarction, clogged blood vessels by blood clots, and clots in the hospital is acting as a solvent and it is advisable to eat daily 50 ~ 100g extent. Only blood-related eating in the hospital through consultation with your doctor if you need to determine the amount.

17 • brown rice and barley:
It is clear that fiber contains a large amount of blood. Brown rice white rice 3-4 times the amount of fiber, and contains many antioxidant ingredients, including vitamin E, selenium, phenols, sterols, etc. are included. Also helps to clear the blood to help the action of antioxidant enzymes involved in the metabolism of carbohydrate, B1, vitamin B2 in barley mixed with brown rice or barley instead of white rice stall built to eat. If you do not have a problem with the digestive, even brown rice haemeokneun good idea.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Life therapy to clear the blood -3

<< Sokeseoneun everyday life ... >>

Blood, turning waste products is well ventilated and you can keep the blood clean. See it to know about the things you can do in your daily life.

1 Let's once a day, half body bath:
The usual once a day, half body bath to recover from fatigue, while promoting blood circulation effect. Promote blood circulation, helps to prevent blood clots from forming is to keep the blood clear. Half body bath with tips on how to Meiji until after inundating about 20 minutes haenghamyeon. At this time, the water temperature is 38 ~ 40 ℃ is suitable.
Footbath if not half body bath to be okay. Footbath extends bansikyok capillaries and circulation did not like and helps promote blood circulation. In water until the bottom of the knee locked after 20 minutes haenghamyeon.

2 Deep sleep and sleep:
Man sleeping while cause blood clots in the body in the white blood cells while active substances a type of fungus or bacteria, bacteria are removed. A deep sleep and sleep is a natural remedy to clear the blood. To sleep when it is important to induce sleep a little deeper than a lot of time sleeping. Time zone you are in deep sleep, the night 1:00 to 3:00. In this time to sleep, to maximize the efficacy of sleep is the secret.

3 Relieve stress.
Often cure the source of excessive stress. In the same blood. When stressed, our bodies secrete a hormone called adrenaline. This hormone by blood glucose and cholesterol, as well as fatty acids increase platelet deposition on the vascular endothelium, promote the formation of blood clots or arteriosclerosis occur easily. All day stress haebomyeon actually checking its blood had been exposed muddy throughout the day because of the bad cholesterol and fatty acids. Problem is important because the stress on measures to establish clear blood. Exercise or hobby, or their journey to escape the stress of their own to take preventative measures.

4 Let light exercise routine:
Exercise to keep health, one of the important reasons is that blood purification. Exercise as muscle contraction or expansion when the body temperature naturally rises. When the body temperature rises, the clean becomes soiled with blood as waste by eliminating the fats and sugars in the blood, including surplus and waste combustion facilitate. Thus, the usual steady exercise, the blood cleanses cause various diseases, those results will be. Aerobic exercise such as swimming, running, brisk walking, bicycling, which helps to purify the blood movement.

5 Walking daily life:
Blindfolding the effect of walking are numerous. Lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels, improve cardiopulmonary function. The cholesterol-lowering effect. Often be overwhelming when you walk that much exercise, so instead of living in the walk gives Can go riding the elevator and escalator than the stairs, if you use public transportation rather than taxis. Good to go once you get used to this life walking, gradually increasing the time or distance.

6 : Do not smoke.
Tobacco is bad for your body. Especially blood, is fatal. Makes my breathing cigarette smoke carbon monoxide hemoglobin that carries oxygen in the blood can not be. Carbon monoxide hemoglobin and a combined force of oxygen 250 times because To be combined with oxygen to hemoglobin, carbon monoxide, which occupies the place to discover the body, carrying the end. Each cell to carbon monoxide instead of oxygen being supplied, results in the metabolism of our body there is a problem. Lee mu sunshine carbon monoxide filled with blood instead of oxygen. To clean the blood, cigarette break.

7 Prevent constipation.
Constipation causes the body over several If constipation persists, the blood pressure rises, smooth discharge of cholesterol also does not clean the blood of enemies. Decline in the function of the colon that most of the women suffer from constipation constipation occurs. This rehydration and exercise consistently and consume enough foods that contain fiber or the good bacteria in the chapter, haejumyeon improvement is possible. Is good for constipation, foods such as seaweed, soy, yellowish-green vegetables, yogurt, they clean up all the blood that used to make effective.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Life therapy to clear the blood -2

life therapy that prevents the polluted blood part 2

The blood, which at one point is not polluted the Because it is important to avoid continuing efforts to maintain the clear. When you eat food ...
Blood to muddy the culprit is the food. Polluted because when I eat, write a little blood that can be prevented.

Overeating to avoid
Overeating that equates to incoming carbohydrates into the body, or the amount of fat that widening. Enters the body carbohydrates or fats in the blood is introduced. More than usual, and more than the amount that the body needs carbohydrates and fat to float in the blood and blood muddy.

Cholesterol • Reduce your intake of foods that contain a lot of fat
A lot of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood vessels that commonly hyperlipidemia called Hyperlipidemia named as can be seen in the fat in the blood (oil) that there are too many meanings. Makes the blood to be clear slimy greasy.

The first is to prevent a lot of fat and sloppy blood cholesterol is to reduce the intake of foods containing fat • Containing a lot of fat, such as bacon, marbled meat portion of the intake should be limited.

Increase the intake of dietary fiber
Interfere with intestinal fat absorption of dietary fiber helps to excrete Enjoy the usual dietary fiber rich foods, write down the amount of fat you eat from being absorbed into the body because you can keep the blood clean. Fat food intake when it is desirable to prevent the accumulation of fat in the body with dietary fiber intake.

Only food and drink at least
Eat foods that contain a lot of sugar went into our body is changed into glucose. Makes excessive intake of glucose in the blood sticky.

Alcohol versa.
Alcohol-based, the changing nature of protein in our body as fat. Built in such a way to muddy the blood fat is the culprit. Why fat during the blood comes in red blood cells attach to the cell membrane. Appear together so that when the red blood cells red blood cells, as could actually compete against each other agglomeration. As a result, the polluted blood. That sweet food is not all a bad thing. Only brain energy sugars. Appropriate amount to consume only as much as is needed because

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Life therapy to clear the blood -1

For the 21st century, the blood is being brought out to the health of keywords. Blood geonganghak books eohyeol • flooding and reproductive vegetarian Wind evidence. Do you maybe organizing body metabolism, blood is a natural story may be So how should be clean and healthy blood? Have To clear the blood life therapy.

part 1 blood Tak is becoming

Tak has become the source of life, with blood. A changing road accident that tight blood to press byeoya body clean and healthy. Why avoid the polluted?

Clear view of health is blood

The blood is the source of life. Necessary to sustain life in the body the blood we toured every corner of the plays. We breathe oxygen from the lung tissues or cells, each carries up or be placed in the right place at the right time to get the nutrients in the digestive tract, such as Chapter the role of the blood. The role of blood and sending it back to the agency ended in tissues and cells used oxygen and nutrients, to excrete the residue.

Well of course, a healthy blood flow on all of this functionality is done smoothly. In contrast, healthy blood throughout the body, if you do not ride occurs. The river has been polluted with the same finish. When the river is polluted, the fish that live in the river to maintain a normal life is not contaminated with For the river of dirt and wood bottle discarded.

Our bodies, too. Difficult to unhealthy blood faithfully to the role expectations. Becomes cloudy blood, red blood cells, white blood cells die slipping into the river fish that make up the blood is damaged.
If the damage to the white blood cells that regulate the immune function, reduced immune function. Damage to the red blood cells that carries oxygen, is caused when the blood clots. The supply of oxygen or nutrients, excretion of waste products, such as the role of also does not work properly.

Blood So, what is a healthy blood? Often we avoid unhealthy '' Avoid mayhem. Giving each cell in the remaining nutrients, did not properly excrete waste products in the blood and a turbid state, this is not a good influence on the body said. Comes from In contrast, healthy blooming 'good blood', or 'clear blood.

Anyone spotting the culprit, clear blood fat: at birth have a clear and clean the blood. Blood clean and clear, but many people remain intact does not. Nutrients polluted the blood of the biggest causes useless without overflowing. Among them, the bad cholesterol, triglyceride fats are the problem. • Dietary Westernization as most people, a high-calorie formula. Typical high-calorie meats, such as fried foods, roasted in oil equation. Eating these foods frequently, unnecessarily will only grow stalking bad blood cholesterol and triglycerides. Problem is the excessive intake of sugars. Per glucose in our bodies are essential nutrients in our body because glucose is the only energy.
But need more than the sugar concentration in the blood (blood sugar) intake is thicker too. Sticky blood sugar high blood sugar when touched like a hand.

Flies: P Tak became a big deal when you leave the muddy blood, blood vessels even when the aged is a big bottle. Muddy and waste products in the blood vessels is made by precipitation hardening of the arteries. Advanced hardening of the arteries, blood vessels and the road was bumpy damage. Wonder Ichida does not flow well in the already bumpy, muddy blood vessels.

Flowing muddy bumpy vessels, the blood circulation or because you do not want to stop the flow of blood clots together in one place makes Ischemic stroke is a disease that occurs when something like this occurs in the blood vessels of the brain. Ambush can also cause dementia in old age. Crowd goes for the heart. Higher probability of myocardial infarction, commonly known as coronary arteriosclerosis.

The symptoms >> << blood as polluted

1 Hand and foot has gone to sleep
2 Tired all the time
3 Head often hurts
4 Anemia is not a strange dizzy
5 Menstrual cramps, menstrual irregularity, and there is every indication that occur
6 Fixed pain in specific areas of the body

Monday 5 November 2012

Characteristics of each finger

1 Thumb
The thumb symbolizes the chief Move the first class and I have the highest confidence that 'consciousness' Make a thumb. It is a symbol of generosity, prosperity, free, comfort thumb. Of thumb, a well-developed energy who is always confident and heartwarming. Wrong with this confidence, behavior as opposed to the thumb falls down kill the signal to the people of the Roman emperor wrote The other people have sometimes unconsciously thumb in fist grip hiding this nature may be, if you do not have confidence that everything behind TOSS high
Thumb Menopause related lung (肺) and lunar (手 太阴 肺 经) flows. Lung (肺) look at the letters in the meat (肉) turns six markets (市) self, which in fact is associated with wealth.
The market is a place to buy and sell stuff. And profit from it, leaving the principal merchants. Coincidentally it menopause acupoints name of the departure end of the thumb lock statuette (少 商) small commercial means. The lunar menopause faster rotation of riches for commercial brain development.
Example, from flowing into the lunar thumb menopause and the development of the the thick thumb on the lower part of the property Blessed adult. However, one way hanuihakjeok see larger thumbs skinny people appropriately should be careful too large thumbs fat people. The reason fat people skinny guy is usually the amount of energy the development of many of menopause Lunar negative yin and yang harmony will bring good luck yiruni there is usually a lot of negative energy becomes more negative in the Lunar menopause sound and This is because To sound greedy excesses imposed boundary 'greed angry calls to say that is so widely talked about, so for this reason, always keep in mind to be careful.
Look at the different related meridians characteristics of cancer each carrying discriminatory cause, depending on the area of ​​the occurrence of cancer can be found. Obese people took lung cancer, tobacco can cause. Perspective that the drug can be rather dry and acrid smoke is an Oriental medicine perspective. So, lung cancer, does that affect the heart of the twelve meridians affecting twelve kinds of mind united?
Look at the statistics the onset of lung cancer, the fifty a lot of wealthy urbanites. And newspaper articles, lung cancer is a series of chaebol as evidenced by wealthy do not know the lack of mind, due to the excessive wealth flexible bustling heart can cause mental Wealth loss and the betrayal of a spouse, as well as being fired from a job is a disease of the mind, fullness, affection, confidence, overshooting. Satiety by do not know heogijim always sick.
Carrying the lungs by breathing. Intake (吸) of arc (呼) is called when you breathe in breathe when they thought breathlessly trading riches travel in mind when the wind happens. Here, and dizziness may occur sometimes paralyzed. Satirical writing fits of wind and wind celebrates paralyzed Iran (中风) mean, which means the wind, the wind of the mind.
The wind is a fast movement of the air than a small fan to move when you move a large debt as larger wind up paralyzed many obese humans. Therefore, development of lung meridian of thumb, the constitution while Salicornia riches transactions and frequent people put your mind breaks are needed.

 Conversely, unusually weak thumb, people need a restoration of pride and verve. From the inner diameter of the Emperor closing one hundred (肺脏 魄), the lung meridian keep the verve that. Verve of leisurely distribution with positive people should cultivate self-confidence.

2 Detection

Direction or point blame pole to try to try to point out others' mistakes, or writes mainly the second finger. Thumb 'me-oriented' positive detection, if the energy is expressed mainly 'driven' negative thoughts. Receive the index finger pointing at the feast of the most unpleasant feeling, it is because the flow of energy to live or offensive contempt implicit in the detection.
Wed Yangming Tripitaka (手 阳明 大肠 经) flow index finger. I think you should know that old saying with envy sick to work when you feel such a sense of relative poverty that his relatively poor cousin in front of the rich right Yangming meridians is the Tripitaka. Doubled if the sick are most hungry because the law is sick, this Yangming aura garage dry autumn aura. Others jealous when you like to be alright is wrong, the captain coldly cools. So, for example, from the second finger longer be poor phase.
In contrast, the second finger of energy is weak, however, disease can cause illness in the body, leading obesity and paralyzed. There are a lot of fat people, generally a harbinger of the coming paralytic symptoms during the second finger tingling, numbness inside. People think that only or mainly mentally and physically, I am gaining weight may fall into boredom. The second finger of body fat and living a boring person. Sharp Yangming aura about.
"Yangming" seems to be the end of the example from stout wise seems to mean that has been used. If the first finger of the 'Lunar' this 'live (肉)' corresponds to the second finger of the Yangming '' 'bones (骨)'. Corresponds to the fundamental yangmyeonggyeong. Skeleton is hard, even by those who developed the index finger compared to the other fingers.
Yangming is the right spirit, regular (正气). Action as far as car brakes, restraint. Thus, a clear, hard, and theft, and do not be greedy overflowing fountain in doing so, did not forget his duties gyehoekseong. Go beyond body and never want to do the wrong thing, and know how to sharpen priceless.
Does? 'Too shaken on the circumstances surrounding' the degree of undeserved oblivion and their detection is relatively poor, indolent life, to live the life does that? 'Suspicion and careful and always reflect the position of looking would be nice.

3 Pause
The third finger intellect rhythm of gwoleum Symposium (手 厥 阴 心包) meridian flows. Acupoint Bo '' mind, 'bitter' simppo the nonsense which corresponds to the storehouse of knowledge. Acupoint well-developed a wealth of knowledge and good memory.
Unusually long middle finger is generally developed intellect rhythm academic aptitude is polydisperse. In addition, clear blue veins on the inside of the middle finger and the palm of your hand until the blue Acupoint very largely developed. Turquoise gwoleum (厥 阴) and the color of the wind and the color is a symbol of spring.
Fame garnered anyone studying well also want to hold the power. Roll the hair towards his own evil desire, he fills the M being wrong, however, hear the word nolbu simppo
Current social phenomenon of the pursuit of knowledge because eventually recognize that those who led the elite of society, intelligence developed rhythm. Intellect rhythm Developmental What do you do? Own well-being if they utilize the Symposium is being called nolbu simppo pointing Province unhappy even create your own misery makes Meridian Acupoint may be always do not forget to maintain harmony mind.
Of the third fingertip hyperemia nail Press Candidates with less motivated to study if there is a significant effect in enhancing memory. Want to study and when pressed to remember the hate heart to this section coming in brains ssokssok handsome. Light forgetfulness, as well as Alzheimer's dementia in the oft-meridian application.
Briquette gas poisoning, loss of consciousness, conscious people to revitalize the third fingertip blood feeding and sour soup with the same radish water kimchi procedure. Fondle Look collect the middle finger I think you should know that when you do not remember me, second, third, and fourth finger grab gather the third finger strength will be. Seen that in this example, you can guess that the intelligence on the third finger to the rhythm flows in the old days was widespread in the private
Fingers of the right brain and the left side concede it more specifically left-brain and right fingers can associate. Images, intuition, and yeonsangryeok, creativity, the ability to override the right brain left brain functions are concentrated, such as math, language, logic, organizing is concentrated. So scholars says the digital brain, left brain, right brain is referred to as analog brain. View of the left hand gwoleum After further development the meridians, If the right hand is more developed left brain right brain development had seen could compare both hands. But remember that the amount of information to the right hemisphere of the analog image is better than many remember that the left hemisphere of the brain, analytical digital If you do not come up right brain in charge of the field of the image or the right to stop, literature, anyway, if you do not remember the field of mathematical knowledge in the left hemisphere that is responsible pressing the left to stop the effects can be seen.

4 Ring
Flowing meridians fourth finger, the third finger of the knowledge stored meridian involved and knowledge with opposite excreted into oblivion. This literacy samchogyeong (手 少阳 三焦 经). Acupoint stop to absorb the knowledge of camouflage called ring of three seconds (三焦) Meridian colonic excretion of knowledge 'can be called if
Because tobacco is bad for the body, even though you know the reason why you can not hang addictive cigarettes, but also the mental yuan is Action such as tobacco or drugs have this property oblivion. Complex ideas and issues completely unknown head for emptying the moment, forget the ecstasy rushing. Euphoria, but emptying his mind, coming to rely Comfort tentative after that moment, however, the greater emptiness can be positioned outside do not.
People who are engaged in creative activities, rather than roll the head in front of the desk have much time to come up with brilliant ideas, in the bathroom. Toilet to excrete. Who ate too much you need to re-excreted as appetite Animation head also put a lot of information to some extent, the excretion oblivion.
Liberated from the bad memories of the past, people did not generally people depend on tobacco, drugs, sleeping pills, or dizzy dream of oblivion the three seconds meridian passage weak man. Fourth finger, so people who suffer from insomnia, etc. by stimulating effect also.
Young people who live in the memories of the past, the body, even if the mind is the old man. Do not look at the world right now a vibrant reality been entered memories and prejudices childlike, innocent eyes face if anxious not to suffer nightmares.
However, when three seconds of energy excessively and may well forget forgetfulness, anger, pride inferiority complex due to the injury caused may accumulate. Put your ring finger on the ring is usually Then sand off judeut oil fire, the ring of metallic gold (金) Giga suppressed to some extent because the fourth finger of anger (火) groups, especially development of the literacy Meridian Star and a hothead, someone better.
Generally compliant and technicalities, and to disobey the trouble if the bill is not well studied and recognized students at school and at home. Aura of self-esteem, it is studying and receiving compliments gwol ups and gigs satisfied because Inferiority in students pride being hurt, rebellious aura of literacy being easy to play.
Ring development generally thought that maybe someone may fall into a sense of inferiority, which should realize himself has a very precious personality that well developed. Contains a revolutionary spirit, sparkling ideas and creativity samchogyeong because This developmental literacy samchogyeong who is pure. Speak sharp satire, self-deprecating sense of humor that has been developed. And more importantly, is that his revolution or revolutionary passion.

5 Pinkie ('moderate')
Often spread you see the little finger means lover usually leads to What is the reason. Meridians flowing inside the pinkie is the noise flowing from the heart meridian. Heart palpitations in the Western world after a heart-shaped heart pattern down as a symbol of love, When you love someone, and coming distance physiological phenomenon as evidenced by pinkie flowing noise of heart (手 少阴 心 经) of love and art sensibility is the rhythm . So, the little finger is unusually long, graceful artistic temperament of the people, if it is likely the development.
Wed noise aesthetics and narcissism, artistic talent and cheerful aura nerve.
Palpitations the heart of the beautiful and neat and when you see a fascinating reason, the liveliness of adolescent girls that aesthetic sense, moderately cool buril know how to be just right noises nerve energy is heightened. Playful and youthful age, worries and concerns, these look lie the cheerfulness be lost heavily, but the youth of beauty has the power to create the ambient atmosphere of Deuteronomy reminds
Tickle was a lot of other children overdo it as some sort of noise caused by heat phenomenon, of course, is not good. Example, a wobbly ride a lot of tickling from the man that was. Session complete (喜气 缓), ie the group should be increased pleasure and joy that the heart is weak, short-lived overshooting.
Excessive noise neural development, the decision is frivolous to do quickly and easily hot. Snob, a narcissistic, self-absorbed prince bottle out is easy to forget the sense of reality. Also tend to indulge in pleasures plenty, lose health, the last years of his life being unhappy is easy.
First (lung) and second finger (large intestine) is the primary body rhythms, and the third (Symphony) and fourth fingers (three seconds) 3rd intellect had rhythm flowing rhythm of the fifth finger secondary emotion inside and two stem flows outward. Inside the heart meridian, small intestine meridian outward flows. Lung and colon, Symposium, and three seconds, shims, and small intestine so each couple (夫妇) ledger (脏腑).
Pinkie noise of heart (手 少阴 心 经) and solar intestine 10000000000000000 (手 太阳 小肠 经) flows. Wed noise deep in the armpit be reaching the end of the little finger inside the sun intestine Sir nails starting at the outer end goes into the body. Organized blood, Sioux sun intestine Sir. Warm the heart meridian is an image, whereas small intestine meridian is an eerie image. Image of love and Sim meridian, small intestine meridian, the image of death.
Sioux sun intestine Sir hesitant feeling reminiscent of shedding blood meridian, but to see a significant effect on the symptoms associated with blood meridian. Outer pinkie related symptoms such as excessive bleeding, bleeding, anemia, blood and if you push effect.

Sunday 4 November 2012

Motion sickness how to get rid

They are way ahead of the long-distance travel and motion sickness because of worries. Deep pleasant journey in the car or boat cheat symptoms of sick distance remember is that screwed up.
Dizzy symptoms trapped in the hollow space georimyeo sick to dramamine once it is useless by When accompanied by vomiting even more is useless. More fundamental treatment severe nausea Nausea energy one finds actuation irritation persists because there is no specific treatment is required.

The spleen and stomach, motion sickness herbal perspective it is fragile these symptoms. Is not likely severe vibration in an enclosed space, especially forced, due to the unique role of the stomach, Digesting enough food intake after gastrointestinal functions exported under the debris decreases when the food is not digested properly, do not waste products in the blood as a base to the upper part of the spirit of soaring.

Digestive activity of inhibiting the activity of the body is in a dynamic steady state, this is when the body rocking, or strenuous exercise immediately after eating the food digestion is hindered. Digestion of unstable external stimuli by inhibiting the activity of the stomach is the food digested motion sickness before failure is caused symptoms. Healthy people with motion sickness, even if the stomach contents spewing phlegm sticky fluids gewo stirred symptoms subside stomach weak and complained of severe dizziness.

Nausea constitutional abdominal garage noise to less peptic always appear easy. It is characterized by repeated diarrhea or constipation and indigestion, motion sickness besides this noise in the Constitution of the irritable bowel syndrome and chronic occurrence. Therefore, when treating motion sickness, supplying more than anything in the stomach yang to strengthen the spleen, and the aura of the whole body to circulate smoothly is important. When you drop the needle based fortunate by releasing stagnant energy in the stomach can come up with a body in the direction you need to.

Meanwhile, inside the car in order to prevent motion sickness when traveling long distances by car from time to time it is necessary to purify stale air ventilation. A good way to spare time came down from the car body to move by any stretch. Smoking to avoid the above symptoms worsen, thereby stimulating the Seats, drinking or overeating refrain.

Drinking warm beverages or chew solid food, such as dried squid when symptoms are sick to distance, you can get a cheat to some extent that is truly effective. Also listen to music from a book or newspaper, preferably without looking at the body relax to. In addition, severe nausea ginger excellent food, so that the effect of motion sickness meotge people can not even go to Sao prepared foods that the pre-dried ginger (Help: modern oriental heojonghoe Ledger Jaseng Hospital Medicine contrast medical director)


Crimp as well as motion sickness is one of the most common obstacles to interfere with diving.
Semicircular ring in the inner tube of the motion sickness caused by excessive stimulation. Cause dizziness, which can not go along the visual information is passed to the brain, the central nervous system and the digestive system which includes a complex reaction, at the same time one of the most typical symptoms of vomiting reaction to occur.

Is made up of chemicals, drugs with antihistamines and antihistamine agents or similar chemical structure to prevent vomiting. They play a role in stabilizing the membrane of the articles of incorporation before the inner ear. Stable inner structure affect the speed of delivery of information going.


Should be taking dramamine seasick once, unfortunately there's no way that you can do to stop the start because the ship before riding. Antihistamines usually readily available from a pharmacy dramamine to spread very easily, so the brain because it has excellent soothing effects, while diving during that may cause problems. This phenomenon is especially true in medicine in order to cure the allergy and dizziness, especially when writing.

Many people who suffer from motion sickness as with scopolamine (ex: Kimi Te) Four frequently used for prevention of motion sickness it brings to great effect. Four in a short period of time attached to hard to see the effect because it should be attached at least 4 hours times the car rides before. But may cause side effects such as drowsiness, illusion phenomenon.

Without using medicine to treat the law

Four Guan point (Neiguan point) in various therapeutic principles which on the wrist from approximately 5Cm applying stimuli representing the same effect as acupuncture without using medicine to treat motion sickness. Therefore these treatments on people stop nausea revitalizing, unlike other drugs, then the nausea started to see the effects that also.

Saturday 3 November 2012

Bad posture reduces the lifetime

Decades in front of health, now affects the way of life.

While hard work, moderation and exercise, hobbies, two faithful. Sometimes feel a little bit of stress or fatigue of the body, but also healthy, you can spend every day! Logos, but for anyone still do not know the future of health.

Now, their stance on their own?

Are you kkubujeong shrimp among Does not?
Years passed, slowly and without a sound coming changes of the spine might be reducing the life of the previous decades.

Reduce fracture life?

Burden on the waist, adverse effects occur in the muscles of the legs go

Bottles, both mind and body is in good condition! People who are supposed to flake, even decades before unexpected opportunity has the potential to shorten the life.
It is because of force majeure, unforeseen illness or accident, the accident can be prevented to some extent rather than fast enough consideration may prevent

Reduce the life of fortuitous What?

Fractures, it is.

"Fracture reduces the lifespan? Said that "the fact that most of those who have questions may, I do not know if that.
The fracture saying here, everyone is saying that occur decades later, when the elderly.

If you continue to lengthen the spine or legs hurt, even if just a little fallen more wabyeong living conditions, the elderly are less than half a year to 1 year mortality nopahjindago.

Once pinned wabyeong life, mental stress, as well as of several built-in features also lowers the body's resistance to debilitating is

Poor posture is connected to? Fracture

Fractures of the spine or ankle, thereby importantly may affect the attitude to life from 20 to 30.

Lot of work at the age long, stiff neck or back pain cases, the shrimp among poor posture much noticeable. Supporting the torso with a bad attitude, the balance of the body to maintain muscle bursts also increases the load on the waist.

The result rigeona waist, painful symptoms appears, at this time, is easy to state the progress of the strength of the lower extremities weakness.

Viscosity is a problem it is difficult to awaken. Bad function of the muscles of the legs, while you do not realize, even where no obstacles could fall or roll or especially shallow, and make it over the obstacles and lack of strength in the legs, I think is higher than the number of tripping is easy .. do not these days, older is a big wake up if I was so crazy.

Forced fracture wabyeong life to be concerned now up to the influence of diet or exercise, bone is weak, it's because

Body does not stumble!

Let's make strong bones, prevent illness, eating significant.

Frequently hear "For limbs become weak with age". Sake, does not reduce the life of fractures due to damage to the state wabyeong life gradually retracted the age changes in the body to cope to get.

Legs and waist is also weakening the state, the secondary effects of the disease in addition to, also thought to be related to the health of the spine.

Bad posture for a long time and the continuing lack of exercise and the burden on the waist, gave results turned lumbar intervertebral cartilage, back pain, not through, the lower half of the followers there hypotonia wealth concerns.

So everyday lives continue to be the same from posing as a matter of habit, if you do not put any burden on the waist, lightly gymnastics during blood circulation, improving care must

Menopausal women's hormonal measures

Shaving is easier to change the balance of hormones, especially women, osteoporosis is reduced bone density and fracture to jindago worried.

Sharply bounded by menopause because of reduced bone quantity, and nutritional supplements from the previous, there is a need to moderate exercise, sunbathing, deep sleep thermoregulatory rhythms and sleep-wake rhythm (rightly) make the significant increase bone quantity .

Making strong bones of osteoporosis in men, but less than women, alcohol or ingestion of too, because even the picky eater Giving effect also important measures should establish.

Says Growth Hormone growth hormone [ten thousand and one Tic Tac, located below the cerebral secretion from the anterior pituitary hormones. Protein material was created by substances that act in the body, as well as the growth of bone, cartilage, fat breakdown and promoting protein synthesis.

Function into adolescence and growth, such as the increase of the length of the bone growth and muscle acts primarily to stimulate growth. Adults over the age of 25 after a contractile muscle fibers rather than increase with increasing strength of the connective tissue (ligament), collagen (collagen), and promotes lipolysis. Also to prevent osteoporosis by increasing bone mineral density of the spine and reduces the risk of fractures. (Omitted)

Many, depending on the environmental conditions, such as exercise, nutrition, stress, sleep, growth hormone is generated in our body, the 55-year-old even be affected. Administered directly or exercise in their daily lives, rather than regulation of the diet, get enough sleep (bam 10 at 2 o'clock in the morning from a deep sleep by massive secretion) naturally in our body that are released that is desirable. Artificially administered large amounts of growth hormone, diabetes or microvascular geunyukbyeong, disability, and premature death relationship, so you should be careful to use.
(See Naver Encyclopedia)

Sports habit of daily

Strong training in nutrition for strong bones, and for care does not load on the spine at the waist, and the muscles of the lower extremities, we're done.

To create a hip or calf, and strengthen the muscles of the times, because it can increase the stability of the waist. Also, the front and back of the thigh muscles, it is also necessary to stabilize the knee. Decades to life in front of wabyeong prevention does not reduce the life span across many years, care is required.

Any length of time, even if the training of the lower extremities, only good posture may continue for 3 days does not make sense.

Daily attention and prevention plan to be able to send a burden rather than all at once a few months that is not enough, let us place.

Importantly, the correct posture during sleep

Cervical burden on the waist or sleeping pad on the high pillows to pear pads are too hard or too fluffy or stiff shoulders or lower back pain that affects many. 20-30 times during the dwicheokim who by twister activity during posture correction mechanism that we have did not fit but a pillow or pad instead of the futile struggle to make a lot of these necessary dwicheokim. Naturally comfortable position well when we need to create.

Naver's open encyclopedia dwicheokim the effectiveness of these mechanisms in detail.

Beetle walking distance without properly to the elderly, certainly decades after their dreams. Health walks so fun to have these images in my head, be effective I do not know

Friday 2 November 2012

Growing law

The junk food for a bit.

Junk food most of the essential nutrients, the intake of calories, but the
Has the disadvantage that do not eat foods, especially a lot of junk food
Because it prevents nutrients needed by reducing the food intake itself
May interfere with the growth.
After mealtime when the junk food, how much and when to distribute the
Should be unable to regulate the amount of junk food and do not eat if

. Evenly Eat

Picky eater when their taste buds change with varying side dishes to make good.
The most picky eater meat-oriented, so little by little their favorite vegetables
Should be evenly added to the diet by eating diet change.
Salty or spicy foods, reduce overeating and should not be. Also harm health, as well as excessive dieting affects not good for growth.

Remove fat, protein foods: meat, fish, tofu, beans, and chicken (growth hormones to promote)

Calcium foods: milk, soy milk, cheese, yogurt, anchovy, ethmoid, Seaweed, seaweed (bone formation)

Vitamins vegetables, seaweed, brown seaweed, kelp, mushrooms, seaweed, fruits

Dietary fiber: grains, fruits, seaweeds, vegetables

Food to increase the absorption of calcium: plums food digestion and absorption in the chapter that does not work, improves the absorption of calcium.
(Would be nice if you stretch after.)

Acupressure "growing" bottled by pressing the key

Like specific parts of the body to stimulate the growth of the key principles of acupressure sujichim growing jiapjeom use.
Gives 3 seconds breathe. Effective for repeated 8 times.

① ear to stimulate

Soft bones like the dish at the bottom of the ear canal entrance.
Here Acupressure stimulates the pituitary secretion of growth hormone chokjindoem.

② toes to stimulate

Press sees the thick part of the big toe, bottled Headache, as well as the secretion of growth hormone to help.

③ Astragalus stimulates

Strengthen the kidney, where the depressions between the inside ankle bone and the Achilles tendon that jiapjeom. In Oriental medicine, the kidney has the ability to help the growth.

④ waist to stimulate

Two jiapjeom spine from side to side at the waist 3 ~ 4cm away.
Promotes the secretion of growth hormone, you can see the effect of the fast-growing bones.

3 week's best swimmers find free gymnastics, swimming, jumping rope, volleyball, basketball, tennis, table tennis, badminton, sprinting, horizontal bar and systemic movement: the * key while using the best exercises that can be lightly recommends four times a day for 1 hour to
In addition, most of the exercises that are the key to help through repeated stretching movements that stretch and relax the muscle that stretches to give each joint is recommended. Free gymnastics stretching gymnastics day of weather and after bedtime or twice is recommended. Jumping recommends that pops like 20 times, 200 times a day, 1 to 2 minutes.

Attitude does not give the best growth factors.

2 is not the slightest bit worried about the influence of genetics.

Kidney (key), the ruler of the growth hormone

4 increases the key just to sit up.

5 The occurrence of bone with the bone structure of the bones grow

6 Muscles assist the protection and growth of bones.

Reasonable and raise the key to the scientific method.

Do stretching before bed.
And I wake up in the morning craving for milk stretching as far
Sometimes when you went back outside, Looking up and down the heel gadaga
So make sure're really looking.
So as soon as the effect bosigil baralkkeyo.

Such as meat, beans, anchovies, oxtail soup, oden, cheese, groundsel, spinach, seaweed, milk, ppyeochae eating fish and food as usual, while I think the texture in the relationship between dietary calcium and bone should be managed.
, Honghwaja of Rehmannia glutinosa Achyranthes seokgok, schizandra, Psoraleae, tortoiseshell, haesongja, antler, animal bones, jumping to conclusions, ulmoides dog meat, whereas those etc. .. It is common sense that the stimulus is applied to the bones need to exercise even nutritious meals grows well jyeoseo.

Mineral requirements

Absolute indispensable, but small amounts in our bodies need minerals. Batch to make the human body and many chemical elements of water and organic and inorganic or mineral.
Numerous chemical reactions taking place in the body is maintained by the activities of people. Controlling chemical reactions in the activities of various enzymes and vitamins, various minerals and in need of help. These substances are extremely small amount is required, but if it even metabolism are NOT done correctly.

As well as bones and teeth, and I think the mineral important molecular component is a element to the configuration of the hormone also used. The requirements that are extremely small amounts, such as zinc, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, and nothing is required in units of mg iron as a mineral (inorganic).
Representative of the mineral calcium can be called. 99% in the bones and teeth of calcium in the body which holds approximately 1.2kg exist.

Bones of about 200 days is being made to saeppyeo

Here our people, eating habits, chronic calcium deficiency state that is not an exaggeration to Korea soils low calcium content calcium vegetables grown little. Only about 30% of the calcium intake can not actually. Shrimp, fish ppyeoche eating our lunch table, sesame seeds, kelp, spinach, while nokmi, groundsel, milk, cheese
The food intake of a lot of the same content is relatively low.

Calcium in adults is only 70-80% of the RDA. Is good for the bones honghwaja. Favorable digestive enzymes that calcium intake should not it containing a lot of calcium. Car utilized better.
Mume Foods containing large amounts of calcium itself, but increases the absorption of calcium digestion and absorption in the chapter does not go well with plums. Calcium is required, especially growing children or wife is also very good.

Elderly higher calcium intake should be.

Women are lightweight and small physique weight compared to the European or American, as the skeleton of an old man, or cause disease or osteoporosis, such as low back pain, and often, especially in women such symptoms more severe in the past 40 to 50 years old is virtually eliminated after a tooth there were many signs of being bent back.

Bones and teeth, phosphorus and also acts as a reservoir of calcium combined. If you do not have in this case, calcium savings can not be in the body and usually the ratio of calcium and phosphorus one degree. Good to eat the bones to balance calcium intake. Eating bones thicken soup or Darin ppyeochae fish, cheese, milk, oysters, algae, etc. that large doses of calcium, ie, the pathway will be balanced.
Leads to iron deficiency anemia. RBC hemoglobin iron configuration is required. Restorative food soon.

1 Body ups ..

Hand into the bottom of the outer lying comfortably go over your head all over the wearing away the gold. Layin to toe firmly repeated five times.

2 Bed like ...

Lean dragonflies flying in the same position, the strength of the entire body except the arms, legs fell 5 times heard ..

3 Chest-ups ..

Tilt head forward with one leg to stand firmly, pull the arms back while the chest forward and pokes. Right, the left, 10 times.

4 Etc.-ups ..

Justification stand legs arms torso down firmly forward tteurimyeonseo back firmly up Repeated 20 times.

Friction. Legs ..

To lean forward by bending legs neatly and friction ankle thigh with both hands. Repeated five times.

6 Line without skipping ..

Neatly, and then run with the hare and hunt with the mood in place, skipping beats lightly. Forward roll, backward turn, each repeated 30 times.

7 Lifting one leg ..

Lifting and lowering one leg while watching TV deungreu alternately repeated 30 times.

8 Chair gymnastics.

10 minutes to relax and sit in the chair and then study gymnastics. Lean torso, stretching arms to the ankle.

9 Leg ..

To lean forward by bending legs neatly and friction ankle thigh with both hands. Repeated five times.

10 Leg lift ..

Create flexible legs and hip joints exercise. Must be the first time since lifting the legs steadily because they are difficult.

11 Horizontal practice ..

Twister pelvic posture to return to its normal position. Horizontal to lift the hand.

12 Heel lift.

Movement to lift the heel. Books on the floor and I think the heel height lifts. Repeated 10 times.

13 Wall pushing ..

Pelvis and skeleton to create a beautiful movement. Body while jjwakjjwak spread is effective.

14 Meditation ..

To clear your mind, sit back and correct posture to sit for 5 minutes. If you imagine, the larger the key, and it is more effective.

1 Recessive big key? Dominance?

Dominant big key. Tall, tall father of obedience and the obedience of the little mother at a ratio of 3:1 between the child is born.
However, approximately 30% of genetic effects (nutrition 30%), exercise (20%), environment (16%), so the growth key kind of parent your child's key


2 Larger keys big feet?

That's right. Typically foot the balance of growth phase also big keys greater. Although the key, even a small foot greater growth potential. But not necessarily an exception, because it is not 100% reliable not.

3 Eating calcium Is he tall?

About the significant key to growth hormone as well. Medically While it is true that the bone-building calcium, bone and muscle growth in conjunction growing. Of course, If you do not like the usual anchovies, milk foods, such as calcium or calcium in order to thrive, so all the nutrients you need to eat foods
It is helpful to eat.

4 Time the key to grow apart?

Grow when the key is fixed. Usually 3-4 years after puberty have been growing rapidly since the age of 20, 3 ~ 6cm is to grow.
The growth plate in the 25-year-old women of 20 grown by about 1cm per year if all closed at the same time as the growth stops.

5 Reduced how to get old really tall?

For reduced lumbar bone up to the age as the key becomes smaller. Old grandmother looks smaller just bent was
Not only because of Shem. Not shorten the arm or leg bones, not puffy reduced.

6 Grow by tapping the keys do?

The orthodoxy of key keunda knocked back or soles of the feet to stimulate bone is wrong. Conversely, severe knock to the bone, or a bunch
Cause epiphysis can interfere with normal growth.

7 Eat a lot of milk Is he tall?

Milk calcium or other nutrients evenly tall, which will help the food. The milk itself but the tonic key grow
Good to eat steadily growing at People who do not eat milk warmer Let's eat. Surprisingly okay.

8 Eat bean sprouts Is he tall?

Say does not make sense scientifically. But people eat a variety of foods, nutrients evenly intake should be eating sprouts.
Indirectly to the growth that will see it.

Key growth step aside.

Right step in Iran, 1 minute 120 beams per second, at about the speed of his stride as long as the width of the shoulder, says Ship firmly chest pyeodoe
Stickin'his Do stalked walk Stroll mood, posture correction and to stimulate the growth effect can be seen.

Protein: beans, tofu, soy milk, chicken, fish, etc. ... ) Stimulates the secretion of growth hormone (

Calcium: milk, soy milk, anchovies, Seaweed, seaweed, ethmoid. (Regulate body functions .. bone formation)

Vitamins vegetables, seaweed, brown seaweed, kelp, mushrooms, persimmon, fruits, etc. .. (I do not eat the bones) gets opened.

Dietary fiber: grains, seaweed, fruits, vegetables, etc.

* Carnivores only eat too much is not a good

* Should reduce the intake of junk food, carbonated beverages or

* Salty or spicy food should be reduced

* Do not overeat

* Fried foods Reduce ... In this case, is the case of the fat man ..

Tall need to moderate exercise -

If you can stretch to.
Skipping the morning Night of 200 obese people, in this case once good.

* Key to help the movement?

Free gymnastics, swimming, jumping rope, volleyball, basketball, tennis, badminton, sprinting, horizontal bar, etc. ..

* Key to lifting exercise?

Gymnastics, Marathon, judo, wrestling, weightlifting, etc. ... Heavy or long run is not good

* Exercise regularly to better

To tall .. 10:00 to 2:00 in the deep-sleep-at-night a good idea .. So that the growth is due to the release of a hormone. Good posture should be a chair or a computer.

How to write 2 ~ 3cm grows quickly enough.
Most people usually have not incorrect spine is curved.
From childhood posture when you sit down If you do not straighten later it did not fix it with.
Disconcerting is the key to the growth of the curved standing spinal posture Spill key to the season when they grow up.
UD Been So when you sit down posture, as well as the waist while moving and breathing as much as straight. One is already a way for people bent spine.

Chiropractic treatments have
Go big hospital is gonna be.
Treatment. Certain receives only about a month.
Popped itguyo pain treatment at the moment.
I will properly fit in her joints by moving natural pain.
Whole body systemic correction.
That said you 300,000 won
That's the key grows about 2 ~ 3cm.

Key size living therapy

1 Zaza a deep sleep.

To grow our key growth hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, while we sleep, because I'm most. But not any time to own if you're snapped one night at 10 pm, if you can be before waking up early in the secretion of growth hormone will help .. So, does not sleep during the day, sleeping at night, watch TV until late, remember that the key to the game growing up that would interfere with that!

A good night's sleep the law to relieve stress through

Law ① Take a deep breath: sit or lie in a comfortable position as possible. Lnterlace both hands and put it on the boat. Slowly INHALE pokes possible times. 5-6 seconds stops breathing. Breathed slowly as the boat pulls. Concentrated 20-30 times. Sanity to breathe!

② muscle relaxation: sit or lie in a comfortable position as possible. Gives the maximum force was released to the feet, calves, thighs, belly as hard as you can to loosen gave fists, arms, shoulders, nape of the order. Whole nape of the neck, including the face, gave strength to the whole body, relieving.

2 Let evenly balanced meals.

Keys evenly in order that we eat is tall but the size of the required nutrients to the body must be supplied. Among other things, contains a lot of protein and calcium, such as milk and meat in the five nutrients needed in our body, such as protein, calcium, vitamins and minerals, sugar, and fat and eat more handapnida So as favorite eat, OK? Do not be such a picky eater!

3 Eat a lot of sugar and fat, a little food and instant food.

Fruit juices, carbonated beverages that contain a lot of sugar, candy, snacks, and prevents the bones of our body grow. Also eat a lot of fatty foods than necessary, the excess fat will remain flesh nabe in subcutaneous fat in our body. So if there are a lot of subcutaneous fat, is the case of female puberty interfere with the secretion of growth hormone in our body stops growing quickly, that key is then used to decompose the fat becomes.

We like hamburgers, pizza, ramen, instant food, etc. In addition, the nutrients needed for our body, no little key is to grow high because only the calories flesh nabe does not help.

4 Let's regular exercise every day.

Growth hormone secretion in 20 minutes of moderate exercise a day, help was given tall, it will help a lot. Movement, especially jump rope, basketball, lightly running, gymnastics, tennis, badminton, etc. Exercise helps to grow the key bones grow by stimulating the bone joints of the growth lines.
Bedtime, skipping lightly every day if you can grow longer arms and legs a little time to help. Key size than anything to have to do it on a regular basis every day, that would have the effect remember!

5 Who refrain from excessive dieting.

Beefy would impede tall that unconditional starve, or continue to eat only one food, such as excessive diet will prevent the key to grow more than chubby. Crash diets will interfere with the nourishment of our bodies and bones grow unevenly. And fat even if you eat foods nutrition health, while slightly reducing the overall amount of exercise, lose weight gradually by increasing the metabolism of our body grow without a key in a bunch can help. Parents or professionals and discuss it with diet.

6 Stress Begone

Large stress, even in this case, reduce the secretion of growth hormone, the key not grow well. Worried or distressed when it is advisable to ask for help to help parents or teachers, or around someone. Always pleasant and bright living Do not forget it's also important!

7 Party having the correct posture.

Wrong posture when you sit down in a chair, sit or bend at the waist, always to one side when standing crooked in dageona hinder the spine to sustain our bodies grow normally. Growth these key growing inside the body and interfere in the internal organs, causing more than the curvature of the spine, to interfere with the Do not forget a good posture at all times!

8 Treatment of chronic diseases quickly let.

Asthma, atopic dermatitis, digestive disorders, and interfere with nutrient absorption in our body that interfere with a good night's sleep and growth inhibition. On a sore spot for a long time consuming and too often a cold that will not heal well, or even if the parents and Get a doctor's help.

9 Long, frequently lift heavy objects does

Often carrying a heavy bag from an early age, students nowadays. Youth from carrying heavy bags interfere with a given key to a strain on the spine to grow. Usually the case of elementary school students about 3 ~ 4kg, 5kg, middle school students for high school students and a reasonable degree of 6kg, the balance of a lump when I was carrying the bag on one side only, but both sides alternately yoke is recommended.

Be careful of these.

Illnesses in the growing period, it will be very adverse.
If you suffer from chronic diarrhea high fever with tonsillitis, infected by fever and a cold, hard, and well, if a very large obstacle, but the growth of the disease in the body when the treatment of any disease sick for a long time or repeatedly fails to stopped sees

Indigestion due to eating less food, a balanced diet, and skipping meals and losing balance nutrients, growth is slowing down the body's status quo becomes even harder. Hearty meals and nutrition is needed.
Food soon. Good food on bone health in the constitution must fit the intake.

Bones, the bones grow weak or congenital kidney is weak, can not grow mureok mureok constitution. Physis at the time to create the bones grow stronger too thick eumyeonseo If illness or nutritional intake because of a problem with the large did not.
Growing season is filled with the bone mineral density, and bone of the growth plate to grow the medicine to improve the physical constitution.
Food and medicine for the beefy, help the blood obtained from the Food and Drug bohyeolje features, such as bones, teeth and maintain strong growth in the role, including the necessary nutrition the body's peripheral to a lifetime living.

* Key to help the movement?

Free gymnastics, swimming, jumping rope, volleyball, basketball, tennis, badminton, sprinting, horizontal bar, etc. ..

* Key to lifting exercise?

Marathon, judo, wrestling, weightlifting, etc. ... Heavy or long run is a bad idea

* Exercise regularly to better

Thursday 1 November 2012

Easily fall asleep and comfortably breaking the law

Easily fall asleep Cheats

1 Stimulation of the brain and body of sleep nemesis

Fall asleep easily ease your mind and body before you go to sleep to make the best point.

(Self-taker to watch horror movies and read a scary book before strenuous exercise, overeating and binge nervous excitement is hard to fall asleep easily, naturally go to sleep at night in order provocative absolute and should be avoided)

2 Dinner three hours before

Sleep easy because the meal in the stomach actively dislike

(Especially meats, strong ability to increase metabolism, digestion until the time is longer to get good sleep. Dinner to finish her 3-4 hours before eating dinner late for any reason, so that kind of meat Populating easily avoid stomach about 70% may well be)

3 With a glass of warm milk before you go to sleep hungry
Enough to fall asleep If you do not have enough calcium, hindering the diffusion of calcium Let

Milk, milk contains a lot of calcium, a calcium simply can no dissemination to relieve stress as well as the April Archive by increased many of prevention and, for children, promoting the growth of women is helpful.

Milk contains a lot of protein.

Effectively Lift plate is being updated to include the protein amino acid, is a substance called serotonin, acting on the brain into sleep, a glass of warm milk will not be able to sleep when I'm hungry because hunger relieve sikimyeo warm body made me feel better. into sleep.

Big mug half or 2/3 cup so the temperature is the little warm enough to interfere with sleep joteuna caffeine, such as coffee or cocoa mix, milk is an absolute understatement to sleep deneun to lighten the stress of vitamin D, vitamin B group, closely related to the formation of non-REM sleep in the province. Foods containing a lot of them are listed below.

4 Food that you bring a sleeping

Of other calcium and protein, nutrients that come with sleep, relieve stress and help in the absorption of calcium, inhibition, sedation in food
Of dairy products such as cheese, milk, eggs, fish, pork, beans, bananas, etc.
Calcium absorption, metabolism * food - nuts, dates, coconut, dairy products, eggs, tuna, etc.
* Sleep substances increase food - wheat germ, nuts, soy, etc.
Effective in insomnia * food - milk, lettuce, spinach, chestnuts, mackerel, sardines, etc.
Recommends the formation of non-REM sleep, food - vegetable margarine to taste, honey or brown sugar as favorite.

5 Bath body and mind relaxed

Is to let a good habit before bedtime bath.

Makes bath to wash away the sweat or dirt, as well as comfortable.
To be very effective to fall asleep on the proper hot water about 40 ℃ in a 20-minute bath or a half-length bath blood circulation and stiffness of the neck or shoulders as a function of the parasympathetic nervous tension in the muscles, the body and gently warm enough is.

Drowsiness 25:10, after a bath, the little body turned cold going crazy self in order effective self before bath.

Awoke because water that is too hot to stimulate the brain, or the effective Moderate fall asleep before the hot water slowly, sleep broke on the morning after the hot shower when you sleep make sure to break.

Bath when you can not "family curse" is recommended, wash basin or bucket of hot water about 40 ℃ in a 15-minute legs soak. "Doohan jokyeol body warmer, a good sleep is achieved.

6 Aroma and sleep

Has the effect of relaxing the mind and body scent.

Aromatherapy (aromatherapy: aroma = sleep effects, direction, therapy) in the treatment of compound words extracted from the herb or fruit scent, soothing the mind and body by way.

Especially vendors, car Millet, La Sage, sleep and mood stabilizing effects that come. Find yourself a nice scent to the bedside to clarify. Naturally sleepy smell its fragrance, as well as tension released mateumyeon is regimented.

7 Relaxed music of the brain

Create an environment that alpha wave sleep comes naturally

Types of EEG alpha waves beta waves, tension will be relaxed alpha wave.

These musicians to help create an environment for help me sleep. Effective it slow and easy melody, quietly listening to the monotonous rhythm of the music. CD collection of music books that lead to sleep alpha waves in the market in recent years.

8 Effects of alcohol for a good sleep?

Drinking capacity of the man to appropriate standards, but hands and feet become warm enough

Sleep that is common in Western customs million. Definitely alcohol acts to relax the spirit of sleep, but to come, but the effect. Drink liquor to drink too much commitment or stimulation could interfere with sleep, as well as alcoholism risk is because

Tips refreshing floating eyes

1 Wake up easily good timing

Open your eyes just before the shallow sleep (REM sleep), if you feel good can happen.

During sleep, non-REM sleep, and 90 minutes for the brain (deep sleep) and REM sleep, shallow sleep) for the body (1 set to repeat is a recently identified mechanism of sleep. This open your eyes can occur shortly before REM sleep comfortably.

Sleep cycle is repeated three times, made four and a half hours after made after repeated four times, and then after 6 hours of easy on the eyes, repeated 5 times made after 7 and a half hours and then fall asleep in the first time (plus) Good timing floating is

Different time enough to sleep * per person. Napoleon three-hour format, type 9 others issues, my good sleep a few hours for a month to investigate the average recommended.

2 Wake up to music

Just before, so that you can hear the music, let's set the timer.

Gradually increase the natural shallow sleep I hear good music on the brain titillation (information) given in the form of eyes can be opened.
(Feel that lover or a mother's soft voice recorded every 5 min increasingly larger by telling ^ ^)

3 Opens his eyes to the light

"Light" to adjust to the rhythm of the body is absolute effect.

Timer set to stand closer to the sun slowly brightened as the sun in the morning, open the curtains or let you receive.
4 Shower with open eyes

None of these are rarely broken, do not feel sleepy .. I for about 5 minutes until hot showers (42 degrees) in the neck, back and buttocks Let As a function of the sympathetic nervous system, stimulates the circulation of blood is to create a good brain and body activity.

5 Morning, Bob opens his eyes

Do you think a lot of people who do not eat the morning Bob morning drowsiness breaking yiyamalro Bob deneun Best
Convey by breakfast, your blood sugar rises, the information was passed on to the brain that the body on the morning of.
Send healthy enough to eat in the morning to start the day's activities.
Correctly morning, Bob If you can not, can not eat fruit alone is effective to some extent. Activities for the lost water (cups), vitamins or minerals, with the spread of sleep can be ingested sugars.